Everyone took enough tools to catch river crabs by the river at the head of the mountain. As a result, Tian Yuqiao may have accidentally put more lotus pond water, which actually attracted a lot of big fish.

There are good things to catch naturally. If you don't catch them, it will break the sky. If only the fish is installed, there is no place to install river crabs, which makes everyone a little tangled.

"Wow, how can we be so lucky today? I feel that these fish are like falling into the net and automatically drill into our net."

"Yes, I also found out. Are these fish crazy today?"

"Oh, don't worry so much. Catch it quickly."

"But joel said he was going to catch that Eight Legged crab today. If we catch these fish, we won't have room for crabs."

Tian Yuqiao also found the problem, so he said, "let's tie up the fishing nets first and surround the retreat of these big fish on both sides. Then we only catch crabs and come and catch these fish when we are free."

"Haha, my cousin still has an idea. Yes, we can trap these fish and catch them again next time. Alas, it seems that the big water tank we have managed to free up will be full of fish again." Dahu said with a smile.

Everyone happily picked up crabs, and even Huahua and Huihui came to help. Thor also joined their crab team. As a result, because Thor had too much hair, he was soon surrounded and beaten by a large group of crabs.

"Woof, woo ~" Thor jumped ashore with a low roar.

"Wow, look, Thor is the most powerful. He used himself as a bait and brought so many crabs all at once." erhu ran over with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "everyone hurry to catch the crabs on Thor. Be careful. Don't be caught by something like that big clip. Don't try too hard, otherwise Thor will hurt very much."

Huahua and Huihui soon jumped up. Huihui looked at the eight clawed monsters hanging on his body. It didn't have as much as Thor. It seemed that he was a little depressed.

Tian Yuqiao comforted his son while picking the booty on Ash: "don't worry, in fact, attracting hatred is also a skill, but you're still young and will surpass it in the future."

"Hey, we've worked hard for a long time, but we haven't caught as much as Thor's family. It's true." Wang Dehai said a little depressed.

The second sister-in-law of the Wang family smiled and said, "that's because you don't dare to go down without clothes. Otherwise, I believe you can catch a lot of crabs with your hair."

Everyone laughed at the speech, which made Wang Dehai's face turn red.

After a whole day's toss, when everyone went back at night, they found that they all had low back pain.

"Let's all have a day off tomorrow. If there's nothing to do, we don't have to work out." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter. The fry need careful care at this time, and the old crabs can't be transported out quickly." Chen Jiabao frowned.

"By the way, brother bao'er, you have to work hard. Now only you know the way to go there. Why not? You'll start with your sister-in-law early tomorrow morning."

Chen Jiabao nodded and said, "OK, this must be no problem. Your sister-in-law hasn't gone far in her life. She hasn't even been to the county. If you know you can take her to Sishui county this time, you must be very excited."

Chen Jiabao, who was a little tired, was as happy as a child when he heard that he could take his daughter-in-law out.

Put all the crabs in the new yard where the Chen family is located. Tian Yuqiao asked Chen Jiabao to accompany her home and bring the previous basin of crabs.

"Brother bao'er, send these crabs directly to Zhuangzi. Then let the tenants receive different numbers of crabs according to the paddy fields they rent. Then let them throw these crabs directly into the paddy fields, and then surround the fields with nets to prevent these small things from climbing and losing."

"Young lady, are you sure these things can really be raised in the field? What if they destroy the seedlings?"

Tian Yuqiao smiled and shook his head and said, "don't worry, they won't destroy the seedlings, but also help catch the pests in the field. At that time, their feces can also be used as fertilizer in the field. Anyway, they are very useful. You can tell everyone that you can rest assured. Also, they don't need to be fed specially. Just throw them in."

"I'm afraid people won't listen to me. Why don't you write a letter, miss? I'll convince you then."

Tian Yuqiao nodded yes, and then wrote a letter to Chen Jiabao.

That night, bao'er's daughter-in-law was so excited that she didn't sleep much all night. She packed a lot of clothes and things she needed.

"Come on, daughter-in-law, don't be so busy. You brought so many things there, and we won't be able to hold all the things we bought at that time. I won a lot of rewards when I went out with the eldest Lady this time. Oh, by the way, I forgot. Miss asked each of us to give some gifts to our family this time. I chose one for my mother and you."

After Chen Jiabao finished, he found a small cloth bag with several exquisite small boxes from the previous luggage that had not been packed in time.

She called Mrs. Chen and the three watched for a long time. Finally, Mrs. Chen only chose a silver hairpin. The remaining pair of gold earrings and gold hairpins were all left to his daughter-in-law. After Chen Jiabao helped his mother and daughter-in-law put them on, the two women began to look left and right in the mirror.

Before dinner, Tian Yuqiao had distributed all the gifts she brought to everyone, even Zhu Rongrong's sisters in law. The last time Chen Jiabao went to the county to go through the mountain formalities, he also brought the gift to Wang Xiuer.

The next morning, just after dawn, the three Chens got up early. Mrs. Chen made breakfast for her son and daughter-in-law, loaded all the crabs into the carriage, and then watched them leave.

During Tian Yuqiao's absence, Wang Dafa bought two carriages at a low price. All of his colleagues are in urgent need of money, so he can buy the carriage in their hands at a low price. Up to now, he still owes money.

After Tian Yuqiao knew about it, he praised Wang Dafa.

The original Honda Yuqiao thought that a carriage could hold those things, but after Chen Jiabao found that there were too many crabs, Tian Yuqiao asked Wang Dafa to put on the carriage and go to Sishui county.

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