The assessment was finally completed. When the little guy left, he took Xiaowu to the wing room of the academy and received a set of four treasures of study. Tian Dahe paid him tuition and miscellaneous expenses for a whole year. This is really a large amount. It actually needs 200 liang of silver.

"That's great, Wulang. I didn't expect you to be so good. You deserve to be the son of Tian Dahe." Tian Dahe picked up the little guy who ran out of the door and turned around twice.

"Hehe, Dad, let me down quickly. So many people around are watching." the little guy said with some embarrassment.

"Go and smash. Tell Dad what you want to eat. I know you must be hungry. I'll take you to eat delicious food." Tian Dahe smiled and put down the little guy.

"Dad, I don't want to eat anything outside. I want to eat my mother's food. My sister said that many seedlings sold to us by Uncle yellow hair have been moved from our backyard. Hey hey, I want to see what they look like."

"OK, Xiao Wu, go back first and tell your wife to cook more Wulang's favorite meals. Let's buy something and then go."

"Yes, sir, I'll go back now."

Xiaowu said that, and gave Xiaowu the schoolbag and other things he had brought. Although there are many things, Xiao Wu is also a trainer. These weights are nothing to him at all.

The father and son found a bookstore. After Tian Dahe handed in the shuxiu, he didn't have much silver left, but he could take out the first 180 Liang in his hand. Bought a good white paper for the little guy, and then picked two wolf pens. Then he left alone.

"Dad, I haven't used up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone uncle Yao and uncle Kan gave me at home. I brought a lot this time. I don't need to buy such expensive things." the little guy showed a small expression of Gran CAI.

"My father is not happy today. Our Wulang is promising. He was accepted as a closing disciple by the eccentric Dean. Alas, this is my son. Who has ever had this honor?" Tian Dahe looked proud.

After going back, it was close to dusk. The sunset in the sky has a touch of light gold. It looks very good.

As soon as the little guy entered the door, he saw Honghong staying with another little snake.

"Hey, it's nice that Honghong found a partner." the little guy smiled and began to tease Honghong at the door.

Tian Dahe returned to the main room with a large bag of things. Dawu and Xiaowu all picked them up and helped put them in the study.

"Yutang handsome boy, let me introduce it to you. Its name is xiaoduanwei. It's a poor ~ snake."

Honghong doesn't dare to tell others that the small broken tail is a one-stop thing, which is also to avoid adding trouble to the little guy. However, it dare not hide it from Tian Yuqiao, so at present, only Tian Yuqiao knows that the small broken tail is a dragon. Of course, there are those very special friends in her virtual world.

Wang is busy in the kitchen with yingzi and Jinhua. Chen Jiabao and bao'er's daughter-in-law go back to the mountain village to pick up old lady Chen, so Wang does everything himself for the time being.

"Mom, what shall we eat in the evening? I'm really starving today. I knew I should have eaten two steamed stuffed buns to cushion my stomach first. Hey, you don't know. I'm so powerful in the Academy today..."

The little guy began to chatter to his family about his "brilliant deeds" in the Academy today. Wang was distracted and almost cut his hand.

"I said Wulang, come and pack up your own things. Don't count on Xiaowu for everything. You're a man and can't rely on others for everything. What if Xiaowu isn't there?"

Tian Dahe scolded his son with a straight face. The little guy had to flat his mouth. He took Xiao Wu back to his study and began to pack up his clothes and things to bring the next day.

"Why are you so cruel to Wulang?" Wang stared at Tian Dahe coyly.

Holding Wang's waist from behind, Tian Dahe smiled and said, "this child is really, really can't see the heat. He's so big, how can he see tianer pestering his mother?"

"You are so capable that you can be jealous with your son. It's really yours." Wang said in some silence.

In the evening, the family sat around a big copper hot pot, in the Lake Pavilion next to the rockery in the garden, ready to eat the pot.

Tian Dahe sent all the boys away and asked them to clean up in the shop in front. After all, Tian Yuqiao plans to open in a few days. The pattern over there still needs to be changed.

Holding a big Pu fan in his hand, Tian Dahe used his field survival experience when he was a soldier to fan the charcoal fire.

"Laiwulang, you're a little man in the family. You have to eat more meat later. This is superior venison and venison blood. It's all sent by Chuang Tzu. It's said that the deer secretly broke into the dry land where we grow fruit and harmed many seedlings of our family."

"What? Dad, it's abominable that it destroyed so many seedlings in our family. Just aim at this and I'll eat more later. Only by eating the enemy into my stomach can I have the strength to defeat more enemies. Rush ~"

When the little guy finished, he took the lead in holding a piece of venison with chopsticks and directly threw it into the hot pot to rinse it.

Wang smiled and said, "wait a minute, our little man. This venison is too nourishing. Don't eat so much. Be careful of nosebleed."

"Mom, don't worry. I'm in good health. Dad has to eat more. Dad was injured and weak before. Come to Dad, I'll give you all the food I just cooked." the little guy smiled and sandwiched meat for Tian Dahe.

"Oh, I feel left out. It's really sad!" Tian Yuqiao began to sigh.

Wang Shi gave Tian Yuqiao a large piece of venison, smiled and said, "this is called father son nature. Come to qiao'er, my mother loves you."

Tian Dahe, somewhat embarrassed, took Tian Yuqiao to his side and said with a smile, "my daughter is jealous. Come and give this deer blood to our Joe."

Tian Yuqiao took away his small bowl with a disgusted face, frowned and said, "I don't want it. The taste of deer blood is too fishy. Eh ~ I'll just have some green vegetables."

"Look, it's not my bias, but my daughter doesn't eat. I can't help it." Tian Dahe said to Wang with a smile.

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