After Tian Yuqiao landed, the divine carving left. In the evening, it did bring back the same iron cage, which was still full of children.

Tian Yuqiao saw through the starlight that it turned out to be a mountain. There is a cave not far away, and a huge nest is built on the tree on the other side of the cave.

There are two eggs in that nest. I don't know if it's this God carved one. However, when he saw the two eggs, the scarlet blood like light in his eyes weakened a lot. There must be its nest, and those two eggs are its children.

Tian Yuqiao was so excited that his saliva was about to flow out. I didn't expect that he could serve a pot at once. It's so happy.

And Honghong is depressed to death. Originally, they were unwilling to accept one, but now there are actually three.

From time to time, there was a "sobbing" sound similar to ghost crying in the cave, which frightened the children even more.

Then I heard the old man's cough: "cough, children, you don't have to be afraid. Soon you will realize your value. When your little friends arrive, you can be free, ha ha ha."

If the guy who looks like a skinny, hairless gorilla is not covered with bandages, it is estimated that Tian Yuqiao can recognize him at the first time. That's her old friend, the great wizard of the Hu people, and also the sworn enemy of Huang Banxian.

After he came out, he rowed along each cage with his long, hey hey fingernails. Where I passed, there was a harsh sound of gold and iron friction.

The children retreated one after another, while Tian Yuqiao clearly saw that the old man's nails could spark the black iron cage.

"Don't scream and don't cry. Otherwise, I'll let whoever cries be the first food for the divine carving, so children, you'd better be quiet. Before long, your parents will pick you up home. Don't worry."

Tian Yuqiao secretly scolded a "shameless" in his heart. Unexpectedly, the old man was still cheating children at this time.

Those children were scared to white. Tian Yuqiao pretended to bite his lips and retreated desperately in order not to be found.

After the great wizard threatened one by one, he came to the dark god carving. With his hand like a dead tree branch, he touched the wings of the divine eagle.

"Good boy, as long as you work for me wholeheartedly, I won't treat your two upcoming children badly. But if you have any two hearts, don't blame me. I'll sacrifice your two children to heaven, or turn them into the same as you, ha ha ha."

Tian Yuqiao clearly saw the scarlet flame pouring out from the bottom of his eyes from the eyes of the divine carving, and then the red filled the whole eyes.

Anger seemed to be about to burn out of its eyes, and then it opened its mouth and let out a moan. Tian Yuqiao clearly found that the demonized divine carving shed blood and tears.

Tian Yuqiao really hates the inhuman wizard. No wonder such a powerful guy will listen to him. It's disgusting and crazy that he should threaten others with such despicable means!

Seeing the divine carving crying, Tian Yuqiao strengthened his mind. She must find a way to save their family. She must not let them act as a tiger.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be so poor."

"Yes, yes, its two children are also very poor."

"Let's accept them. After all, they are not so bad."

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that the words of the great wizard threatening the divine eagle filled the little guys in the virtual world with righteous indignation. Now everyone began to sympathize with the statue, and there was a change in the attitude of rejecting it.

When it was hot to strike iron, Tian Yuqiao made a ditch with them in his heart: "aunt Shendiao's family is really poor. I think it's better to do this. When the great wizard is away later, you can help me communicate with him. I think he has shed tears just now, which shows that his mind and wisdom have not been completely lost, so there should be some help."

"Cut, it's true that you want us to help you so soon. Anyway, it's also a demon. However, its two unborn children are innocent. Why don't we accept its two children?" Cai suggested.

"What? How can you be so cruel? It's not easy for aunt Shendiao to protect her children, so she becomes like this. We can't just want the small one regardless of the big one. I believe we can cure it." Tian Yuqiao said helplessly.

Every time, it was Caicai who brought the rhythm. Originally, things had developed in the direction she expected. Unexpectedly, when Caicai said this, the minds of other little guys were also a little vivid.

The great wizard leaned on the sheep's head crutch, and then limped back to the terrible and gloomy cave.

The divine eagle spread its wings and flew to his nest, and then gently arched the two huge bird eggs in the nest with his head.

Through the vision of gold, Tian Yuqiao clearly felt the sad look in the eyes of the divine carving. It is also very helpless. Although it is a leader in raptors, it can't protect its children. A helpless mother is not understandable to ordinary people.

The divine eagle has long found gold. Maybe in its eyes, gold is just a mole ant. It may also be that the most important thing is to reunite with your children at this time, and others can be ignored directly.

Gold kept trying to get close and "squeaky" waved his little claws, trying to arouse the idea of the divine carving.

When the gold was within two meters, the eagle suddenly flapped its wings. Then, along with the next few leaves, Jin Jin made several difficult turns in the air for three and a half weeks. Fortunately, Caicai caught the gold in time, which didn't hurt the little guy.

Looking at gold's dizzy appearance, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing.

"Caicai, it seems that only you can communicate with it. How about this? You find a way to lead it over, and then I'll deal with it myself." Tian Yuqiao said.

Caicai held his tail high and said proudly, "cut, people are too lazy to do such a boring thing. Why don't you let Honghong go? It's estimated that it will have a good appetite when it sees Honghong."

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