With the arrival of Gongsun Changyin and Wang Xiuer, Tian Yuqiao's family suddenly became more noisy. This time is the real reunion. It's just that Wang's mother's family is all reunited.

"Eh, it seems that there is a sudden wind. How about this? Dad's body hasn't recovered much yet. Let them eat in the backyard." Tian Yuqiao frowned and said.

Wang also felt that the wind was coming in a hurry, so he arranged to move the men's square tables to the backyard.

"That's good. Their men have gone there, so we can eat and talk here. Otherwise, we'd be embarrassed if they were there." Wang Xiuer said to Wang with a smile.

Wang's sister-in-law and second sister-in-law also smiled, nodded and said, "it's natural. I said Xiuer, you've been married for some time. I don't know if your stomach has moved?"

"Oh, sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, how can you ask such a question? There are so many people and children here." Wang Xiuer's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally lowered her head.

"Er, little brother, big dog and second dog, let's eat quickly. After eating, I'll take you to the vegetable field in the backyard. Let's take a look at the vegetables I just brought back from Sishui county." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wang Xiuer said to Tian Yuqiao, "Joe, thank you for the bracelet you gave me this time. I feel very relieved with it by my side."

"Aunt, you can rest assured. I hope you can't use it."

"Well, that's what I said. There's nothing going on there for so long. It's estimated that they won't come."

Tian yuqiaoxin said that now people are busy looking for Huang Banxian to change Feng Shui. How can they remember the trouble of looking for my aunt? It's just that it's hard for her to say these words now.

The men's laughter can be heard across the two houses, and the women said it in a low voice at the beginning, but as everyone talked more and more happily, the voice soon became louder.

When everyone was eating happily, Tian Yuqiao's big iron door was suddenly knocked open from outside.

With a bang, everyone stopped and looked at the gate.

"Where is the county magistrate? I want to sue him and ask him to avenge my poor old woman."

Everyone's eyes are about to fall off, and at this time, many villagers who are too busy to watch outside the yard. Then Gao came in. She grabbed Li's arm and shouted, "Mom, you can't be so naughty. The county magistrate is a senior official and is usually busy. Just the little things at home, you can find the village head at that time."

Dalang's daughter-in-law also came forward and took Li's other arm and advised, "milk, my mother is right. Let's go home quickly and don't let everyone laugh at us."

"Oh, the county magistrate and his wife are also here. That's just right. Come and judge my poor old woman. I can't live this time. Oh, hello ~"

Li sat directly in front of Wang Xiuer and began to slap her in tears. She seemed to cry, but in fact she didn't shed a tear.

Tian Yuqiao helplessly covered her forehead. I don't know what the hell she's going to do with her best grandmother. But looking at Gao's expression, is it that Gao abused Li?

With a feeling of watching a good play, Tian Yuqiao didn't find Li annoying this time. Of course, being interrupted to eat is also very unpleasant.

While singing high-profile, Li said: "Oh, hey, my life is so hard! Now the fourth is robbed to be a door-to-door son-in-law, and the third is framed and sent to other places. Now I'm the only poor old woman left, and I have to look at the face of my daughter-in-law at home. My pitiful second son, his life and death are uncertain. His daughter-in-law actually hid a man at home …”

Originally, Tian Yuqiao was very happy when she listened to Li's side scolding Gao. However, how did this conversation change the target?

The gate of the yard was still wide open, and there were many villagers watching the excitement outside, which made Wang's face red. For a moment, he even felt ashamed and wanted to get into the ground.

I feel that those people look at themselves like a sharp knife, constantly delaying themselves.

As soon as Gao's eyes turned, he squatted next to Li and pretended to cry.

"I can't live anymore. I have a large family waiting for me to serve alone. It's not easy for me to be old and young. I'm so hard to be framed by my mother-in-law. Mom, didn't you say that my second brother and sister hid a wild man at home? Let's search the man while everyone is here."

Gao deliberately changed the topic, while the villagers outside were most interested in this colored gossip. This is the reason for the underdeveloped information. Everyone regarded other people's gossip as the main method of entertainment.

Many people also shouted: "yes, there has never been a woman who doesn't abide by women's morality in our mountain village."

"Yes, I didn't expect to see this Wang's book on weekdays. I didn't expect to hide the man at home."

"Isn't it why? Haven't you seen that the door of their house is closed these days. Moreover, I heard that she's not as good as people. It's good to hear that she's afraid of delaying the man's recovery. If I say it, maybe she's afraid of being bumped into by someone."

"Hey, I just feel sorry for the boy in Dahe. I grew up watching him. Now his life and death are uncertain. His daughter-in-law is stealing like this ~"

The more people say, the more outrageous and outrageous they say. Later, Wang's head would be buried in his chest.

Li Shi and Gao Shi listened to the people outside talking louder and louder. They immediately forgot their purpose and stopped there. They didn't know whether to continue crying or not.

"Milk, aunt, and everyone else, did you misunderstand something? Originally, I was kind-hearted and came back on the way. In order not to disturb the master's cleaning and repair, so I took the man back home to recuperate. Besides, Xiaoyu has been taking care of him all the time. What does it have to do with my mother?"

Seeing that someone finally stood up and spoke to him, Wang gave Tian Yuqiao a grateful look. She didn't understand. Why didn't Joel let her tell the truth? I have to let others misunderstand me.

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