On the third day of Tian Dahe's feigning death, a carriage was sent from the yamen, accompanied by four yamen servants. The arrival of this group soon made the whole mountain village boiling.

"Look, there should be results in the Yamen. Now Tian Dahe's body should be checked out. Yo, I really don't know how he died."

"You dead old woman, if you hadn't gone to join the fun that day and yelled about adulterers, the river wouldn't have been stimulated to death. Now, the inspection results in the county yamen have come out. If Tian Dahe was really stimulated to death by you spectators, his brother-in-law who was a county magistrate wouldn't sit idly by."

Not only does this family have such a dialogue, but even other people who go to join the fun are panicked now.

"No, I'm so nervous when I see those yamen guards with big knives now. Old woman, you say that Tian Dahe has worked hard on the battlefield for several years. How can he be scared to death by our words?"

"You're so stupid. Haven't you heard that Joe's girl saved a dying man in the mountains? They're dying and need to recover well. A large group of you ran to stimulate others and said that their daughter-in-law harboured a adulterer at home."

"I know I was wrong, but so many people went there at that time, and I was not the only one who said there was a adulterer."

"Stop talking nonsense. Why didn't others rush to the backyard with that Tian Dajiang? Why did you show yourself to be a capable stem? You said you had to follow in to make fun of it?"

The carriage stopped in Tian Yuqiao's yard. Now the whole house is pulling white cloth and white sails. Even the two red lanterns hanging on the gate are replaced by white paper lanterns. The big word "dian" on the head stabbed people's eyes.

The four yamen servants first carried down the bodies in the carriage and directly put them into the big coffin painted with lipstick. Then he bowed his hand and said to Wang: "Mrs. Tian, please forgive me. Wuzuo has been checked. Brother Tian was really stimulated by great mental stimulation, so it triggered the recurrence of internal injury again."

No one around dares to come and join the fun, but as the village head, Wang Heng can't ignore it. As the head of a village, a person in the village is so angry that he can't ignore it.

"Several officials have worked hard. Now that things have happened, nothing can bring the river back to life. I didn't take care of them at ordinary times, so they came to the Tian family to make trouble. It's wrong of me to be the village head. I'm willing to accept the punishment of the county magistrate."

Constable Feng wuze said coldly, "you are the village head. You really have the responsibility of discipline and disadvantageous. However, the county magistrate also said that death is great. I just hope that the villagers will not harass the Tian family in the future. As for your treatment, let you take the villagers who came to the village that day to participate in this matter to go up the mountain to show their filial piety to brother Tian."

"Well, well, I'll inform the villagers now. When the burial day is set, we will all go."

After the officers left, Wang came to the coffin. It's false to say that I'm not afraid. After all, the dead there are still a lot of blood seeping out of them, although they are covered with white cloth.

She was not timid. After all, it was not her man lying there, but a dead prisoner who didn't know what mistake she had made.

Tian Yuqiao saw that Wang dared not look at the body of "Tian Dahe", so she went up and pulled the white cloth off the body.

Because of his height, Tian Yuqiao almost fell in and had a close contact with the face of the corpse that had been dissected beyond recognition.

Tian Yuqiao was so frightened that she gave a "mommy". Fortunately, Wang's reaction was fast enough that he grabbed Tian Yuqiao's collar and pulled her out again.

"Joel, are you okay?"

"Mom, I'm fine. You'd better see my father." Tian Yuqiao said with lingering fear.

At this time, the little guy also stepped on the bench, put his hands on the coffin and looked inside.

As a result, if he didn't look, he immediately "wow", covered his stomach and ran to the side to vomit.

"Wulang, what's wrong with him?" Wang frowned, comforted Tian Yuqiao, and ran to help his son slap his back.

"Mom, my little uncle is really too much. How can he dissect his father like a pig's head?"

"You child, you can't say that about your father." Wang scolded.

And Wang Heng over there also went to check the body of "Tian Dahe". He also had an iron blue face and a look of forbearance.

Tian Yuqiao hasn't forgotten the scene just now. It can definitely make her remember to death.

In my heart, I sprayed Gongsun Changyin on a dog's blood. My heart said that even if you were worried about things, you wouldn't let people make the death row prisoner's body so bad? It feels like falling from a high-rise building and then being crushed by a large truck. The whole person is like a persimmon.

"I said to the Dahe family, does your brother-in-law really have no grudge against the Dahe? Then why did he make the Dahe look like this?"

"Hey, I don't know this."

At this time, Dr. Lin also came from the next door. After he looked at the body in the coffin, he frowned. However, since he promised Tian Yuqiao to help perform together, at this time, the old man naturally won't have stage fright.

"Village head, for today's sake, you'd better ask someone to help change the clothes for the river. I heard my senior brother say that he used to do this. If you want to check the body, you should start with your mouth and nose to see if people are poisoned or not, so it's understandable that the river is made like this. Also, the stomach needs to be checked, so it's good to be hurt there The mouth was sewn. If it weren't for the relationship of the county magistrate, it's estimated that the body wouldn't be sewn up. At that time, it will flow all over the ground... "

"Oh, stop talking. I can't stand it." the village head finally couldn't suppress his nausea. He ran outside and vomited with the big tree.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the unrecognized body and felt all kinds of discomfort. Anyway, the condemned prisoner was only going to suffer a knife, but he got so many knives for no reason.

Forget it, just burn him more ingots and paper money, and then ask huikong to help do a Dharma transcendence, so as to let him reincarnate to a rich family in his next life.

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