Tian Yuqiao casually entered a jewelry store, which is actually the industry of Wuhou mansion. No wonder Gongsun Yu would take the initiative to say that he would pay for her. He was waiting here.

But Gongsun Yu was really lucky this time. He happened to meet Shangguan Qingfeng, a little Marquis Wu, who came to the store to choose jewelry.

Although they are classmates, they have a good relationship. However, this is because they feel sorry for each other. They are not in good health. Although they are born and acquired, they can share weal and woe after all.

Finally, Tian Yuqiao didn't have much fun, so he only chose the ivory gem comb. There are also two pairs of pearl earrings for Wang and two pearl flowers for Xiaoyu.

She was embarrassed when she was given a free bill. After all, it was just a coincidence that she saved others this time. She was not as thick skinned as that.

Gongsun Yu didn't keep up with Shangguan Qingfeng, so he directly chose more than a dozen valuable jewelry. Shangguan Qingfeng didn't even blink his eyelids. He directly asked his work to pack the things.

At noon, they had come to Wu Hou's house.

"I said brother Qingfeng, to tell you the truth, brother, I came back this time, but I didn't even enter the house. So I went shopping with my little aunt. Now I'm caught in your house again. It's estimated that my mother will be worried too." Gongsun Yu said with a bitter smile.

"It's easy to do. I've already asked my servants to report to your house. They said that your boy liked me here and didn't plan to go back today."

"Well, this can't be done. I don't know. I thought we were broken sleeves." Gongsun Yu immediately stiffened his face.

With these words, the three had entered the inner house. Although it is inconvenient for the male to enter the house, after all, except the old lady and the second lady, the other family members in the Wu Hou house are men, so there is no obstacle.

After all, it's the person the old lady wants to see, so Gongsun Yu and Tian Yuqiao won't dare to talk when they enter the house.

Mrs. Wu Hou is actually in her forties, but she is a little haggard because she misses her daughter all the year round. It looks like it's in its fifties, and it's already a dragon bell.

"Feng'er, where have you been? I don't trust you. You're not allowed to go out until all the thieves are caught." the old lady rubbed her forehead and didn't even open her eyes.

"Mom, I brought back two friends who saved my child yesterday. You know Xiaoyu, and there is also a girl qiao'er. She was so powerful yesterday that she raised her hand and knocked down the leading bandit. We didn't see how it was done, but it was really powerful." Shangguan Qingfeng came up to the old lady with a smile and rubbed her forehead, One side introduced.

"Gongsun Yu has seen Mrs. Wu."

"Tian Yuqiao has seen his wife."

Seeing Gongsun Yu just bent over and Tian Yuqiao was not polite, she was not used to kneeling. She doesn't care whether the other party is the wife of a senior official or what Mrs. Gao Ming is.

The old lady of Shangguan opened her eyes when she heard the speech. Her eyes are still a little red. It can be seen that she has cried, and she shouldn't have much rest.

"Little girl, come here and let me have a good look." the old lady weakly raised her arm and waved to Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao is a little speechless. This is the first time we have met. Do you want to make it look like you know each other very well? However, seeing Shangguan Qingfeng winking and Gongsun Yu secretly stabbing himself, she took a few steps ahead and came to the old lady's bed.

"Oh, the little girl looks so smart. I'm rare when I look at her. Alas, it's a pity that my stomach is not competitive. I'm so angry. I don't worry about such a smelly boy all day."

Then she said to Shangguan Qingfeng, "son, if your sister is still there, you can almost be as old as her."

Seeing that my mother was going to shed tears again, Shangguan Qingfeng quickly interrupted with a smile and said, "Mom, don't scare the guests. Qiao'er is a distinguished guest invited by Xiaoyu. This time, it was a hard pull from the way. Don't mention the worry. I just wanted to make you happy by calling them over this time."

"As long as you don't have anything else to do, you'll always run outside. I'll be relieved. I'd better do it myself if I pray for your sister in the future. Alas, God should punish me for my dishonesty, which is why my son has been so wronged." the old lady began to feel sad again.

"Cui'er, this is the first time I've seen Miss qiao'er. I like this girl very much as soon as I see her. Bring my long-life lock and give it to miss qiao'er as a gift."

"But, madam, isn't that what the master made for the young lady? You usually don't want to touch it. Why..."

Shangguan Qingfeng winked at the little girl named cui'er and motioned her to get it quickly.

"Ah, old lady. If it's your daughter's stuff, I don't want it. After all, you have something to think about. How can I ask for your stuff? Besides, we had no intention yesterday. We happened to meet brother Qingfeng when we passed by." Tian Yuqiao shook his head.

At this time, Na cui'er had come with an antique box. After opening it, she revealed the little gold lock inside, with a gold chain on it. But look at the style, it should be old.

"Hey, I made this for my child more than ten years ago. Unfortunately, the child has already..."

"Mother, why are you here again?" Shangguan Qingfeng's eyebrows were twisted into dead knots.

Tian Yuqiao was embarrassed. She knew it was a little thought of the old lady missing her daughter, but it seemed that if she refused, the old lady would cry again. If you want it, you will despise yourself.

Although she loves money, she can't be anything to anyone? I always felt that what was in the box was not a golden lock, but a hot potato just out of the pot.

Shangguan Qingfeng quickly pulled Tian Yuqiao aside while the old lady stroked the golden lock.

"Girl Joel, I beg you. You must take the golden lock. That's my mother's heart disease. For so many years, she cries when she looks at the Golden Lock every day, and her bones are going to be destroyed. You take it away quickly, she can be sad when she can't see. Almost, don't you? I beg you."

"Joe, come quickly. I'll help you put on the gold lock and see if it looks good. Hey, this style is a little old, but it was designed by my master." the old lady smiled and greeted Tian Yuqiao.

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