Tian Yuqiao's family finally reunited in Sishui county. Naturally, Tian Dahe and Wang are the happiest. After a warm whole night, the couple snuggled together and slept sweetly.

I slept until the morning, and then I was awakened by the hunger in my stomach.

"Oh, it looks like it's getting late. It's estimated that the children should be hungry?" Wang quickly put on his clothes and helped Tian Dahe clean up.

"Don't worry, there are family treasures and his daughter-in-law. She can't starve the children. Besides, Joel is smart. She won't let herself starve."

Sure enough, when they dressed up and went out, they found that Tian Yuqiao and Tian Yutang were eating local specialty snacks. There was also a bowl of chicken soup in the middle of the table, accompanied by several dishes.

"Oh, you two little guys can't wait for your parents to eat here?"

Tian Dahe sat directly in the middle of his children, hugging one with one hand.

Wang also walked over and the family happily began to have breakfast.

"Qiao'er, you ordered so many delicious food this morning. Will it cost you a little?" Wang Sheng a bowl of chicken soup to Tian Dahe, who whispered.

"No, they invited Gongsun. They were hungry and couldn't cook by themselves, so they ordered two tables. They ate in their own room. This table was for us." Tian Yuqiao said happily while sucking the oil beads on his fingers.

"Yes, Dad, elder brother Gongsun invited them, and the things we brought back for you this time were bought by those two elder brothers." the little guy said with a smile.

"By the way, how are you doing with Wulang's study?" Wang suddenly remembered and asked.

"Well, I've found a few, but it's a little too far away. They are all in other places in the county. I asked Jiabao. None of the twelve chuangs we now have is close to the private school." Tian Dahe frowned and said.

Tian Yuqiao finally put down his chopsticks and drumsticks and said with a smile, "Dad, we are not suitable to live in Chuang Tzu, otherwise once we live here for a long time, other people in Chuang Tzu will think we are eccentric."

"That's right, but most of the houses in the county are very expensive. I think it's very good for us to live here." Wang frowned and felt some love for money.

"Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about the silver. Just leave it to me. Don't forget, there are two noble people who are begging your daughter for something. Take advantage of such a good opportunity."

The little guy immediately brightened his eyes, smiled and said, "sister, are you going to pit others again?"

Tian Yuqiao knocked on the little guy's head with his hand and joked: "you little guy, why can't you talk so well? It's not called a pit. They want me to let them do something. Don't forget, I'm your own sister. They are both bad guys who have our ideas. The problems that money can solve are not called a thing in the eyes of rich people."

"Oh, just after the meal we bought, he began to speak ill of us. Alas ~ it's really good intentions that don't pay off. He secretly said we were bad guys." Murong Bo came in late from the outside.

Gongsun Yu followed him. They entered the room one after another and said what Tian Yuqiao had just said to them. They didn't miss a word.

"You're here just in time. Aren't you going to study why our food looks better than other places? It's not too much to help pay for a house?" Tian Yuqiao said stealthily.

Gongsun Yu's eyebrows jumped, but he didn't say a word. Murong Bo subconsciously touched his shriveled purse. An ominous premonition immediately came to his mind.

"Hey, hey, if you can know how you can make your own food grow better than others, let alone buy a house in a small county, it's no problem to give you a house in the imperial city. But then again, seeing that your paddy field is somewhat different, you might as well tell me this method?" Gongsun Yu smiled decently.

Tian Yuqiao patted Gongsun Yu on the shoulder and said, "yes, you can teach me. Since you said that, why don't you just buy us a shop facing the street and bring us a house. Is there a lot ~"

Seeing their daughter put forward all kinds of requirements, Tian Dahe and Wang were embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Joe, all right? If you ask again, I'm afraid there's nothing we can buy in the whole county." Wang whispered.

"Mom, it's all right. In fact, when it comes to the head, it's better for them to take up the stool. Don't look at the sick look of the boy, he's actually haunted. His family is a rice merchant and specializes in providing food for the emperor's family. If I can find a way to increase the output or improve the quality of their food, won't they be rich?"

"I don't quite understand what you said, but it seems to be quite reasonable." Wang was confused.

Gongsun Yu is spending money, but he is said to have taken advantage of himself. Although he was a little angry, at the thought that Tian Yuqiao had just said that he could increase the output of his own grain or make it more delicious, he immediately felt that he was sure to make a profit from the deal.

The little guy suddenly frowned and said, "brother Gongsun, since you took advantage of our family, I'll make another small request. Shouldn't you refuse?"

Gongsun Yu nodded and replied, "OK, Yutang has any requirements to mention. Just speak."

"Hey, it's nothing. It's better to be close to the private school and college, so I can save a lot of time to review the articles taught by my husband." the little guy said with a smile, showing his open teeth.

"Well, if so, I'll help you choose a closer one."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and said, "Gongsun's family is big and big. There must be nothing you can't do in this small county?"

Gongsun Yu's smile directly froze on his face. If he had already reached his mouth, he immediately got stuck in his throat.

Seeing that his face was a little white, murongbo quickly pinched his arm to feel his pulse.

"The heart beat faster, the heart beat faster. What kind of stimulation did you get? If you really don't have money, don't make a fat face." Murong Bo said helplessly.

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