After settling down a group of mountain bandits, Tian Yuqiao not only took away the food they had stored here, but also incorporated the 24 mountain bandits evolved from refugees.

The next morning, Gongsun Yu had the carriage ready. Tian Yuqiao had something to ask Gongsun Yu, so this time she sat in a carriage with Gongsun Yu.

The other carriage was used to hold the grain and cloth, because Tian Yuqiao's virtual environment can't hold too many things now, otherwise it will occupy the medicine field. You can't throw things into the virtual lotus pond, can you?

"By the way, Gongsun, you seem to know that female monkey." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Gongsun Yu just drank the imported tea and immediately sprayed it out. After coughing for a long time, he calmed down.

"It's not a female monkey, it's Marquis Wu. The one we saw yesterday was little Marquis Wu, named Shangguan Qingfeng. He was my good friend when I was studying, but because of my health, I haven't studied in Taiyuan University for a long time."

"Oh, so it is. But how could he go out without a bodyguard? He was robbed by a group of petty thieves. It's a shame to say it." Tian Yuqiao frowned.

"Hey, you don't know. In fact, most of the ministers in the imperial city know their family affairs."

Gongsun Yu then began to gossip with Tian Yuqiao about going to the official family. He talked vividly.

"My father learned it from my grandfather. It is said that when Marquis Wu was not granted Marquis, he had two wives. At that time, his family was chased by killers. It seems that he fled to the mountains, and then his eldest wife gave birth at this time. Later, it was said that he gave birth to a female child, which was inconvenient to take away, so he gave it away."

"What? It's really son preference. There are so cruel parents." Tian Yuqiao was a little angry.

"I can't blame them. At that time, marquis Wu was also injured. He had to take care of his wife who had just given birth to a child. The concubine seemed to have twisted her foot. In short, it's hard to say. If you bring another crying child, it's estimated that the whole family will die. In fact, he did this to give the child a way to live."

Tian Yuqiao snorted coldly: "it's nice to say. Isn't it afraid that the child's cry will lead to the pursuit of soldiers?"

Gongsun Yu reluctantly continued: "later, after he fled, he joined the army and made many war achievements until he was granted the marquis. The reason why he is called Marquis Wu is that he hardly leaves a living to the enemy every time he leads troops to fight. My father said that he is to avenge his daughter. Those who pursued him should be the killers paid by the Hu people."

"Hum, he has a little conscience." Tian Yuqiao said angrily.

"However, it's lucky that several sons of marquis Wu studied business with Grandpa at that time, so they escaped the disaster. However, up to now, there have been no daughters in Marquis Wu's family, and all of them are sons. The Shangguan Qingfeng we saw before is the only only son of the eldest lady and the eldest son of marquis Wu's house. Mrs. Wu would have come to visit him every year I prayed for the girl I gave to others at the beginning. This year, because of my physical discomfort, I let Qingfeng replace me. "

"Haven't they tried to let people find their daughter?" Tian Yuqiao asked incredulously.

"It's too late. It was almost ten years ago. Marquis Wu was granted power two or three years ago. He sent people to the original place to look for it at the first time. However, it's not easy to find the passing salesman in the mountains. The man should be a mountain seller and can't always appear in one place." Gongsun Yu shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, we knew my father had gone to be a soldier at the beginning. If he hadn't been injured, we would have looked for a needle in a haystack. I didn't expect that there were so many things in the official's family. It's really bad."

"That's not enough. You don't know how messy the official's house is. Fortunately, my father has only my mother, or I might not live now." Gongsun Yu said with a bitter smile.

Tian Yuqiao suddenly became interested. This is big gossip. So he raised his little face and asked for information~

"Well, I'll tell you something about Marquis Wu's family. But you can't tell others when you go back. Then Qingfeng should say I have a big mouth."

Tian Yuqiao nodded like pounding garlic, and almost swore to heaven.

"The eldest lady broke down after she gave birth to that girl and didn't get a good upbringing. She hasn't had children since. However, according to my mother's analysis, it may be the concubine of marquis Wu. Now Shangguan Qingfeng's health is not very good. Now he and I are typical sick children in the whole imperial city. I am the natural root of the disease, and he should be his mother After all, the hereditary title of marquis Wu can only be given to the eldest son. If he dies, the sons born to his little mother will have a chance to turn over. "

"So it is. It's nothing strange. It's normal."

I didn't expect Tian Yuqiao to be so calm when he heard such a thing.

Tian Yuqiao felt that such a plot had no dog blood written in the novel. Compared with those Kung Fu dramas, it's too common. It's really boring.

"Now the eldest lady is too lazy to compete for favor. Her only wish is to see her little girl again. The royal doctor has seen her sick before. It is said that she is sick because of missing. I'm afraid her bones are going to die."

"Forget it, let's not worry about other people's sad things. By the way, we have to ask the old gangster to do a favor later and fix all their deeds of sale."

"Don't worry, it can be done today. By the way, you don't have to feel too constrained when you arrive at our house later. There are two sisters in my family. Although they have a little temper, they are not bad-hearted."

"Hehe, there are many sisters in your family and many boys in Wuhou's family. Do you think their family will plan to marry you?" Tian Yuqiao said.

"Don't tell me, marquis Wu once mentioned it when he was drunk. But what he said was that if his little girl found it, let her marry me as the imperial concubine." Gongsun Yu's face was a little red.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but smoke the corners of his mouth and said that it was really troublesome in the official's home. Children are so young that they are going to become a tool for them to compete for interests. What's all this.

Fortunately, the girl was not found, otherwise she would marry such a sick child?

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