This time, Tian Yuqiao came to Huai'an County openly, and it is rare to stay here for two days, which is also very tempting for her.

After lunch, Gongsun Changyin still had business to do, so Wang Xiuer took Wang first back to the county magistrate's residence. This house was left by the former county magistrate. Gongsun Changyin directly picked up a ready-made one.

Moreover, because the previous county magistrate committed the crime in the hands of the Grand Prince, it led to the closure of his family property before he had time to transfer it. Because the eldest prince was too lazy to take care of these small things, all these possessions were left to Gongsun Changyin.

In this regard, Gongsun Changyin just made a list and sent it to the magistrate. The magistrate knew that Gongsun Changyin was sent by the great prince, so he naturally looked at him differently. With a stroke of a pen, he granted Gongsun Changyin all the possessions of the former county magistrate.

Wang was a little tired, so he followed Wang Xiuer back to rest. Tian Yuqiao took the little guy and Xiaoyu and started shopping nonstop. Poor Wang Dafa could only drive the carriage behind him and act as a porter at any time.

For the sake of safety, but also for their safety, Gongsun Changyin specially arranged two young boys dressed as yamen soldiers to follow Tian Yuqiao and protect them.

Gongsun Yu and murongbo also followed Tian Yuqiao slowly, which made Tian Yuqiao suddenly have an impulse to kill people.

Smiling back, he looked at Murong Bo directly.

"Oh, why do you stop suddenly? People are scared to death. People don't know?" Murong Bo quickly took a step back.

"Well, I just remembered that my mother forgot to leave us money. Do you have enough money? I was going to go shopping with my brother and buy more things, but I'm short of money recently ~" Tian Yuqiao looked harmless to humans and animals.

"Just you? You're short of money! Don't tease me, all right, elder sister." Murong Bo was almost angry.

Tian Yuqiao suddenly remembered that Gongsun Yucai gave himself 1000 liang of silver just yesterday.

"Hehe, that silver note is too large. I don't intend to use it easily, so I don't have any change in my hand."

"No, didn't you just say you wanted to buy more things? What kind of shopping?" Murong Bo looked angry.

"Tut Tut, thanks to the recent discovery that you are not as black as before, I didn't expect that your heart is still black. How can you go out with girls and let girls pay their own money?" Tian Yuqiao said falsely.

Murongbo was a little embarrassed, but in the end, his reason was dominated by male chauvinism.

"Well, just don't go too far. Don't buy everything."

Tian Yuqiao gave murongbo a sweet smile and said, "don't worry, handsome boy, people are not the kind of women who like to spend men's money."

"Poof! Just you? It's good to say you're a woman. You're not as tall as a water tank, okay?" Gongsun Yu couldn't help laughing.

Tian Yuqiao glared at him with his sharp eyes like a knife and said in his heart, mom, I didn't pit you this time. You feel bad all over, don't you? You'll feel better later.

Several people began to stroll along the street, and Tian Yuqiao directly entered a clothes shop that looked more upscale.

"Little brother and Xiaoyu, you can choose. Anyway, someone will pay for us. You're welcome. Anyway, they're going to go home with us and eat and live for nothing." Tian Yuqiao said in a modest voice.

It was too far away to hear, but Gongsun Yu and murongbo could hear clearly.

He knew he was going to be slaughtered, but he had no reason to refuse. This sense of powerlessness makes Murong Bo feel that his pockets are about to be hollowed out, and he may even reach the point of debt.

"Brother Murong, take care." Gongsun Yu patted Murong Bo on the shoulder and comforted him.

Murong Bo glanced at him and said, "brother, I advise you not to be happy too early. Do you think she will let you go?"

Xiaoyu was forced by Tian Yuqiao to buy two sets of ready-made clothes in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Even the little guy bought one set of clothes all year round.

When paying the bill, all the guys in the shop were happy, and Murong Bo's face was a little ugly. These clothes alone cost him more than a hundred liang of silver.

This is not much for him, but after all, he was cheated. It's normal to say that he was upset.

"Let's go and continue to the next one. I think the snacks in the county are very good. Let's buy more back. Anyway, if it's a big deal, let's take care of my uncle to borrow some carriages." Tian Yuqiao said with great boldness.

At first, the little guy and Xiaoyu were a little embarrassed, but seeing that Tian Yuqiao was so open, they didn't care so much.

Every time I pass by a more distinctive shop, my sister and brother will go in with Xiaoyu and search it wantonly. When he came out, he had a lot to gain, and Murong Bo followed him to pay the bill.

When it was dusk, Tian Yuqiao was finally tired. At this time, Murong Bo's wallet has been flat. After all, he won't bring too much money when he goes out.

"Oh, I'm really tired. There's still one day tomorrow. By the way, brother Murong, thank you today. Let's continue tomorrow. It's said that there are three or four streets in the county. We only visited one street this time."

"What? We're going to continue tomorrow?" Murong Bolton couldn't help blurting out.

Tian Yuqiao looked very cute, blinked and stared at Murong Bo: "brother Murong, can't your body stand it? Or is your silver not enough? Hey, I said, men either look handsome or have money in their pockets, otherwise no girl can see it ~"

"You... Are all perverse. I don't care about you. I'm a little uncomfortable today. Let Gongsun accompany you tomorrow." Murong Bohei said with a face.

Gongsun Yu smiled and looked indifferent. Anyway, his father was worried about his condition, so he didn't take anything else when he went out, and he would bring him enough money. The 1000 taels of silver given to Tian Yuqiao was just a drop in the bucket for the Gongsun family.

After the two captains directly helped to move everything into the yard, they saw what a loser is this time. Xin said that if the county magistrate's wife had a child in the future, she would be able to spend money like these two little ancestors. She was really worried about the family background of her county magistrate.

At that time, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the county magistrate to avoid corruption and bribery.

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