After Honghong left with gold, Fang Wenhao and big head took Tian Yuqiao to Tianshui city. Tian Yuqiao suddenly missed her when she was with Huang Banxian. At that time, it was much easier to control those Hu puppets to travel than to walk on their own feet.

Tian Yuqiao had just left for less than an hour and couldn't stand it. Then big head and Fang Wenhao took turns to walk on her back, which made Tian Yuqiao quite embarrassed.

Fortunately, less than two days after such a time, the team over there had arrived, so they didn't let a few people trek too long in the ice and snow.

This time it was still the fifty dead. After the two sides met, the leader knelt down on one knee and saluted Fang Wenhao and big head.

"Get up quickly. Have those children been settled?" asked the big head.

"The children have settled down, and we have sent people to send them back to their own county by carriage. The next thing is to be arranged by the county magistrate of each county."

"Well, it's a good arrangement this time. It's hard for you. I'll reward you on merit when I go back. Now let's hurry." Fang Wenhao said seriously.

"Your two adults work harder than us. We found that there seems to be a bird burning in the air where you are. We were still worried at that time, but now it seems that you should have won a great victory. Fortunately, we have Demi to lead the way, so we can meet you here."

Although Tian Yuqiao was a little embarrassed, they didn't say much in order not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Qiao'er, let's camp here and wait until tomorrow. It's too late. It's windy and difficult to walk at night. Anyway, we're not in a hurry now." Fang Wenhao suggested.

Tian Yuqiao remembered that he had something else to do.

"No, Chen Jiabao, they don't know I'm here. Let Daimei send a letter to Sishui county."

When Tian Yuqiao finished, he took out a piece of paper from the empty realm. Then he picked up xiaoruan. Tian Yuqiao said with a bad smile: "xiaoruan, come on, spit some saliva for me. I want to write a letter."

"Ah, are you the devil?"

Tian Yuqiao doesn't care so much. I think several people on that side must be crazy? If they wantonly use bodyguards to find themselves, wouldn't their purpose of coming this time be to ruin it?

Hold the small soft mouth and force it to spit out some venom. Then Tian Yuqiao finally wrote a peace letter under the surprised eyes of Fang Wenhao and big head.

Poor little soft, I feel that my body is about to be hollowed out. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao stopped in time, otherwise it would collapse.

Before Tian Yuqiao could speak, Xiao Ruan hid directly into the virtual environment and began to eat the poisonous insects. It needs a good complement to make up for it. The spitting out this time is the essence of its daily life.

They walked and stopped like this. Two days later, they finally returned to Tianshui city.

After a day's repair, Tian Yuqiao asked Fang Wenhao, "strange, how did you know that the Grand Prince and the Hu people colluded with each other? How could he let you know that kind of thing?"

Daimei flew in from the outside, her Ruby eyes turned up and down, and her throat made a "coo" sound.

"Look, as soon as you said this, the little guy came to ask for credit again." Fang Wenhao smiled and grabbed a handful of pigeon grain from his cloth bag and sprinkled it on the table.

Dai Mei tilted her head and began to peck the food on the table.

"Why does this matter have something to do with Daimei? It sounds very interesting. Don't sell off. Tell me about it quickly." Tian Yuqiao urged.

The big head smiled and said, "the thing is, in order to prevent traitors from colluding with Hu people, we asked Daimei to patrol in the air at night. As a result, not long ago, Daimei found other pigeons flying over Hu people's camp."

"Yes, it's lucky that the pigeon raised by the Hu people was hurt by Daimei, and we intercepted the letter. It's the reply from the Hu people to the Grand Prince. It's a brother in our army who knows the characters of the Hu people. It's hard to decipher it." Fang Wenhao frowned and said.

"I didn't expect that the eldest prince should cooperate with the Hu people. How can we be good or bad when we eat imperial food?" the big head said angrily.

"How did you deal with it after you intercepted the letter?" Tian Yuqiao said.

"We just asked the brother who knew the characters of the Hu people to imitate the handwriting of the great wizard. He replied that he would suspend cooperation and wait until he thought about it. The Grand Prince must be very worried. After the injury of the pigeon was cured, we let it leave with the letter we tampered with."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be very smart. In this way, it makes both sides of them very anxious? Yes, it's good to let them fight in the dark."

"Alas, it's a pity that I don't have enough troops now. Otherwise, I will directly destroy the Hu people. The great prince is cruel and cruel, and can kill each other's brothers and sisters. Now even his biological father doesn't want to let go. He doesn't deserve to be a man."

When Fang Wenhao finished, he smashed the table with one punch. Dai Mei quickly fluttered her wings and flew up, looking at her master in horror.

Tian Yuqiao held her hand, while Dai Mei fell into Tian Yuqiao's palm. The little head rubbed on Tian Yuqiao's palm, and the baby was frightened and asked for comfort.

Tian Yuqiao straightened its feathers and asked with a smile, "there is a shortage of people in hand. You can recruit soldiers. Now it seems that there are many refugees here. They are all displaced by the war at the border. Now as long as they can eat enough, I believe they will be willing to follow you as soldiers."

"Hey, sister Joel, you're right. It's just that where do we get the food and salaries? Now we can only barely take care of the food and clothing of these people, and we have to grow vegetables in those empty yards before." the big head said with a bitter smile.

Tian Yuqiao patted his chest and said, "it's easy to do. Don't you just lack silver? I can be your backup."

"What? Aren't you serious, Joe? Where did you get so much silver? Raising an army is not as simple as raising dozens of chickens. Don't be kidding." Fang Wenhao looked unbelievable.

Tian Yuqiao took it out directly into his arms, and then took out a large number of silver tickets. A table was set up, and Fang Wenhao and big head were about to drop their eyes on the ground.

They couldn't care to ask where Tian Yuqiao put so many silver tickets. Instead, they began to count the silver tickets with bright eyes.

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