After finishing the business of Yaowang villa, Tian Yuqiao was ready to leave. However, Gongsun Yu still needs to stay for another two days, so Tian Yuqiao has to wait for him for two days.

While turning the teacup on the table, Tian Yuqiao said bored, "Hey, Xiaoyu, it's so boring. We can't waste two days here for nothing. I think I have to think of a way to get more money. After all, our shop is still waiting to open and needs a lot of money."

"Hehe, miss, didn't we get 1000 taels of gold before? That's equivalent to 10000 taels of silver?" Xiaoyu said with a twinkling star eye.

Since she followed Tian Yuqiao, she didn't have much concept of silver. She had hardly seen a silver or two before, but now she can say tens of thousands of silver with her mouth closed. Even Xiaoyu herself felt a little incredible. When she mentioned so much silver, she didn't have much waves in her heart.

"Xiaoyu, you are used to it now. Remember the first time you learned that I cheated Zhang laocai silver, you were so scared that you turned white." Tian Yuqiao joked with a smile.

"Oh, miss, don't tease me. I haven't seen much silver at that time. Now I'm used to being stimulated by miss." Xiaoyu spit out her tongue.

After thinking about it, Tian Yuqiao said, "let's go and talk to the family owners and see if we can advance some silver first."

"Ah? Miss, it's late now."

"It's just because it's late. I go to find the owner in broad daylight. I don't know who found out. Then I'll talk about collusion with the owner. It's not cost-effective."

They felt the darkness and, under the leadership of Hong Hong Hong, successfully bypassed the guards in Yaowang villa. They stopped at the door of the owner's other courtyard. Just after they escaped a group of guards, they swaggered in.

"Dad, those elders seem to be very restless recently. If it weren't for his father's sudden exit, they would usurp power." Murong Haonan frowned.

"Yes, that's why dad didn't give you the position of the owner so quickly. The little girl Bo'er brought back this time is really good. If she helps Bo'er, we don't have to stay dormant in Yaowang villa in the future."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes helplessly. His heart said that he pulled himself up again because of Mao? I don't know what those guys are up to. Hey, if I had known this, I should have let gold stare at them. It's a pity that now the gold has been watched by Lingquan to prevent someone from making trouble in the past.

"We still have two days this time. In fact, my father deliberately left the Gongsun boy. Only in this way can we delay the time. We have to take advantage of these two days, and we'd better give the marriage between Bo'er and qiao'er." the owner frowned and said.

Tian Yuqiao, like being hit by five thunders, said in his heart that you have a big appetite. Who cares about your black boy? To be gracious, to be gracious, to be gracious, like a piece of ice, who is rare!

If he didn't go in, Tian Yuqiao coughed twice and said loudly in the yard, "is the owner there?"

"Strange, why didn't the servant inform her when she came?" Murong Haonan immediately stopped talking.

"My grandfather said that this little girl is not simple. It's not surprising that she can avoid her eyes and ears. Moreover, now she is an honorary elder and can pass freely anywhere, including my grandfather."

"I'm sorry, you two. I came here so late. In fact, I just moved home recently and everything has to start from scratch. So I'm a little short of money. I don't know if I can advance some dry shares in advance?" Tian Yuqiao said shyly.

Murong master nodded and smiled and said, "this is OK, but I don't know how much profit our Yaowang villa has this year."

"I don't want to take your things for nothing. I also have some medicine here, so I'll put it here as a mortgage. First get me 1.8 million liang of silver. If there isn't so much dry share this year, how about using my medicine to pay off the debt?"

It's the first time that father and son have heard people talk about conditions with themselves like this. Usually, others ask them to treat or give medicine. Now Tian Yuqiao actually puts forward such a way. For a moment, both father and son couldn't turn this corner, but after all, they were old Jianghu. They soon understood Tian Yuqiao's meaning.

Murong Haonan looked at Tian Yuqiao with a smile. He really liked this lovely little girl more and more. If she really becomes her own daughter-in-law, what else can she say about money.

He was about to nod his head and promise. The old master took the lead in saying, "I don't know what kind of medicine you can take out, Joe. It's worth so much silver. You know, the most important thing in our Yaowang villa is medicine."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and touched his hand in his arms, followed by a millennium snow Ganoderma Lucidum with the fragrance of soil. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought she had just dug it out.

"This......" father and son both looked straight.

"How about you two, what's the value of my medicine?" Tian Yuqiao saw that they were silent. Then she took out two purple rhyme Dragon King ginseng with thick arms like a trick.

"What about these two? Although it's just the most common medicinal material, I believe it will double its value after passing through your hands. When it's used, it can improve its efficacy and sell for a lot of money." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"OK, that's great. I've decided that these are enough. Take the 1 million Liang silver. It's all a family. Why be so polite. As for the medicinal herbs, we'll take them. It's all Joe's intention to join our villa. You can definitely stop those old guys from talking at that time."

Tian Yuqiao Xin said, you are really an old fox. You are so greedy for my herbs. It seems to be for my good. It's too much.

This one million Liang silver is intended to be used to develop shops. She took great pains to help Fang Wenhao compete for the qualification of emperor and merchant in Southwest China. I don't know how that guy is now. Is he good now~

Seeing Tian Yuqiao distracted, Murong Haonan was afraid that she would repent. He held the two big ginseng tightly in his arms, and his excitement was unspeakable.

He happily brought Tian Yuqiao some gold and silver ingots and some silver notes. Only then did he finally gather up one million liang of silver to give Tian Yuqiao.

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