Tian Yuqiao was caught on a cliff. At the same time, facing the great wizard and a demonized Raptor, she felt very excited instead of headache. Because the statue seems to have a trace of intelligence, at least it has feelings for its two children.

This is easy to do, which proves that it is not completely immoral.

Tian Yuqiao took out a basin of lotus pond water from the virtual environment and distributed it to several other "roommates" around with a small spoon. The children had been crying for most of the day, and their voices had long been as bad as a fire.

Now they don't care so much, they just gather around and start drinking water. Unexpectedly, after drinking the water, they felt that the pain in their throat was relieved a lot, so they drank up the basin of water one by one.

The divine eagle over there seems to have noticed the movement here. After all, in addition to transportation, it is also responsible for watching these "prey" and can't let the children run away.

Flapping his wings, the divine carving fell on the cage where Tian Yuqiao was.

Tian Yuqiao looked up and said, "oh my God, that big guy can trample on his bones with one foot.". Such a big man could not help but remind her of a poem: Kun is too big to stew in one pot. Peng Zhida needs two barbecue racks

The big guy on the top of the head, at this time, the blood red in his eyes has not completely faded. Staring at the small wooden basin below with such sharp eyes, the children around were scared to stick their backs to the bottom of the cage one by one, for fear that they would be pecked by the divine carving.

Tian Yuqiao saw that the children had been scared silly, so he released most of the basin of lotus pond water from his fingers.

She tried to hold the basin of water above her head with both hands so that it could be closer to her head.

"Shendiao, do you want to drink this water? If you like it, come down. I'll be very tired if I'm condescending ~"

The divine eagle seemed to understand, so he fluttered his wings and fell from the cage. Two small whirlwinds were brought up, which made the children's small faces ache.

It tilted its head as if it were looking at the brave little girl in the cage.

Tian Yuqiao saw this and thought it was possible. So he smiled and approached the cage where the God carving was located. Put the basin full of aura water in front of the eagle's toes, and she could even clearly see that the eagle's toenails were like iron signets. It was black and sharp, and glittered with cold light in the moonlight.

Tian Yuqiao held a handful of water in the basin in front of the divine carving and drank it directly. Then he waved his hand and said, "look, it's really delicious."

Instead of talking nonsense, the divine eagle squeezed his mouth in from the gap of the cage and began to peck the water in the basin.

After drinking it, he felt that there seemed to be a trace of magic in his body. He soon drank up the basin of water, and then made a "grunt grunt" sound in his throat.

Tian Yuqiao magically took out two apples for it. This time, she was bold enough to feed the divine eagle with her hand.

The divine eagle seemed to smell the aroma of the fruit. He immediately put down his vigilance and ate it in Tian Yuqiao's hand.

The gold took the opportunity to fall on the wings of the golden carving. It didn't care and still ate the apple carefully.

Tian Yuqiao winked at gold and saw that gold began to help God carve its feathers. He kept "squeaking" and seemed to be communicating with it.

After eating the two apples, when the divine eagle looked at Tian Yuqiao again, his eyes even had a touch of prayer.

For the little things falling on their wings and constantly harassing themselves, the divine eagle didn't care at first. When Tian Yuqiao pointed to the gold, the divine eagle turned his head 90 degrees and looked at the gold in a daze.

The gold was so frightened that it almost blew its hair and nearly slipped off the wings of the divine eagle. Fortunately, the divine carving did not make trouble, but "grunted" in his throat, similar to chatting with gold.

Tian Yuqiao clapped his hands and said it was great, so he continued. It's needless to say that you secretly refuel gold.

The gold side had already communicated with the divine carving. Caicai saw that the gold seemed a little slow, so he jumped out and landed steadily on the other wing of the divine carving.

With gold and wealth, Honghong is also ready to move. So he poked out his small head and began to launch a language offensive against the divine carving across the cage.

The children in the cage suddenly found that there was a strange looking snake here, so they were scared and began to cry.

Tian Yuqiao can only give them an apple. The children usually don't have enough to eat. In addition, the apple tastes very good, so they all quietly began to eat the fruit.

Tian Yuqiao interposed from time to time: "aunt Shendiao, I can assure you that as long as you follow us, we will kill the old thing together. If you help me save these children, I will save your children."

Jin Jin also said, "yes, yes, don't you think we all follow her? She has a lot of delicious things and can help you slowly eliminate your demons."

"You're right. Although she's young and sometimes unreliable, she sympathizes with your experience this time. In fact, we all have poor life experience. When I was a child, I was a little snake without parents..."

I didn't expect that Honghong came to a "tearful" and said so pitifully about her life experience. Tian Yuqiao can't help feeling that Oscar seems to owe it a little golden man.

The divine carving's eyes were lost, but Tian Yuqiao could see that it had been moved.

If one day is not enough, then a few more days. Anyway, there are only three cages here. In other words, there are still seven cages that haven't been transported. It should be time.

Let's cook a toad in warm water. I believe that using its children as bait will make the divine eagle figure it out.

Tian Yuqiao took out a piece of meat she cooked in the lotus pond and put it outside the cage. When the divine eagle saw the meat with more fragrance and more Aura, he couldn't help it immediately. Directly bowed his head and swallowed it, and then flew back to his nest with satisfaction.

"Wow, it's really hard today. People haven't said so much for a long time." Honghong shook her small head and said.

Tian Yuqiao pressed its small head and threw it directly into the virtual environment. "You're in there. Don't scare the children. That's bad."

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