Gongsun Changyin fell into the smelly ditch, and there were filthy things everywhere, so that he couldn't stand up at all, and he didn't have time to call for help. At that time, the situation was urgent, coupled with the barrier of heavy rain, no one cared about anyone.

When others find that the county magistrate is missing, it's already late! The bodyguards sent by Gongsun Yu were the first to find the problem. They took the lead in mixing with poles in the ditch. Fortunately, the distance was not too far. They were held up by Honghong. Gongsun Changyin was found and rescued ashore.

There was a smell of pig manure and chicken manure everywhere in the house. Wang Xiuer had to open the window to get some air. The hot water over there had been burned, and Wang Xiuer helped Gongsun Changyin wipe his body.

"How did you do that? You stink all over your body? If you didn't know you were going to drain, I thought you fell into the smelly ditch." Wang Xiuer frowned and said.

Gongsun Changyin's body could not help shivering, which made him say with fear: "the affected areas are remote, and the environment there is not very good. Unexpectedly, someone put their own dung pile next to the drainage ditch. As a result, it was washed by the heavy rain, and all the dung drifted into the drainage ditch. I was careless, and I missed ~"

"Poof! Thanks to what you said, you're so calm. It's clear that you fell into the dunghill. All right, hurry and wash yourself in the bucket. It stinks. It's true." Wang Xiuer said with some shame.

"But then again, I thought I was going to die this time. After all, there was a hole beside the ditch. To put it bluntly, it was a big pit, and it was a big cesspit. Just when I felt disillusioned, suddenly it seemed that a big monster held me up in the water, and I was able to breathe and cry for help." Gongsun Changyin frowned.

"Monster? Don't you have a fever? Where could there be monsters? If there were, it would save you? It would be good if you didn't eat." Wang Xiuer hurried over to the bucket and put the back of her hand on Gongsun Changyin's forehead to test.

"Oh, I really didn't lie to you. It looks like a snake, but it doesn't feel like it. Because I touched the back of it, it shouldn't slip away. It should be a big fish. It's just that it's so huge. It shouldn't be a fish. How can I raise such a strange fish in the smelly ditch?"

"Whatever it is, since someone saved us, it is the Bodhisattva's blessing. When you didn't come back, my eldest sister and I didn't burn less incense to the Bodhisattva, hoping that the Bodhisattva would bless you. Maybe it was the Bodhisattva who heard our prayer that arranged for the divine beast to save you." Wang Xiuer said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao's side, after haodun comforted some red, the little thing calmed down. He hid in the virtual lotus pond and used several buckets of water to clean his body. Honghong still felt that he had a bad smell.

"You see, even the little soft ones are hiding from others now. They must still smell. Wuwu ~ if it weren't for saving your little uncle, people wouldn't go to such smelly water. If they didn't show up, they had to hold him up inside and make people stink ~" the red little mouth complained endlessly.

Caicai's performance is even more excessive. He always keeps a distance of more than ten feet from Honghong.

Now Honghong is like a time bomb. All other creatures in the virtual world have taken the initiative to stay away from it. Honghong hurts their self-esteem. Youmuyou!

Tian Yuqiao had no choice but to pick some strong herbs and put them all in a big wooden basin. A lot of hot water was added inside. After the taste came out, Honghong was allowed to soak in.

"Are you sure this is really OK? Will people taste more strange then?" Honghong showed her faucet and looked at Tian Yuqiao with big eyes.

Seeing that Bruce Lee was so wronged that he had to cry, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help feeling that he was so cute. He really wanted to kiss him. But when she thought that Honghong had just come back from that place, she could only take back her mouth.

"Wow ~ don't think people don't know. You like kissing people's heads best. You wanted to do that just now, just because you dislike people's stink, so you don't have relatives."

Honghong cried bitterly, which led to a heavy rain in the virtual environment.

When Tian Yuqiao patted her forehead, she remembered that Honghong could not cry since he became a dragon. As long as you cry, it will lead to heavy rain.

Fortunately, the virtual environment was not afraid of flooding, so Tian Yuqiao touched Honghong's head with his hand, and then left with a smile.

After washing her hands seven or eight times, she felt that the taste was worse. The heart said that we must have a good talk with my little uncle when we have the opportunity. It's time to rectify the construction of the county and the city. How can we make a dunghill at home? It's too much. Even if it can't kill people and destroy flowers and plants, it's not kind.

There is a jailer in the county yamen who knows some medical skills. Now the weather is bad, and many old doctors don't go out at all, so the master arranged for the old jailer to come and see Gongsun Changyin.

"The adult's injury is not very serious, but there are some abrasions. I twisted my ankle. I'll break it for you later."

"Are you sure it's okay?" Wang Xiuer said with some worry.

After all, he was carried back before. If he just twisted his foot, it wouldn't be like this.

"I also feel a little puzzled. After listening to the descriptions of several other adults, I thought the county magistrate's injury would be very serious. Yo, who gave this medicine? The effect of this medicine is really good. No wonder it can scab so quickly."

"Click" helped Gongsun Changyin break the bone right, and then fixed his feet with bamboo pieces. The old jailer left now.

"Oh, thanks to qiao'er's medicine, I don't know if she still has it. We have to leave two more bottles." Wang Xiuer said to Gongsun Changyin with a smile after sending away the jailer.

"I seem to have heard before that she has business dealings with Jiren hall in the town. It should be selling that kind of medicine to them."

Wang Xiuer went directly to Tian Yuqiao to ask about the golden sore medicine. Without saying a word, Tian Yuqiao directly brought her ten bottles of pills and powder.

"Aunt, if you run out of these, you can send someone to Sishui county to ask me for them at any time. If you are in a hurry, go to Jiren hall in the town to buy them. The other medicine shops are fake, only they are real." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

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