After dealing with the matter of relying on the mountain village, Wang is ready to go to Sishui county to reunite with Tian Dahe. The village head took the people in the village to the entrance of the village one after another, and then everyone turned around and went back.

"Alas, it's a pity that there is such a good big house. If only the ghosts of the river hadn't always come back."

"Even if there is no such thing, we can't afford it."

"Yes, now there is a big river. It is estimated that no one dares to go to the house even if it is for nothing."

The villagers talked and said everything, and most of them felt sorry for the big house.

"Ah, my mother-in-law is different from my mother-in-law. My two siblings left and left so much family property to her mother-in-law's family, but our mother-in-law didn't get any grass." Gao said while eating peanuts.

"Forget it, just your courage. Now even if people let you live, how dare you live?"

"Yes, don't blame me for talking about you. Did you dare to live in that house when your big river and great lake did those things to Joel and Wulang?"

Gao's face suddenly turned green and red when he heard the speech. His facial expression was not to mention how rich it was.

"Anyway ~ anyway, my feet are not afraid of crooked shoes. I'm not afraid because I haven't done anything wrong. She's in such a hurry to move away. She knows that she has a ghost in her heart, so she doesn't dare to live here."

As soon as Gao finished speaking, he "ouch", stepped on a small stone and sprained his foot directly.

"Hahaha, just finished saying that his feet are not afraid of crooked shoes, which immediately makes a fool of himself, isn't it?"

Tian Yuqiao's side, at this time, a family of three with Xiaoyu sat in the carriage, which was driven by Wang Dafa. The carriage closely followed Gongsun Changyin's carriage. Then there was the third carriage. Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo sat on it.

The emperor and Shang had not been implemented before, so they were like foot binding, clinging to Tian Yuqiao.

The original Honda Yuqiao didn't intend to let them follow, but when he thought of it, he would inevitably encounter some difficulties and obstacles along the way. There are two noble childe brothers behind him. If something really happens, it's impossible for their more than 30 bodyguards to die, isn't it?

Her little abacus rang. Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo over there were also calculating her at this time.

"I said Gongsun, you're really generous this time. How's it going before we talk about it? Your move is 1000 Liang silver." Murong Bo said in a strange way while drinking tea.

"It's OK to talk about me. Aren't you the same? Don't think I don't know. The medicine you sent out is worth the old nose money." Gongsun Yu countered.

"What are you going to do now? Can we really follow her to Sishui county? Don't forget, what we need is in that small mountain village."

"It doesn't matter. Haven't you heard that her crops in Sishui county are better than those in other families? I think this thing should have nothing to do with the soil. The problem must be on her." murongbo analyzed.

"There seems to be some truth in what you say." Gongsun Yu frowned.

"I think it's better. It's too difficult for us to get information from her. But the little jade girl next to her looks quite pure. We can start from her. I'm too dark. It's better for you to take care of Xiaoyu. Then open a breakthrough from her and we may know the secret." Murong Bo said with a smile.

When Gongsun Yu heard the speech, he immediately turned his eyes one after another and said silently, "you're okay to say. When Joe said you were black, didn't you still say you were pretty? Why should I Seduce other girls now? I eat by my ability, not by my face."

"Oh, your boy is still with us. Don't you like to compare your face with others? Why are you so reserved now?" Murong Bo glanced at him.

"If you say handsome, I really have to admit that I am a little more handsome than you. But even if I am handsome, I can't take this as the capital of my little girl's words."

"Hey, why is your brain so rigid? You should make rational use of such good resources, or you will look weak in vain." Murong Bo continued to joke.

The carriage staggered forward and unknowingly reached the county seat of Huai'an county.

"Elder sister, I'll be the host this afternoon. Let's have a meal first in the best restaurant in the county." Gongsun Changyin took the lead in getting off the carriage and came to the outside of Wang's carriage.

Wang got out of the car and took Tian Yuqiao and the little guy down again. Xiaoyu jumped out of the carriage by herself and took out the baggage Wang was carrying.

This baggage contains some of Wang's jewelry. In Wang's opinion, this small baggage is all his possessions.

Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo also shamelessly went to the restaurant to eat. Although the restaurant's cooking taste is not as good as Wang's own, it's good that they have both color and smell, and everyone is satisfied with it.

"Elder sister, otherwise you'd better stay with me for a few days. After all, you seldom come out. This time, you'd better just play here for a few more days and I'll accompany you." Wang Xiuer warmly invited.

"No, we don't want your brother-in-law to wait." Wang said with a bitter face.

"Anyway, qiao'er and Wulang haven't been out much at ordinary times. It's better to let them stay with me for two more days. I'm going to take them around. Also, I know about Sishui county. There are many things that are not as much as here. Why don't you buy more specialties here and take them with you? You can use them at that time." Wang Xiuer still took Wang's arm and said.

"Mom, I'm going to spend two more days here. It's said that the private school my father found for me is very strict. There's no time to rest at that time." the little guy flattened his mouth and said.

While Wang looked at his sister's expectant eyes, he looked at his little son's expectant look. In the end, she had to compromise and decided to stay here for two days.

"Well, let's stay here for two days at most. You've bought everything you want. Mom, there are dozens of liang of silver here. Take them all." Wang said and reached for his purse.

"Oh, mom, no need. Where can I use your money? Those money are your private houses. I still have some silver in my hand, which is enough for us to buy things." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

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