Tian Yuqiao introduced the benefits of coal to Wang, who was soon persuaded by her. Next, Tian Yuqiao went up the mountain to find huikong and asked him to help make room for him.

"Master, I don't think the incense is very strong here. How about giving you a job?" Tian Yuqiao said with a thief smile.

"Forget it, if I partner with you, I have to lose my hair?" Hui Kong looked disdainful.

"Cut ~ said like you have hair now." Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes helplessly.

Huang Banxian smiled and said, "good disciple, what good thing do you have? You can't forget your master and me."

"It's the ashes of my father in the mountain. I don't need to say more about you two. There are some black stones buried in the mountain. I'm afraid there are not enough hands just for the villagers to help dig. I'm going to ask the little monks in the temple to help. It's calculated according to the kilogram. One kilogram is one Wen, first come, first served." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Amitabha, I say you are really greedy, you girl. I think you can sell a lot of money for that black stone? It's amazing that you give so little to people who still want to use us."

"Master, you can't say that. You see, they have to practice martial arts anyway. It's better to let them go to the mountains to help me dig mines. One day's money is also an income in the temple at that time, isn't it?" Tian Yuqiao blinked a pair of innocent big eyes, which means that if you don't promise me, I won't go.

"Come on, let's do as you say, but don't you still need to use the place in our temple? This also has to be calculated by day. One or two silver a day is the same price!" Hui Kong said with a straight face.

"Deal!" Tian Yuqiao readily agreed, which made huikong wonder.

"You girl, you don't even bargain with me. It's not your style. I should have charged you two liang silver a day if I knew you promised so happily." Hui Kong regretted on his face.

"OK, here is one hundred Liang silver. I'll rent it for three months. But you can't tell my mother about it. Otherwise, it will affect the glorious image of your eminent monk in her mind."

Tian Yuqiao put a one hundred Liang silver note on the table, and then went to inspect the venue he had just rented.

The two brothers Eryuan took him around the big practice field behind him. Tian Yuqiao said, "it's good. I'll rely on you two to take care of it at that time. It's estimated that I'll requisition it here for a long time."

"Don't worry, your business is ours. I'll ask you to help weave some straw curtains and cover them so that they won't be washed by the rain." Yuanji Old God said on the ground.

"Well, I'll ask you to help excavate tomorrow. You must help me clean up here at that time."

"Don't worry, sister Joel, I'll ask you to help. Now I'm their senior brother. Although I'm young, everyone has to listen to me." Yuantong patted his small chest and said.

"OK, then things will be done. I'll treat you to delicious food."

After Tian Yuqiao went down the mountain, he ran to the village head's house without stopping. When he told him that he would start mining tomorrow, the village head was naturally happy. Many villagers have come to his house to make a fuss these two days. He asked him to hurry there and said that he didn't dare to go out at night.

As soon as the village head was happy, he went directly to the entrance of the village and rang the big copper bell. Soon, all the people in the village arrived at 7788.

"Joe, you see, everyone is waiting here. Hehe, the government usually sends food to everyone. I haven't seen everyone so positive." the village head said with a smile.

"Can't you be more positive? I dare not sleep every night. Look at my dark circles. It's like being beaten."

"Yes, village head, I asked you to come here today. Do you want to say something about helping dig the ashes of the river?"

"Er ~ everybody be quiet, listen to me, and then tell everyone else what you heard today. However, this matter can only be publicized within the village. You can't call your relatives outside the village, or you will be disqualified." the village head said seriously.

"Everybody, I've discussed with my mother, and we can't let you help in vain. The ashes dug up at that time will be paid to you according to the salary of one Wen and one jin." Tian Yuqiao said.

"No, Joe, how many ashes can a person have? It's estimated that we won't be able to find one or two all day."

"Yes, even if you count in the ash of the trees on the mountain, it's not much."

"We don't want money. We are all willing to help. What money do we want? See more about it."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the sample I brought here. My father left us relics. These are the stones burned by the fire. Alas, my father told me that he left us all these things. There are still a lot in the mountains." Tian Yuqiao said bitterly.

"That's all right. According to Joel, we'll go up the mountain early tomorrow morning."

The village head waved his hand and said, "the big guys used to show their behavior in front of the grave of the river. They agreed to help, but now they charge money, which is a little inappropriate. After all, everyone delayed the work in the field and went up the mountain to help, so Joe said he wanted to pay everyone, so let's take it first."

The matter was settled, and under the arrangement of the village head, the villagers were asked to bring their own dry food so as not to cause trouble to Tian Yuqiao's family. This makes Wang very grateful. It has to save him a lot of things.

After a night of silence, it soon came to the next day. According to the agreement made the day before yesterday, everyone had gathered in the mine cave at Mao.

"Everybody, my father told me that he would hide all his ashes in this hole. As long as we remove the stones at the hole first, we can go in and dig."

"By the way, there are others. There are some at the head of the river," the little guy added.

Then the people divided into two groups, and the men all went into the river. After all, the river is a little cold in April, and the women dare not go down. The women went into the cave. They all lined up and lit their torches from the bamboo baskets and baskets they brought home.

"Well, it seems that someone has come in here before."

"Yes, what are shovel and hoe here?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry. Someone hid something here before. Now it's taken away, so it's expropriated by my father. Oh, by the way, I found my injured father here." Tian Yuqiao explained.

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