It has been some time since I came out of Yaowang villa. If Gongsun Yu hadn't deliberately told the coachman to slow down, it is estimated that Tian Yuqiao would have been drinking hot tea in the deep courtyard of King Jing's residence by now.

When it is hot in summer, I see a low mountain in front of me, and there seems to be green melon fields at the foot of the mountain.

Listening to cicadas chirping and birds chirping, Tian Yuqiao felt a lot less hot and dry in his heart.

"Hey, let's go to the melon shed nearby. I didn't expect that the climate in the imperial city was so good. Alas, it seems that the melons are almost ripe."

Gongsun Yu quickly ordered people to stop the carriage. Then he smiled and said, "yes, Joe, I haven't seen several watermelon growers near you. Most of them grow food. Fruits and the like in the imperial city are more valuable, so most people here like to grow this kind of watermelon."

"Let's go down and eat some watermelon and have a rest before we go. I feel my bones will be broken recently. I knew it would take so long to go to your house. I really need more money." Tian Yuqiao said bitterly.

"Lao Hei, stop the carriage over there and ask everyone to come and eat melons later to cool down." Gongsun Yu ordered.

Xiaoyu helped Tian Yuqiao out of the carriage, and then they couldn't wait to run to the melon shed by the road.

The so-called melon shed is actually covered with something like a broken fishing net. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help admiring the wisdom of the ancient people.

The guardhouse was guarded by two middle-aged men, but Tian Yuqiao thought they didn't look like mud legs for farming. Looking at the steady pace under their feet, it seems that they have some Kung Fu.

"Two uncles, my lady is going to buy some melons to eat. I don't know how to sell your melons?" Xiaoyu took the lead in asking.

As a result, a whistle was heard, and then a group of casually dressed people appeared around their carriage. The group had guys in their hands and covered their faces with rags.

Gongsun Yu frowned nervously and pulled Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu back. And the bodyguards he brought have also changed from the dark to the light.

"Who the hell are you?" old black wiped the sweat on his forehead, stared round his eyes and shouted at the men in the two melon sheds.

"Fight, fight ~ rob!" one of the men opened his mouth for a long time before he said their purpose.

"I tell you, young master, another carriage in front of us was also hijacked by these people. This is the only way to Huangjue temple. It used to be safe. Unexpectedly, it turned into a den of thieves not long after we went out this time." a guard in black came to repay.

"It's really good. I didn't expect that we could do two votes at once today. Don't worry, we only rob money and don't kill people. You don't have to think about reporting to the official. We all change places at a time." another melon watching man said with a smile.

"Yes, yes. You, you, you..."

"All right, shut up. You don't speak quickly. Go and eat watermelon. When you finish eating a watermelon, we'll have finished our work."

Tian Yuqiao never thought that he would meet a robber in this day and night. And it's really interesting to see that they should be gathered together temporarily.

I have taken out the small pistol that I haven't used for a long time in the virtual environment. After all, this time the other party is crowded.

Not far ahead, several people were escorted. Look at the clothes, that's also a rich man in the imperial city.

Gongsun Yu recognized at a glance that the man was Qingfeng, a senior official of the little Marquis Wu. They studied together in Taiyuan University. Unexpectedly, they met again under such circumstances today.

"Unexpectedly, it's brother Qingfeng. What are you doing today?" Gongsun Yu couldn't help being curious, so he asked, completely ignoring the covetous bandits.

"Brother Gongsun, why are you here too? It's so biased here. Alas. Today I came to Huangjue temple to pray for my sister instead of my mother. I didn't expect that we would go this way every year, and we would encounter mountain bandits today." Shangguan Qingfeng said bitterly.

He is now tied up and looks like a big zongzi. There are several followers he brought behind, and the situation is similar to him. At first glance, they must have been robbed.

"Have you talked enough? Don't you take us seriously? I hate people taking mountain bandits as dry food. With your careless attitude, I decided to rob those two little girls this time."

The leading man took out a two foot long watermelon knife from the melon shed and threw it into the air, which was about to start.

"Wait a minute, didn't you agree that you only want money? Do you know the identity of that little white face? He has a great reputation and never lacks silver. You can't hurt people, otherwise you will become the wanted criminal of the imperial court." the Shangguan Qingfeng roared.

"Don't think we don't know. Those who are qualified to offer incense at Huangjue Temple must be rich or expensive. Your status must be not low. Since we have offended you, we don't care so much. Brothers, give it to me ~"

Before he could say the words, he heard a sound of running water, and then the arrogant man fell to the ground. In the middle of his forehead, there was a blood hole the size of a bean grain.


"Boss ~ what's the matter with you?"

When the kowtow man over there who was still eating melons saw him, he immediately spit out his mouth full of watermelon seeds and ran over to check.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, he ~"

The dark guards finally showed up. Before they could make a move, they saw Tian Yuqiao shaking his wrist, and the leading man fell to the ground. They were wondering. The bandits over there were already bloody, so they came up and started.

The bodyguards are all experts among the experts. It's nothing to deal with these little thieves. They beat four each and soon subdued them. Someone was just about to escape, but Tian Yuqiao put down the poison needle in the bracelet.

"These black sheep have affected my girl's mood of eating melons."

Tian Yuqiao said, then pulled Xiaoyu, who was scared to collapse, and they entered the melon shed.

At this time, the people in Wuhou mansion were also rescued. Gongsun Yu swallowed a mouthful of water and looked at the little girl sitting in the melon shed eating melons as if nothing had happened.

How strong is she? The corpse of the big man just now is still lying on the ground. The blood in her head is still flowing out, just like the color of watermelon juice. She can eat it!

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