The movement of digging "ashes" in the mountain village has begun, and the excavation of the whole village has completely begun. The village head also has Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai as supervisors, while Dahu and erhu are responsible for counting.

Although Zhu Rongrong doesn't want money, after all, Tian Yuqiao's family needs manpower now, so she specially asked Shuozi to go to Zhu's family when she went to school and told Zhu's father about it. Zhu's father was not vague. He directly handed over the pork stall to several daughter-in-law, and he ran over with all his four sons to help.

The villagers brought their own dry food, while Zhu's father and four sons temporarily lived in Zhu Rongrong's Erjin courtyard. Widow Chen is responsible for taking care of Zhu Rongrong's daily life. Seeing that Zhu's father and they are coming, she is not a muddle headed person, so she takes care of them together with the five old men.

I have to cook more meals all day, and I brought them at noon. Originally, Zhu Rongrong also planned to go up the mountain to help, but she was stopped by widow Chen.

"Rong Rong, just take your brothers and dad to help. You'll have a good baby here. You don't have to worry about anything else." father Zhu said seriously.

"Well, Dad, you should pay attention to safety."

Originally, there was such a good thing to make money. The villagers wanted their relatives to come too. Privately, I asked the village head for activities, but they were all rejected by the village head. Now the villagers are whispering when they see the five Zhus coming.

"Didn't you agree not to allow people from other villages to come and help? What's the matter with the Zhu family?"

"Yes, on the first day, I dug 150 kilograms of that kind of black stone and got 150 Wen. We can earn one more day's money if we do it alone, can't we?"

"Besides, the men of the Zhu family work like they don't want their lives. They can top several of us. Don't they earn all the money?"

"Unreasonable, it's unreasonable to do so. No, I have to talk to the village head."

Gold naturally conveyed the villagers' response to Tian Yuqiao, who was too lazy to pay attention and continued to proceed step by step.

Those little monks were responsible for helping to transport a good number of coal pieces back to Nanshan Temple. Tian Yuqiao also gave them a penny for a kilo of coal.

Old monk huikong stood in front of the temple with a straight face and guarded the cars that pulled coal back. Then, after recording the number, when the little monks come back for dinner in the evening, he will ask them to hand in half of their wages.

"You are too young to do anything for the temple. So you have to hand over half of the money to the teacher. Then you can buy you some delicious snacks every three or five times. After all, you are growing up now."

Yuanji knew that his master was a typical pit master, so he took the lead in handing in his half of his salary.

The other twenty little monks also paid their daily wages together, and they kept the rest of the money to buy some delicious food when they went down the mountain.

That night, Dabai suddenly came back. All of a sudden, there was a flurry of chicken flying and dog jumping in Nanshan Temple, and everyone was awakened.

Huikong immediately brightened his eyes and said, "great, it seems that Dabai didn't find Hao'er and them, or he won't come back. Just in time, let Dabai help carry these things, and Dabai can top dozens of you."

"Master, if we let Da Bai help, can we not pay?" Yuanji said with a smile.

Yuantong also said, "yes, after all, Joel is our sister. I always feel sorry that we accept other people's money."

"No, I heard that Shifu still charges others for the venue. I don't know if it's true." Yuantong murmured in a low voice.

"You two smelly boys, Shifu, I really hurt you in vain. It's disappointing for me to turn my elbow out so quickly." huikong said angrily.

Dabai is arranged to guard the cave outside the mine to prevent someone from stealing. But Dabai can only work at night. Fortunately, Wang's mother's brother and their children are responsible for patrolling here at night.

"Oh, is this the big white that joel said before? I didn't expect it to have so much strength. If it weren't for fear of scaring the villagers and using big white to help during the day, the work would be much faster."

"Yes, it's just that Da Bai is a little scary after all. I'll go down the mountain to find Joel and see what she's going to do."

After the two tigers told Tian Yuqiao about the matter, Tian Yuqiao took out a basket of fruits at the first time: "brother two tigers, this is for free. Don't let it work. Don't treat it badly, otherwise once it goes crazy, you will all be in danger."

"Don't worry, we all offer it as our ancestors. Who dares to provoke it?"

"Hehe, that's good. Be careful not to let Dawei appear during the day, otherwise it will cause any trouble."

"Don't worry, that's what master huikong said. Oh, by the way, master huikong said, he raised Dabai. In the future, let's just give him Dabai's salary directly."

Tian Yuqiao almost fainted with laughter. She didn't expect huikong, an old guy, to make so much money.

"Don't worry. I'll take over the food for Da Bai in the future. I don't need him to support it. As for the salary, I won't give it to him. Let him stop dreaming."

Erhu was a little embarrassed, but he still returned to the mountain with a fruit basket.

As for the Zhu family's helping work, the village head, in order to appease the villagers, privately said to them, "they don't treat themselves as outsiders, and they don't charge money to help work. If your relatives are willing to help work without money, you can also let them come."

As soon as the villagers heard this, they immediately stopped cooking. Go home one by one. What should we do.

We have found skills these days, so the faster we dig, the more money we earn every day.

Some people don't even bother to manage the land at home. Who is willing to farm the land with such a good thing that can earn cash?

The workload of one night almost caught up with what everyone did in one day. It has great strength, especially when standing in the river, it can directly use half of the small wooden boat as a stamp. Directly, it is the coal of the half wooden boat.

Seeing Wang Decheng, they were all stunned. They were even more cautious about Dabai for fear of provoking it.

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