Tian Yuqiao was actually very helpless when he was dragged to the house of marquis Wu to see his wife. But since it was difficult to be gracious, she really liked the ivory comb. She was so soft that she had to go to Wu Hou's house with her.

Unexpectedly, the lady of marquis Wu saw her right at once. This time, Shangguan Qingfeng had an accident. The old lady thought that God wanted to punish her for her insincerity in looking for a woman, so she blamed herself very much.

For Tian Yuqiao, she couldn't tell what it was like. She just felt that the golden lock that her daughter hadn't worn in time would look good if it was worn on her neck.

After Tian Yuqiao learned the meaning of the golden lock to the old lady, in fact, 10000 alpacas roared past in his heart. She didn't want it at all, but Shangguan Qingfeng begged her to let her take it, so as to break the old lady's mind.

In desperation, she had to accept it reluctantly, and the old lady helped Tian Yuqiao put it on herself.

"OK, it's beautiful. Qingfeng, what do you think? Is this golden lock worn by Joel very beautiful?" the old woman said with a smile.

In fact, Shangguan Qingfeng didn't even bother to look at it, so he quickly nodded and said, "it's so good-looking. When did my mother's eyes get worse? This golden lock is like it's tailor-made for Joel. It's so good-looking."

"You boy, you just have a smart mouth. If you don't eat, you can coax you out of several miles."

When Mrs. Wu Hou saw Tian Yuqiao wearing a gold lock, she immediately smiled and hung Gongsun Yu there.

After deliberately coughing twice and brushing his sense of existence, Gongsun Yu attracted each other's attention.

"Oh, look at my happiness, I forgot Xiaoyu. Feng'er, you boys don't know what they want. Why don't you give Xiaoyu a gift for your mother?" the old lady said with a smile.

"Mom, I've already given him more than a dozen gifts. Even the others in King Jing's residence have a share, and none of them are left."

Gongsun Yu couldn't help but turn a blind eye in his heart. He said that he just took some of your jewelry and even made a small report to your mother. What a young child. I despise and seriously despise you.

Shangguan Qingfeng secretly smiles at Gongsun Yu. This matter is even a film.

"Feng'er, you can arrange the banquet yourself. The servant's mother is not at ease."

Gongsun Yu felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little depressed, so he said to the old lady, "I'll help out, too. I've traveled a lot of places during this time, and I'm going to have a good chat with brother Qingfeng."

"Well, well, you all go. I'm satisfied that I have qiao'er by my side." the old lady smiled and patted Tian Yuqiao's hand and said, "qiao'er, I like you at first sight. I don't care about you. I've been looking forward to a girl around me all my life. This son is no more filial than a girl. No matter how filial he is, he's not as considerate as a girl."

"Madam, in fact, my son and daughter are the same kind. My mother has me and my brother. I've been out for a long time this time, and my brother is also very filial to my mother ~"

Mrs. Wu Hou didn't know what was going on. She dragged Tian Yuqiao's hand and talked endlessly. It's all about her missing for her daughter these years. It feels like Tian Yuqiao is her daughter who has been separated for many years.

What Tian Yuqiao can do is to be a good listener quietly and let the old lady vent her thoughts on her daughter over the years.

Cui'er kept changing the old lady's handkerchief. Tian Yuqiao also advised the old lady not to cry.

However, the old lady's tears were like a flood that burst the dike. The old lady stopped crying until Shangguan Qingfeng and gongsunyu over there told them to go to the table.

Originally, Shangguan Qingfeng didn't want her to eat immediately after crying, but the old lady's sadness came and went quickly.

"I'm fine, feng'er. My mother is happy today. She told qiao'er all the grievances in her heart for so many years. She felt that she was flustered and now she's much better. My mother plans to eat more today. Come to qiao'er, just sit next to me and eat more with me."

Even at dinner, the old lady was reluctant to loosen Tian Yuqiao's hand. Tian Yuqiao felt that his palms were full of sweat and it was hard to break away from each other.

Hey, being loved is also a very painful thing, at least she thinks so now.

This meal was the most sumptuous meal Tian Yuqiao had since he crossed over. There was no one!

What flies in the sky, runs on the ground and swims in the water is almost everything. The plates are lined with plates, and the bowls are next to the bowls. It's about to catch up with the Manchu and Han banquet!

The old lady loved Tian Yuqiao very much. It seemed that she planned to vent all her debts and maternal love to her daughter for so many years. She tried hard to bring food to Tian Yuqiao, as if she had only Tian Yuqiao in her eyes, which made Tian Yuqiao a little flattered.

Fortunately, Shangguan Qingfeng is not jealous. On the contrary, he is very grateful that Tian Yuqiao can tolerate his mother's nonsense.

"Joe, try this. It's a bear's paw. Our cooks are hired by our master from various places. They are all skilled. This dish is his specialty."

"And this carp section tastes very good. You can eat more. This is a white cut chicken. It doesn't matter who makes it. It's usually our style. He'd better take this ~"

There are all kinds of dishes on the plate in front of Tian Yuqiao, which will be poured out soon.

It was not easy for her to eat down the height of the "hill" in front of her, and then she was filled by the old lady.

Later, Tian Yuqiao couldn't eat any more, but the old lady's kindness was difficult to resist, so she had to choose to hang up and ask for foreign aid.

Honghong was secretly thrown into the virtual environment by her, and then she kept sending the dishes on her plate to the virtual environment.

Wealth and gold can also afford to eat, not to mention Honghong, the big stomach king. They seldom eat such delicious food.

Although those dishes do not have the aura of Tian Yuqiao's family, they will be bored after eating for a long time. Occasionally change the taste, and those little things are very happy.

The old lady is the happiest, because she usually likes other people's little girls, but those little girls are a little afraid of her, and even cry when they see her.

This Joe was different. He not only listened to her finish her words, but also ate all the dishes she had, which made the old lady very happy.

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