The day after Tian Yuqiao arrived in Sishui County, he was ready to buy a house here. She doesn't intend to make money only by her own Chuang Tzu. After all, she still has many steps to go if she wants to run for emperor and businessman.

For example, the first thing is to let officials confirm that she has that strength, that is, at least seven or eight shops are needed. Otherwise, those judges will think that the other party is unable to provide enough for the royal family in the long term.

These are the news Tian Yuqiao got from Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo, so there is still a long way to go for her. Whatever else, just saying that she needs the older shop is enough for her to be busy for a while.

Although there is still more than a year left, it is not enough to say long and short. What she is trying to do now is to meet the basic conditions for competition. If they can't even achieve these, even if their family's things are good enough, they can't participate in the competition.

The selection of imperial merchants is not so easy. Most of those who have obtained the qualification of imperial merchants are deeply rooted. It is very difficult, even almost impossible, to suddenly kill a path of blood and become an imperial merchant of a certain product.

In order to plan for the future, she really has to vigorously develop her business. Hey, it's really a big head.

While thinking about running for emperor and business, he wandered along the more prosperous streets. Tian Dahe and Wang hold hands and look very close. They don't care about the exploratory eyes cast by the people around them.

Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo took the group of bodyguards in plain clothes and looked at the shop everywhere. With the care of Gongsun Changyin, the county magistrate also helped Tian Dahe find a toothexecutioner.

Several people looked at the shop for a long time, but finally they didn't meet the right one. Later, they had to go to the toothexecutioner to inquire.

"Oh, is it boss Tian? I didn't expect you to come to me when you were free today. I put down my words early and said that your family was new here. If there is anything we can help, let's not neglect. I didn't expect you to come so soon. Please come inside quickly."

The toothed executioner was a bearded man. He was only in his thirties, but he had a big beard on his face, which made him look sloppy, like he was in his forties.

"Don't be rude, brother Zhou, don't be polite to me. We're here to trouble you this time. The dog has to find a private school. Our family is far away from those private schools, so I'm thinking of asking you for help. See if there's anything closer to the private school and the Academy. It's best to have a shop in front." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

The bearded executioner directly asked his apprentice to bring some books nailed together, and then quickly looked inside.

"Boss Tian, according to what you said, I really don't have anything in my hand for the time being. You see, all the books in this book are houses, all the books are fields, and the others are shops..."

Tian Yuqiao simply turned it over, pointed to one of the pages and said, "Uncle Zhou, I think the above introduction is quite appropriate. Eh, why are the words on it red? It's strange."

That week's tooth executioner smelled the speech and suddenly burst into a cold sweat. He hurried forward and closed the page pointed by Tian Yuqiao.

"Miss Tian, this is not a joke. To tell you the truth, the shop you just saw is actually a dangerous house. The old lady there hanged herself. Not long after, her son and daughter-in-law, including two grandchildren and one granddaughter, also contracted strange diseases and died strangely ~"

When Tian Dahe heard the speech, he immediately frowned. Tian Yuqiao said carelessly, "this shop just meets our needs, and the location is also very good."

"Joe, this is no joke."

"Yes, Joel, it's no joke."

"Boss Tian, to tell you the truth, I also asked Taoist priests and mages to drive away ghosts. As a result, they all said that there were no ghosts here because there was a dragon vein buried under them. They said that they died inexplicably because the people who lived above were not so lucky and could not afford the luck here." Zhou Ya said bitterly.

Tian Yuqiao heard that this is a dangerous house. It is clearly a treasure land!

"Hey, to tell you the truth, the county magistrate and his brother-in-law planned to buy it as soon as they heard that it was a treasure land. It turned out that he had committed a crime after living for less than three months. Moreover, it was still a big case, and even the county magistrate couldn't protect him. So now everyone dared not buy the house, and I was going to pay for it." Zhou yaxie sighed.

"Well, let's go back and discuss it and give you an answer tomorrow." Tian Dahe frowned.

When Zhou Yasha heard this, he said in his heart that there seems to be a way. If he could sell the house, there would be a lot of oil and water there. So he enthusiastically sent several people out, and then he hurried to the "dangerous house" and cleaned it up.

After the party went back, they held a temporary meeting.

"Mom and Dad, I think that's it. I've seen the price at the top, which is equivalent to 50% of other shops. How cheap it is. What's more, doesn't it mean that there is a dragon vein at the bottom? My father is so lucky that he can come back alive from the battlefield and from the dead. And Wulang, he has the ability to never forget at a young age. I think these two men of our family can definitely hold it down The dragon vein at the bottom, especially Wulang, must have a promising future. "

After listening to Tian Yuqiao's analysis, everyone was silent. The little guy's expression was more dignified than ever before. He felt that the pressure on his shoulder seemed to be much greater all at once.

"Come on, Joel, don't put too much pressure on your brother. You don't have to think about money. Since I promised to buy you a house, I will fulfill my promise." Gongsun Yu said.

Tian Dahe frowned. After thinking for a long time, he patted his thigh and said, "OK, that's it!"

"Master, have you really decided so? But in case ~"

"Don't worry, there won't be anything in case. We've had big storms. Do you still care about those things that haven't been affected?"

It was settled happily here. Only Wang's mood was a little uneasy.

Tian Yuqiao asked Honghong to sneak over to the house at night to check. If there is any terrible guy buried under her head, it will be too late to regret.

She won't fight uncertain battles, so she asked Honghong to check to see if there was anything dirty over there.

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