Honghong had a blessing in disguise and completely completed her transformation. Looking at all kinds of smelly little black dragons in mid air, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help shouting, "Hey, come down quickly, but don't be found."

"Wow, Honghong is so powerful. It turned out to be a little dragon." big head looked adored.

Fang Wenhao also said, "yes, I didn't expect you to find the treasure, Joe. It's really powerful this time."

After listening to everyone's praise, Honghong suddenly smelled very beautiful. Then she saw it suddenly fall from the air. The body is like a cramp. It's even tied a knot

"Oh, people didn't have claws before. Now they're not used to it."

Red red, with the snow all over her head, looked wrongly at her newly grown claws and a pair of huge longans. Unexpectedly, she had a feeling of being cute.

Tian Yuqiao burst out laughing, and then went to help him untie the buttons on his body.

"I told you not to be too angry, but you just didn't listen. Remember, you can't be like this without my permission in the future. Do you hear me?" Tian Yuqiao said sternly.

Honghong cried with a cry of "wow", and then rubbed her pettish head on Tian Yuqiao's body with her small water tank.

"I'm so sad. I suddenly think of many old things..." the voice of red, soft and waxy came.

"The past? Honghong, what are you talking about?"

Honghong seems a little excited. She can't say four, five or six at all. Caicai said, "it has the smell of the Dragon Emperor in its blood, but it originally needs to be cultivated for a long time to transform. It is opportunistic this time, and it has accelerated its transformation under the coincidence of chance. The memory in its head seems to have been sealed by its parents."

"Ah, my father and my mother were killed by people in poison King Valley! Those damn guys actually designed to frame my father and mother and caught them to refine poison ~" red eyes turned red and roared with teeth and claws.

Suddenly, sand and stones flew around. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but step back. Fortunately, a figure slightly taller than her blocked in front of her and helped her cover all flying objects.

"Ah, revenge, I want revenge."

Honghong said that and immediately rose into the air. Before he could fly high, he saw a golden light coming out, and then his red head fell directly from the air as if he had been beaten with a stick.

It turned out that Caicai slapped Honghong down, then squatted on Caicai's head, licked his claws and said, "Hey, fortunately it's still small now, otherwise I can't beat it."

Tian Yuqiao hurried forward and said to Honghong: "Your parents are so powerful that they can't beat those bad guys. Now you become Bruce Lee by chance, so you can't beat them. If you believe me, wait for yourself to be strong. During this time, I'll find a way to help you. Besides, poison King Valley seems to offend you more than one. There are many enemies. I'll help you then Yours. "

"Woo woo, people have become dragons. They can't even beat a leopard. It's so sad ~" Honghong cried.

It didn't matter that he cried. Suddenly, a large cloud floated in the sky, and then large water droplets poured down from the air. Then those raindrops were frozen in the air and turned into large hail.

"No, Joe, hide quickly." Fang Wenhao said and took Tian Yuqiao to the direction of the cave.

Big head began to chop down the hail with his long knife at his waist.

"Big head, why don't you come in?" Fang Wenhao stood in the cave and looked at the big head fighting hail outside.

The big head laughed and said, "great, it's rare to have such a chance to practice martial arts. Just hide. I'll practice my Sabre technique here ~ ouch, it really hurts me."

Honghong thinks of the past. These are the memories left by her parents. Most of the memories are very tragic, such as last words!

It cried louder and louder. In winter, there was a loud thunder here. Suddenly, there were dark clouds, and then there were large and dense hail in the sky. At this time, it was like bullets falling from the air.

During this period, the sound of hail falling to the ground and the sound of hitting the leaves and branches continued to come. What's more, the sound of branches breaking was shocking.

Big head played well at first, but later, as more and more bags were smashed out of his head, he finally couldn't resist and hid in the cave.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao were sitting around a small stove, on which a pot of broth was cooking.

"Hehe, big brother, you look like those two stone lions squatting at the gate of the county government. But your eating appearance is really good enough. This is the style that a man should have." Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing.

Fang Wenhao also smiled, pointed to the big head and said, "are you practicing kung fu or being beaten? I don't know if sister Rong will be very distressed when she sees you like this?"

Fortunately, big head always carried gold sore medicine with him. After he finished the medicine on his head and body, he came together to join the dining team.

"Wow, I didn't expect that the old monster would enjoy it so much. There are pots and meat here. It's really good."

Big head took a mouthful of broth and immediately felt full of fragrance. He couldn't help taking another mouthful. He didn't stop until he saw sweat on his forehead and began to eat meat slowly.

After being sad for a long time, Honghong finally couldn't resist the temptation of meat fragrance. He turned into a snake and twisted his little ass into the cave.

"Oh, I'm hungry after crying for so long." Honghong squirmed over pitifully.

Tian Yuqiao gave Honghong the remaining half pot of broth. When he was full, Tian Yuqiao took out the earthenware pot containing gold and said to Honghong: "Honghong, you hurry home with the gold and ask my master Huang Banxian to save the gold. You must be careful. You'd better not look like Bruce Lee. Now you're not strong enough. Don't be caught making soup."

Tears still hung in Honghong's eyes. When she heard the speech, she put the pottery pot in her mouth. She shook her head and said, "uh huh, people will be very careful." then she disappeared into the snow.

"I've probably heard of poison King Valley. I heard that they specifically harm people with poison. But no one in the Jianghu dares to touch them. After all, they usually provide poison to those evil people. As long as they give an order, those scum who are despised by Jianghu people will help them out." Fang Wenhao frowned.

Tian Yuqiao said, "Oh, I see. It's just like Yaowang mountain villa. It's just that Yaowang mountain villa is to save people, and they poison King Valley is to harm people."

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