Guatian met a robber. As a result, the leader was shot down by Tian Yuqiao. Until the end, those bandit minions didn't know how their boss died. I only saw a little red dot on his forehead, bleeding out constantly.

Tian Yuqiao, who had been thirsty for a long time, couldn't care about the dead body lying on the ground. Unexpectedly, he knocked open the watermelon in the melon shed with his hand, and ate it quickly.

But the watermelons here look like they don't grow. They are very small. They look like raw melons and eggs.

Gongsun Yu and Shangguan Qingfeng pulled their faces together. Gongsun Yu quickly asked Lao Hei to start cleaning the battlefield with everyone.

There were seventy or eighty robbers. Apart from those who died and those who were beaten and maimed, there were still more than twenty who took the initiative to surrender.

"Xiaoyu, I'll let my family go back to report to the official. These gangsters are really hateful." Shangguan Qingfeng frowned and said.

"Wait a minute, it should not be far from the imperial city. It's too troublesome to report to the official, and we have to watch here. Let's just let those bodyguards tie these people up with ropes and directly pull them to the Yamen. By the way, send the wounded to the official, and I'll have a good chat with them if they are not disabled." Tian Yuqiao said holding watermelon.

Shangguan Qingfeng looked at Gongsun Yu with a strange look and said when did the boy become so tasteless? I listened to a little girl.

"Well, Lao Hei, let someone send those disabled and injured to the Yamen."

"Childe, send these guys away. None of us can use them. Your safety is important."

Gongsun Yu nodded and replied, "well, you also send the little Marquis Wu back to their Mansion by the way."

Shangguan Qingfeng should have been frightened, so he didn't say much. Finally Gongsun Yu arranged ten attendants and asked Lao Hei to escort the bandits to the imperial city. The rest of the guards disappeared and hid in the dark.

The more than 20 robbers, one by one, looked like frost eggplant, wilting.

"Do you want to die or live?" Tian Yuqiao asked carelessly, playing with the watermelon knife in his hand.

"If Miss Hui, Miss Hui, we naturally want to live. To tell you the truth, we won't choose to do this business if we don't reach the end of the mountain."

"Yes, we are all refugees from the West. There have been years of war and the people have no means of livelihood. In fact, we haven't killed anyone. This time, it's the second robbery."

Tian Yuqiao sneered and put the watermelon knife on the kowtow man's neck. He seemed to feel the gloomy coolness from the watermelon knife, and his lips shook badly.

"Don't, don't, don't ~ kill me!"

"You seem to be a leader?" Tian Yuqiao stared into the man's eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes. My big brother and I can do some Kung Fu ~"

Tian Yuqiao thought it was too hard to communicate with him, so he pulled one out of the crowd and asked, "if you don't tell the truth, I'll send you to the Yamen. There are 108 kinds of torture instruments there, enough for you to speak."

"No, I don't dare. In fact, we all met on the way to escape. Their brothers used to escort in the escort agency and knew some Kung Fu, so everyone listened to them. We really didn't lie. We robbed a large family and robbed several hundred liang of silver before, but didn't hurt anyone."

Tian Yuqiao asked someone to take her to the base camp of those people. As a result, she regretted it as soon as she went in.

It seems that no one has lived here for a long time. It seems that those people should not lie. They should have just come here. Just the melon field at the foot of the mountain?

"These melons are from the people in Chuang Tzu not far away, and we have just come here these days. The Lin family brothers contracted this piece of work in Chuang Tzu, so we all gathered here."

In the evening, Lao Hei had finished what Gongsun Yu had told him and returned with people again.

"Young master, the Fuyin side has given a reply. Just a few days ago, a rich man in the imperial city was robbed by this group. The leader was investigating this matter, but we didn't expect to meet him. In addition, the Marquis Wu side asked Xiao to send a message to you, saying that he thanked you for saving little Marquis Wu. He also said that when you return to the city, you must visit Marquis Wu's house."

"It seems that these people didn't lie. How did you tell the government?" Tian Yuqiao frowned.

Gongsun Yu nodded. Lao Hei said, "the little one said that these were captured alive. The others ran away or were killed by us."

Tian Yuqiao looked down at the thief's humanity kneeling: "do you understand? Now it's my girl who can dominate your destiny."

"Miss, if you have anything to say, just mention it. But we really don't have much money now. The money robbed the other day has bought food for our brothers."

The man then pointed to a corner next to the broken house. There was indeed a lot of grain, cloth and some daily necessities that had not been made into clothes in time.

"I'll give you two ways. You can either be sent to the government and beheaded, or sign a deed of betrayal and sell yourself as a slave, which will be used by me from now on." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Those people didn't even think about it. They kowtowed to Tian Yuqiao and said, "we're willing to sell ourselves as slaves. We just have to eat."

"I'd like to. I eat one meal a day and can do a lot of work. I used to be a farmer and have a lot of strength."

"I used to raise animals for the landlord's family. In fact, I think I work more and eat less than animals."

Tian Yuqiao almost laughed on the spot after listening to the group's statement.

Let the guards look at those people. Now the gate of the imperial city has been closed and can only leave tomorrow.

Gongsun Yu looked at those people. After they were taken down by the bodyguards, he gave Tian Yuqiao a thumbs up and said, "high, it's really high. These people can do two things. You've picked up a big bargain. If you have a handle in your hand, you're not afraid that they will rebel."

"Hey, there's no way. I'm so strong!" Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes and said.

"Miss, I really admire you for eating watermelon on that occasion." Xiaoyu said bitterly.

The little girl hasn't recovered yet. The bloody scene seemed to cast a shadow on her young heart and couldn't be dispersed.

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