Mr. and Mrs. Chen Jiabao and Wang Dafa took crabs on the road together, and Tian Yuqiao gave them enough money.

Tian Dahe's injury is also gradually getting better. Now he can walk around with crutches.

"Son his mother, I think I can see your family now. After all, I've been back for so long. I'm afraid it's not good if I don't see my mother-in-law again."

Wang said, "in fact, I told my mother about it long ago. They were afraid of delaying your recovery, so they deliberately didn't bother you."

"It's good if you don't blame me. I'm relieved. Let's call everyone over for dinner in the evening. Anyway, now I can go to the ground."

After Wang checked Tian Dahe's injury again, she nodded reluctantly and said, "I'd better ask Joe. If she thinks it's OK, she'll call everyone."

After discussing with Tian Yuqiao, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "since Dad has said so, I don't think his body is a big problem. After all, even uncle Yao in the town has come to see him. He said that dad has only skin trauma now. Let Grandma and uncle come."

Wang heard the speech and immediately happily asked Xiaoyu to tell Zhao them, while she hurried to the backyard to pick vegetables.

When he entered the bedroom, Wang said to Tian Dahe, "Joe also said we could have a reunion dinner together, but your parents, shall we call over?"

When Tian Dahe heard the speech, he immediately frowned and whispered to Wang: "Forget my parents. Since they treat your mother and son like that, I won't let it go. I've been fighting on the battlefield these years, and I miss you most. I thought my parents would treat your mother and son well for the sake of being a soldier at home. As a result ~"

Wang hugged him from behind Tian Dahe and put his face on his much wider back. Tears imperceptibly soaked his clothes.

"I'm very satisfied with your words. Now we're doing well. Don't think about those unhappy things."

"Well, I don't want to. You have to ask your mother and brother to come over for dinner. Remember to cook more specialty dishes. It's hard for you."

Wang sighed and said in a coquettish way, "Hey, you didn't go in vain when you were a soldier. At least you can talk more than when you were at home. OK, I'll prepare now. You can have a rest first. Didn't Doctor Lin next door say that you shouldn't walk too much?"

"By the way, take out your new clothes for me later. I haven't seen them for a long time. I have to dress decently." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

Wang said, "well, I'll get it now."

I found a set of dark blue silk and satin spring clothes, with a small shawl of soft sheepskin outside, a gray trousers jacket below, and a pair of open-ended shoes with a thousand layers bottom.

"I'll try it on for you and see if it looks good."

Looking at his man wearing the new clothes he had just made, Wang couldn't help feeling that he was stunned by happiness. The tall man in front of him was his own man.

Originally, when he was at home, he bent all day. I don't know whether he was too tired or because he couldn't lift his head. Now, although he was injured, he can stand in front of himself.

Only such a man can protect himself and his children. Having him at home is like having more pillars.

Outside came Zhao's laughter: "Oh, Joe, where are your parents?"

"Oh, my parents are in the house." Tian Yuqiao deliberately opened his voice and shouted toward the house.

Tian Dahe and Wang immediately blushed when they heard the speech. They quickly released their hands tightly held together. Wang turned his head and said, "my mother, they're here. I'll go out to greet them and let my brother come in with you later."

Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai soon entered the house, while Zhao and Wang's women began to busy themselves with the food to eat in the evening.

The men sat in a room and the women sat in a yard. Tian Yuqiao helped with the dishes while listening to the laughter of his father and uncles in the room.

Dahu and his family quickly finished the work at the fish pond and took time to bring back the big fish trapped in the river.

"Look, this is our new big fish. We brought four this time. I don't know if it's enough to eat."

"Yes, our big water tank is not enough. Fortunately, uncle FA's house is not locked. We can only borrow their water tank first."

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "then don't worry. Uncle FA probably won't be back for a while. Before, he said he wanted to find more companions to accompany him in the new house. Now he lives in five rooms alone, and he's not used to it."

Mrs. Chen said, "we were going to let him live with us, but his wife said he lived there alone because she was afraid that it would be inconvenient for us. We also trusted his wife to have such a good house. I looked at it. The house we live in is better than most people in the village."

"These are nothing. We may have to build more houses in the future, and now your residence is not necessarily fixed. It depends on the arrangement." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wang naturally knew what Tian Yuqiao meant. After all, there was such a big mountain on the mountain that people needed to look at it at that time.

When the little guy came back from the private school, as soon as he entered the house, he smelled a long lost smell of food.

"Wow, how did you cook so many delicious food today? Mom, did you find gold?"

Tian Dahe also sat in the yard with Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai. They were like bodyguards, looking at Tian Dahe from left to right.

At this time, I suddenly heard the sound of a carriage passing outside. In the whole village, especially at the end of the village, except for the people of the Zhu family, it is impossible for anyone to have a carriage in their house.

Everyone was guessing who would come. As a result, they saw Gongsun Changyin holding Wang Xiuer's hand and entering the gate of the yard together.

"It's my aunt and my uncle." the little guy immediately ran out and helped take the dessert they were carrying in their hands.

"I heard that Joel is back. We just came to see her this time." Gongsun Changyin said with a smile.

"This is our brother-in-law and the county magistrate of our county." Wang smiled and introduced.

"Changyin, Xiu'er, this is your brother-in-law's river. He narrowly escaped death. This time, he can be regarded as returning safely from the battlefield." Zhao said with a smile.

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