Since Tian Dahe revealed the secret of his injury, everyone was a little silent. But fortunately, Tian Yuqiao had already made preparations, so he decided to let Tian Dahe pretend to die. In this way, on the one hand, it can prevent the entanglement of the old house, and on the other hand, it can completely block the secret that Tian Dahe knows.

At this time, the village head is helping Wang to arrange matters related to Tian Dahe's funeral. He is very busy. After all, the "corpse" of Tian Dahe is still in the yamen, so all they have to do is find a suitable place, dig a pit and wait for the "corpse" to be sent back.

Jiang's family came here more frequently these days and spent all day comforting Wang's side.

Tian Yuqiao was careful that Wang's acting skills were not enough, and Jiang showed him something. Therefore, Tian Yuqiao directly claimed that Wang was ill and was being taken care of by Zhao at this time. As for other things, she was the eldest daughter.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my mother has been crying so much that she has hurt her body these two days, so now she has been taken to her uncle by grandma. I thank you for your concern for my mother, but I hope you don't disturb her. Alas, my father suddenly died suddenly, and now the most sad person should be my father's milk. They were going to let my father support them, but I didn't expect my father to be at this juncture The son suddenly died ~ "

Tian Yuqiao, with a bitter gourd face, cried as he threw paper money into the brazier. When the little girl suddenly died, her father showed his due form incisively and vividly.

If this year's best actor award, it must be the little guy. He cried from beginning to end. Looking at the empty coffin with his father's new clothes, the little guy wanted to cry and faint inside.

"Hey, what evil is this? Everything was fine. As soon as Li came to make trouble, the river suddenly died. Now it's been two days, and I don't seem to see people from the old Tian family's house come to have a look."

"No, I'm really worried. I don't know what the Tian family really thinks. At first, they sent people to join the army. Now it's not easy for people to come back. As a result, they stimulated people to death."

"What do you know? In the years when Tian Dahe left, many people knew what Dahe's parents were like to Dahe's daughter-in-law and children. Especially Dahe's two brothers had to sell Joe. Last year, the third brother of the Tian family, together with the small gangsters in the town, almost sold Dahe's only seedling?"

"Shh, don't talk about it. I heard that the third child of the Tian family has been sent to a far place to suffer. I heard people over there say that nine out of ten he can't survive. Alas, now the second child has gone to accompany the third child. Unexpectedly, the Tian family, who used to have a prosperous family, lost several sons at once."

"That's not why. Lao Tian's family managed to cultivate a scholar, that's the fourth in their family. Guess what, they went to the county to be the son-in-law of the rich master."

Wang is on Zhao's side, and Tian Yuqiao is still a little worried. So he took the time to look at it. As a result, Zhao said, "qiao'er, your mother has been crying too tired these days. Now it's hard to sleep."

"My mother is asleep? Grandma, go and have a rest. I'll just go and accompany my mother."

Zhao Shi looked at her daughter these days for fear that she would be out of her mind for a moment and find short-sighted again. Now that Wang was asleep, she was really tired, so she asked Tian Yuqiao to have a rest.

Wang Xiuer has returned to the county yamen. Zhao begged her to go back and see how Tian Dahe's affairs are going, so that she could take a message home at that time.

Tian Yuqiao crept into Wang's room. He saw Wang's face facing the Kang, his back facing the outside, and covered his head with a quilt.

"Mom, the quilt is covered like this. Maybe it will be stuffy and sick." Tian Yuqiao smiled and helped Wang pull the quilt down.

"Joel, my mother is worried about being found out. At first, my mother cried so naturally, all because she remembered the sad things when your father was away from home these years. But now she has been crying for two days. My mother has thought about those sad things several times, and now she can't cry at all."

"Yes, mom, now that dad is living well, we naturally have nothing to cry about. But don't worry, my little uncle said he would help arrange this matter as soon as possible." Tian Yuqiao said.

"Joe, we have to do enough to play, but we must not let people see any flaws."

"Well, don't worry, mom. As soon as my little uncle sends me a signal, we'll move away and leave here as soon as possible. I also asked huikong and my master to help. At that time, we'll just bury a clothes grave on the mountain for my father." Tian Yuqiao said.

"OK, Joel, please do this. It's just that those two are experts. You pull them to lie with you. What if one day the big prince comes and says he wants to see your father's body?" Wang said anxiously.

"Well, don't worry. I'll ask my uncle to help me find the corpse of a death penalty prisoner and put it in. Anyway, many people in the prison will be beheaded every year. Let's borrow their corpses to give the man a place to live. I think the death penalty prisoner who can be buried instead of my father won't blame us. Maybe he will hurry Gather us. "

Wang touched his chest and said, "Hey, Joel, your father is a good living man. Will it be bad for him if we do this?"

"Niang, I'll leave this matter to master huikong. They are all experts in the world and can certainly help dad eliminate the disaster. You can pretend to sleep here or pretend to be stupid. It's estimated that there will be news from my little uncle in a short time."

"OK, Joel, remember to come and see me more when you have time. My mother has never told such a big lie. Now my mother feels flustered. She always feels that someone is watching me everywhere. Hey, I'm really not suitable for lying."

Looking at Wang's distressed appearance, Tian Yuqiao also felt very helpless. After all, it's unreliable to let that kind of honest man lie, but there's no way.

In order for the family to be happy together and the whole village not to be involved, Tian Dahe must "die".

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