Tian Yuqiao got 1 million taels of silver. The price she paid was hardly worth mentioning. For Yaowang villa, the three herbs she took out can definitely become a treasure.

This time, the old owner really emptied his private house. He was afraid that Tian Yuqiao would go back on his word, so he quickly turned the box and emptied the cupboard and collected enough 1 million liang of silver.

Tian Yuqiao took the silver and silver note, led Xiaoyu, who was numb with excitement, and left the same way.

"Dad, these herbs are all top-grade. It seems that they must be at least thousands of years old. Do you want to hand them in?" Murong Haonan said with a frown.

"Are you stupid? It's such a good thing and your father bought it with my own private money. It can be of great use at the critical moment. After all, there are not only our family in Yaowang villa, but also several others. It's given to me by my future granddaughter-in-law. I have to keep it for my old age."

Murong Haonan had never seen his solemn father have this virtue, and immediately felt a little funny.

"Dad, if that's the case, I won't mention it to anyone. But you must know the truth of half meeting. Now you've used up all your money to buy wine. How about this? I'll give you thirty Liang. How about giving me one ginseng?"

"You boy, how dare you challenge me to your father? Believe it or not, I find an excuse to let someone beat you?" the old man stared round.

At the critical moment, Murong Haonan couldn't lose his chain, so he said to his father with big eyes and small eyes: "Dad, you're wrong to do this? I'm also your son anyway. Alas, I'm also trying to refine medicine for Bo'er."

"If it's for Bo'er, well, forty Liang silver, I'll give you a ginseng."

"Dad, you can't sit down and raise the price."

"Don't forget it. I'm just going to leave one to make wine."

The two father and son didn't know how long they had quarreled, and this was not what Tian Yuqiao should worry about.

In the next two days, she always found various reasons not to go out of the yard. During this period, Gongsun Yu and murongbo visited several times, but Xiaoyu stopped them outside.

The Murong family's plan failed. On the third day, Gongsun Yu left with Tian Yuqiao.

This time, such great changes have taken place in Yaowang villa, so Murong Bo still needs to stay in the villa for a while, so he didn't follow Gongsun Yu.

Gongsun Yu's condition has been personally adjusted by the owner these days, so Murong Bo doesn't need to follow him. He just took a few bottles of medicine and took Tian Yuqiao to Prince Jing's residence in the imperial city.

Without murongbo's ice face, Tian Yuqiao felt much more relaxed, as if the air had warmed a lot.

"Hey, I'm used to soaking in the hot spring these days. I miss it now." Tian Yuqiao lay on the comfortable carriage, a little unhappy.

"Miss, if you like, when you go back, Xiaoyu will boil water for you every day and let you take a bath every day."

"Thank you, Xiaoyu, but taking a bath is different from taking a hot spring. The hot spring contains all kinds of things that are not in ordinary water. It's like you cook a bowl of soup. Others cook it with chicken soup, but you cook it with clear water. In contrast, what kind of soup will taste better?"

"Of course it's chicken soup! Miss, Xiaoyu understands."

Gongsun Yu's carriage stopped in front. He took the lead in getting off and said to Tian Yuqiao, "there is a roast duck shop not far ahead. It tastes very good. Why don't I take you to have a taste?"

"Well, as long as it's your treat, you can eat anything." Tian Yuqiao readily agreed.

It was a roast duck shop that looked old. Tian Yuqiao smelled the delicious roast duck from a distance.

"Xiaoyu, I'll bring you twenty liang of silver. Pack some more later and put them on the carriage. Let's take them away."

"But miss, why do we need so many roast ducks? It's summer now, and they will break if they are kept for a long time." Xiaoyu was puzzled.

"Don't worry, I have my own way."

Xiaoyu can only do it according to Tian Yuqiao's instructions. At this time, Tian Yuqiao has opened his bow from left to right, and his mouth is full of oil.

"Joe, your eating method is really unique. Come on, I'll roll one for you. This roast duck needs to roll some shredded green onions, and then dip it in to taste good." Gongsun Yu tenderly rolled Tian Yuqiao a piece of duck meat and put it on the plate in front of her.

"The way you said it didn't taste good at all. Wow, I haven't eaten such authentic roast duck for a long time."

Xiaoyu came back from outside, carrying a small package.

"Miss, the roast duck here is very expensive. The silver you gave me is only enough to buy ten." Xiaoyu whispered.

Tian Yuqiao gave her a hundred Liang silver note and asked her to buy more roast ducks.

Xiaoyu was stunned. Unexpectedly, the young lady asked herself to buy so many good things. Can you put them in the carriage?

"Xiaoyu, don't forget, my master gave me a heaven and earth bag." Tian Yuqiao patted the Yellow purse embroidered with Yin-Yang fish pattern on his waist.

"Oh, I seem to remember. It is said that this heaven and earth bag can hold everything. No wonder the lady asked me to buy so many things. It was put here."

Xiaoyu then went to buy roast duck. Although she felt that two liang silver a roast duck was a little expensive, she felt really good about spending money.

After packing a lot of roast ducks, Tian Yuqiao secretly put them into the virtual world. Then he repeatedly told Caicai and gold not to eat them, otherwise they would be severely punished.

Along the way, Gongsun Yu carefully and deliberately slowed down the speed of the carriage. When he reached the famous mountains and rivers, he took Tian Yuqiao to play. They got along very happily during this time.

Along the way, I ate all kinds of special snacks. Of course, Tian Yuqiao also packed a lot of things. Anyway, she is now a rich woman and doesn't care about spending some money to satisfy her stomach.

Now with the heaven and earth bag as a cover, you don't have to worry about being questioned if you bring anything back in the future.

The team approached the Imperial City bit by bit, and the scenery in front of them was becoming more and more prosperous. This is nothing for Tian Yuqiao, who is used to seeing lights and wine, and Xiaoyu regrets it. She said in her heart, why don't she have many pairs of eyes? It's so lively and beautiful here.

Seeing Tian Yuqiao's calm face, Gongsun Yu felt that she was more unfathomable. But the more so, he felt that Tian Yuqiao was more like a very profound book, which he couldn't read at all.

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