Tian Yuqiao's family came to the county. That afternoon, they directly started shopping and bought a lot of things. It was not enough to fill a carriage, but the bodyguards of Gongsun Yu were also caught as coolies to help carry the baggage.

When he went back in the evening, Gongsun Changyin just broke a case related to cattle today. Now that the cow is dead, it can only be used for meat. So Gongsun Changyin gave the old man two liang silver and bought the dead cow.

It's rare to have beef once, so Gongsun Changyin asked someone to come back and tell Wang Xiuer that he invited the eldest sister's family to have hot pot in the evening.

As soon as the little guy came back, he heard the good news and jumped up with joy.

"Oh, that's great. I'm so happy to eat hot pot at night after a tired day."

"Wu Lang, wash your hands quickly and come to help." Wang said with a smile.

In the evening, a strong wind suddenly blew. When Gongsun Changyin came back from the yamen, Wang and Wang Xiuer had prepared the meat and vegetables.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to move so fast."

"Yes, if it weren't for their help, how could it be done so quickly." Wang Xiuer smiled.

"Look at the sky. I'm afraid it's going to rain tonight. We'd better put away all the things that are afraid of rain." Gongsun Changyin frowned and said.

"My uncle is so powerful that he can see that it's going to rain." the little guy said with a smile as he chewed the vegetable leaves.

Murongbo also said, "yes, brother Gongsun is really powerful."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and said, "come on, he's our little uncle now. Do you think it's really appropriate to call someone else's big brother? It doesn't depend on how old you are. Cut, a little fart."

Ignoring their quarrel, everyone moved the table and dishes to an cloister with a canopy.

"That's good. Even if it rains, we don't have to worry." Wang Xiuer clapped her hands and said.

"Let's eat while it's hot. It's a whole cow. It fell down from the mountain and died. I'll buy it now. I'll take advantage of my position. Otherwise, according to the regulations, I can only bury Geng Niu." Gongsun Changyin said with a smile.

After eating the hot pot, everyone just lay down to rest. The heavy rain that had been held for a long time finally came down. The heavy rain fell from the sky, which caught those who had not prepared in advance by surprise.

"Hey, I was going to go out to continue shopping tomorrow. Is it because God wants to save money for that boy?" Tian Yuqiao said dully.

On Gongsun Yu's side, Murong Bo looked at the weather outside depressed and said to Gongsun Yu, "you can do it. You don't have to bleed your purse tomorrow. Hey ~ why don't I have such a good life?"

"I said, this man is handsome. Even God will take care of him more. Why don't you believe it?" Gongsun Yu shook his fan proudly.

The heavy rain lasted all night, and some houses in the county have been damaged. Gongsun Changyin wore coir raincoats all night and took the officials in the Yamen to evacuate the victims.

Tian Yuqiao asked Honghong to help dredge the ditch, and she still wanted to be an unsung hero, which made Honghong very depressed.

"Honghong, you can't let others know that you are a dragon, or you will be remembered by those bad guys. There is a saying that you are not afraid of thieves, but you are afraid of thieves. If you are caught in the poison King Valley at that time, you and I can't fight them with our current strength. Saving people's life is better than building a level 7 floating slaughter, so you can help."

Finally, Tian Yuqiao used more than a dozen rare medicinal materials produced in the virtual environment as bait, which persuaded Honghong.

Taking advantage of the heavy rain outside, red did not change, so its dark little body soon disappeared.

Through the narration of Jin Jin, Tian Yuqiao knew that Honghong was arching sludge and sundries in those ditches with his arrogant faucet and sharp dragon horn.

She suddenly felt that she seemed to have gone too far. After all, it was a high dragon. She was actually used as a loach to dredge the drainage ditch

Gongsun Changyin hasn't come back yet, and Wang Xiuer is also fidgeting at home. Seeing this, Wang joined her in offering incense to the Bodhisattva and began to pray for the Bodhisattva to bless everyone.

"Xiu'er, you don't have to worry too much. Changyin will be fine. Besides, it's said that the people brought by brother Gongsun are all arranged to help save people. Changyin's safety will be fine," Wang comforted.

"Hey, I want to live an ordinary couple's life like you and your brother-in-law. But Changyin is now an official. Although he lives a rich life, he has too much sense of responsibility and rushes ahead of everything..."

Wang smiled and said, "I think it's a blessing for you to find a good man with a sense of responsibility like Changyin. This is enough to show that he will have a strong sense of responsibility for his family. Don't worry, just go out and evacuate the crowd. It'll be fine."

Suddenly there was a mess outside. Five or six bodyguards were carrying a stretcher, and Gongsun Changyin was lying on it. It seemed that his leg was hurt. Wang Xiuer ran out regardless of the heavy rain outside.

"Xianggong, what's the matter with you?"

"Madam, don't worry, sir. He's fine. He just fell accidentally."

Although he said that, Tian Yuqiao knew that if Honghong didn't happen to be in the ditch not far from Gongsun Changyin, it was estimated that he might fall into that swamp and couldn't get out.

I don't know who was so selfish that he piled a septic tank on the side of the drainage ditch. The heavy rain washed the dung directly into the ditch. Gongsun Changyin accidentally fell in. Fortunately, Honghong recklessly rushed into the smelly ditch and pushed him up, which didn't let him drown by dung.

When she came back with a bad smell, Wang quickly helped to boil the water. Over there, Wang Xiuer has helped him change his wet and dirty clothes and wipe his wound.

Tian Yuqiao took out the gold sore medicine he carried with him and helped Gongsun Changyin deal with it simply.

Gongsun Changyin waved his hand and said to the accompanying officials, "now the ditches have been dredged almost. You've been tired all night. Take turns to go back and have a rest. I don't have to worry here. Go quickly."

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