Tian Yuqiao was a little annoyed at her mistake, but it didn't matter to her. So she quickly adjusted her mind and decided to solve the problems of gongsunyu and murongbo first.

They took them to her east yard, but now she has given them a more elegant name, called Qingfeng garden. The little guy's west yard was named baichuanju by himself. Tian Yuqiao thought it was pretty good, so he asked someone to press the plaque at the gate of the yard.

There were only three of them in the house. Tian Yuqiao sat upright and said to them seriously, "water is the source of all things and the foundation for raising those crops. Therefore, the secret of delicious food and vegetables in my family lies in water!"

"Water? Are you kidding us?" Murong Bo turned his eyes and said.

"Don't interrupt me. Do you know you're so impolite and gentleman?"

Murong Bo was stunned, and then Gongsun Yu asked the question he wanted to ask. "What is Gentlemanliness?"

"Cough, you don't need to understand. In a word, you don't have enough ~ forget it, I'm too lazy to explain so much to you. Do you want me to fulfill my promise? If this continues, we won't have to talk. Don't think I'll return you the silver. It's impossible to spit out the meat you eat."

Gongsun Yu quickly smiled and said, "sister Qiao, don't get excited. Don't be angry. Murong didn't sleep well last night. He's talking in his sleep. You don't have to pay attention to him. Just tell me directly, and then I'll convey it to him for you."

"Oh, I'm in a bad mood. I didn't sleep well last night. You two pestered me when I was just going to make up for my sleep. Now I don't have a thousand Liang silver to lay the foundation. It's estimated that I may not remember so much." Tian Yuqiao said bitterly.

Murongbo said angrily, "this is blackmail!"

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and looked at him and said, "so what? You can bite me? Wang Wu ~"

"Forget Murong, don't add fuel to the fire. It's time for her to raise the price." Gongsun Yu quickly stopped Murong Bo and finally forced him out of the yard.

And this time he also used his bodyguard to directly let people guard the yard and prohibit Murong Bo from coming in and making trouble.

"Well, sister Qiao, you can talk now. I promise I won't interrupt you." Gongsun Yu said seriously.

"Well, I'll follow you two to your place and help you find a place to drill a well. Then you can use the water in the well to irrigate the field, but you can't use it indefinitely. You must save it, otherwise the well water will run out."

"But we have a well there. We didn't find anything special."

Tian Yuqiao glanced at Gongsun Yu, and then said, "your well is an ordinary well. Don't forget my belt. It's not an ordinary snake. It can find underground water veins, and the water is naturally different."

When Gongsun Yu heard the speech, he immediately looked at Tian Yuqiao's waist. Sure enough, I found that the belt there was a small snake sleeping, and the snake's head was still carrying a red gem, which looked dazzling.

"Sister Joel, how can you sell this little snake? As long as you make a price, I will buy it at all costs."

When Honghong heard the speech, she immediately opened her eyes and said angrily, "bad silver! Hum, people are very disciplined, so they won't change their master randomly."

"God, it can still speak!"

"Shh, don't talk about it, otherwise it won't work. Now you believe what I said? Next, you try to convince Murong, and then I'll take time to go to your house with you. But I'll also be given some delay expenses during this period. After all, if I help you, the business here will be put down."

Gongsun Yu was speechless and said that the little girl was hopeless. He just fell into the eye of money.

"Well, let's start when you leave here. How about one hundred liang of silver a day?" Gongsun Yu felt that his heart was dripping blood.

"No, let's do this. Just promise me that your Gongsun family owes us a favor." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

The promise of a big family is much more effective than asking for silver. She can earn silver by herself. The kindness of King Jing's residence is not so good.

"And Murong's side is the same. Let him sign a contract, even if their Yaowang villa owes me a favor. If I ask you in the future, as long as it doesn't violate the morality of the Jianghu, you must agree. If you don't agree, don't talk about it."

"Don't worry. As long as we don't rebel, my father will certainly promise. As for Murong, their family is just refining medicine, and there must be no problem."

Tian Yuqiao yawned and said, "that's good. You're responsible for communicating with the black boy. I'm sleepy. Good afternoon."

"Er ~ you're just leaving. When are you going with me?" Gongsun Yu asked nervously.

"After a while, the family will stabilize. I'll do it as soon as possible."

After watching Tian Yuqiao leave, gongsunyu reacted and was put forward by the little girl. It's not waiting for her to be stable. It's clear that you don't want to leave unless you help me finish the work here~

Now that he has been on her thief ship, Gongsun Yu can only admit to being planted. At this time, he was very happy. Fortunately, he knew Tian Yuqiao first. If he was first contacted by his competitors, his business would be greatly hit.

Women love money, is a good thing, is not a good thing. It would be nice if I could marry a princess who would make money like sister qiao'er in the future.

Gongsun Yu smiled bitterly and said how could he have such an idea? It's just a little village girl.

At this time, although Tian Yuqiao went to rest, the little broken tail who did something wrong could not avoid being punished. It is now responsible for connecting the five wells in the whole house. At that time, Tian Yuqiao can exchange virtual lotus pond water into one well, so that every well in his family can have a continuous stream of lotus pond water.

It's rare for Honghong not to be lazy and quietly go over to help xiaoduanwei. Tian Yuqiao saw Honghong sneaking away and didn't say anything, so he closed his eyes and sneaked into the virtual realm to have a rest.

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