Tian Yutang was appreciated by the dean of the education academy. The matter of Liang Laofu's accepting closed disciples spread like wings. Many children who failed to enter the college through the back door gathered around the education college with their children to see what kind of children they were and how they could get into the eyes of master Liang.

On the first day, the little guy brought schoolchildren to the Academy. He felt that everything here was very novel to him. It's much bigger than the old private school, and it's more imposing.

Schoolchildren are not allowed to enter the school, so Xiao Wu carries what the little guy needs, and provides a special wing for schoolchildren on the side, waiting for his little master to finish class with other schoolchildren.

Tian Dahe watched his son enter the Academy in the dark. After he felt there was no danger, he left quietly. He was busy at the shop, but there were still not enough servants at home, so he brought some of the children of the tenants in the nearby village.

These children he chooses are very clever, and he will give them some wages no less than adults every month. This satisfied the tenants in Chuang Tzu, and the prestige of Tian Dahe, the big housekeeper, gradually rose in people's mind.

Gongsun Yu and murongbo, together with the bodyguards, were arrested again and helped open up wasteland in Tian Yuqiao's house. It's not enough after the reclamation. Now they have to act as shopkeepers.

"Hey, I don't know when Joel will fulfill her promise." Murong Bo calculated helplessly.

"I have a big head when I mention it now. Forget it, I'd better hurry up and work. If I don't satisfy the little aunt and grandmother, our future will be worse." Gongsun Yu said with a bitter smile.

"My hands refining peerless elixirs are here to help her calculate accounts. If this comes out of the Jianghu, where will my face go?" Murong Bo said.

Gongsun Yu was even more helpless and said, "isn't my dignified Prince Jing here to help her collect accounts? Neither of us should complain. Now it's a grasshopper on a rope."

"Two young masters, my old black hand is the hand holding a knife. Now it makes me take a rag and mop. I always feel wrong."

"Yes, master, haven't we become porters?"

"You all shut up. We didn't say anything. Why are you chirping?" Gongsun Yu pulled down his face and shouted.

Tian Yuqiao's shop is about to open. Now the melons in the mountain village are not ripe, so she plans to use the virtual lotus pond water to ripen them.

So that night, she sat on her red back, followed by a little black dragon with a broken tail.

This speed is faster than sticking the divine line symbol. It landed directly on the top of the mountain. Tian Yuqiao plans to continue to let Honghong use her crying skill to rain.

After Honghong cried for a while, she felt that she couldn't cry, so Tian Yuqiao made up her mind on xiaoduanwei.

After luring with a large basin of virtual lotus pond water, xiaoduanwei really agreed to Tian Yuqiao's request without restraint.

However, he never cried because he was a man, and he didn't know whether his crying could lead to rain.

"Try it, little broken tail. I'm sure you can. After all, you two look so alike."

The little broken tail flew pitifully over the mountain, while Tian Yuqiao was wearing a hat and coir raincoat. Find a good shelter from the rain, and then wait for the little broken tail to cry.

The little broken tail looked at his broken tail and burst into tears. Just now it drank the large basin of virtual lotus pond water given to it by Tian Yuqiao, so there was a certain aura in the tears it cried this time.

However, Tian Yuqiao suddenly felt a little wrong. When Honghong cried before, although the raindrops were big, they didn't hurt people. Why does the rain that little broken tail cried hurt so much on people?

After receiving some rain by hand, Tian Yuqiao found that NIMA, where is rain? It's clearly hail, and it's all the size of a fingernail.

"Stop it, stop crying ~" Tian Yuqiao shouted.

The little broken tail thought of his sadness, looked at his wound and cried soundly.

Seeing that the melon field on his mountain was about to be destroyed by hail, Tian Yuqiao quickly asked Honghong to go out to stop the small broken tail.

Honghong turned into Jackie Chan, flew directly into the air and swept his dragon tail directly into the face of the little broken tail. Roared: "don't cry, big man. It's a shame to the dragon family to cry endlessly."

"Oh, I didn't mean it. I couldn't help it because I remembered that my tail was cut off by those bad guys. Sobbing ~" the little broken tail cried again.

Honghong hurriedly covered her mouth, which barely controlled the scene.

When Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai heard the movement on the mountain and brought the people watching the melon field, they found the mess all over the ground.

And only their mountain is bad for the baptism of hail, which leads people to think about the "tiandahe" buried here.

"God, is this the ghost of the river coming back?"

"Yes, otherwise, what's wrong with this film? Look at this summer, hail can fall from the sky."

"Oh, hey, I said Wang's eldest brother. We have to burn more paper tomorrow."

The mountains have been completely disordered, and someone and a dragon who started the terracotta figures have fled in the dark and returned to Sishui County while they have not been found.

Tian Yuqiao was so angry with the dew that he was numb with melon seeds. The heart said that it really shouldn't grasp the labor indiscriminately. It didn't understand the situation of the small broken tail, so it let it destroy the melon field at the top of a mountain so plainly.

At breakfast in the morning, Tian Yuqiao was a little wilted. Then he said to Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo, "don't worry about opening for the time being. I'll talk to you about the previous things when I have time. I promised you that I won't break my promise."

"Hey, that's good. In fact, we've had a good time here these days, and we can experience the feeling of opening a shop as a boss." Gongsun Yu smiled modestly.

"Yes, I find that my fingers have become much more flexible after making calculations these days." Murong Bo said coldly.

"That's good. In that case, you two can experience this beautiful life more. Look at you, I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, it's still early." Tian Yuqiao said, and went back to the house to make up for sleep.

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