After lunch, the old lady should have gone to rest, but she was in a good mood and refused to go to bed. I have to take Tian Yuqiao and let her go to the back garden with me.

Tian Yuqiao was helpless, but it was hard to refuse. He had to go to the garden with the old lady.

"Joe, look at the flowers here. My master specially brought them back from a warm place. I heard that they cost a lot just to transport them back."

"And here, these are colored stones inlaid in the pool. Do you think they are very beautiful?"

"The birds in the garden can also sing. Every time I'm in a bad mood, I come here to listen to them sing to me. Hey, if these little guys hadn't accompanied me for so many years, I guess my old woman wouldn't live so long."

Tian Yuqiao feels that the old lady is good everywhere and kind-hearted. It's terrible to live all day missing her daughter. Although she can understand the old man's mood, she doesn't have the eloquence to comfort her. Unless she helps her find her daughter, how can it be easy?

At this time, Shangguan Qingfeng and Gongsun Yu suddenly ran to the back garden. Under the guidance of the people, they found the old lady and Tian Yuqiao. Looking at their anxious appearance, Tian Yuqiao thought something big had happened.

"Feng ER, have you heard from your sister in such a hurry?" the old lady asked nervously.

"Mom, no, it's dad's kiln factory that had another accident. Today, the son of the Minister of war came to make trouble, fought with the people in the factory, and hurt many people. Dad passed by, and the two sides quarreled. Now Dad is in the front hall. Hurry up and persuade him. I heard that the boy was interrupted by his father's leg. It's estimated that his father won't give up."

The old lady listened, but she didn't have a big expression, as if she was used to it.

"Joe, why don't you hang out here for a while and I'll see my old man and come back," said the old lady with a little apology.

As soon as Tian Yuqiao heard the word "kiln factory", he immediately thought it might be an opportunity, so he smiled and said, "madam, since we are all here, how can we not see the Lord? If it comes out, people should say that our girls from the countryside don't know how to be polite."

"Nonsense, who dares to say that, Joel? I won't let anyone hit her board." the old lady said with staring eyes.

An old man and a small man went to the front hall of the inner house hand in hand. When I entered the door, I saw a man about the same age as Tian Dahe. At this time, he was sitting on the carefree chair with an angry face. The heat humming out of my nose can be seen clearly in this hot summer.

Shangguan Qingfeng's face is not very good-looking. It seems that he should be very afraid of his Marquis father. Gongsun Yu seems to be a little timid. He doesn't dare to look directly at the Shangguan Wuhou.

"Damn it, the little bastard born of the old miscellaneous hair of Xiahou's family went to my kiln to make trouble. This time, I finally caught the opportunity to clean him up. Unexpectedly, I kicked him and his leg broke. Now I startled the imperial doctor. I think the emperor should know."

The old lady hurried up to the front, brought a cup of tea, handed it to the Marquis and said, "old man, it's really not good. Let's run the kiln for the Xiahou family. Anyway, it's all for the royal family. You can't get any benefit from it. Why be angry with such a villain?"

"I just want to fight for this breath. The old Xia Hou thief is not a good thing. The kiln factory is an important place. It's very important. If he gives it to him, he won't be able to fill his own pockets. He'll start a rebellion by then. He doesn't have an emperor at all, only the unworthy Prince ~"

After roaring for a long time, the old Marquis looked up at the inexplicably many people in the room. Seeing a strange little girl, he immediately swallowed what he had to say later. After all, he was angry at home and said some secrets that could not be disclosed to the outside world. It was difficult for him to make it clear when there were outsiders.

Seeing this, the old lady hurriedly pulled Tian Yuqiao to introduce Wuhou.

"Lord Hou, this is one of Xiaofeng's life-saving benefactors. How handsome the little girl looks. I dream of having such a girl. Today we two hit it off at first sight. We had just had lunch at noon and thought about taking Joel to the back garden to relax. It's all mixed up with you."

"Oh, it's miss qiao'er. Thank you for saving our breeze." Marquis Wu still had no expression on his face.

"Dad, there are people from the great prince's faction in the kiln. It's not a matter for you to always guard like this. Besides, the wood and charcoal burned by the kiln every day is a lot of silver. Now it's hard to buy the wood around, and the price is even higher."

"Bastard, if dad gives the kiln to those thieves, God knows what will happen to them. The kiln is an important place for the imperial court to make steel and weapons, and it must not fall into the hands of villains."

"But Dad, you just keep it. Didn't the Minister of the Ministry of war tell the emperor that your cost is high and wronged you to enrich your own pocket? Why do you suffer?"

The lord lord shook his head and sighed: "Hey, if dad didn't guard the kiln, once the weapons were mastered by those villains, the great prince would start a rebellion soon. If he was allowed to ascend, our family would not be far away from home. I just want to defeat those Hu people. I can't hand over my weapons and military power."

Tian Yuqiao understood what was going on. Together with the Marquis Wu, he was the kiln factory responsible for making weapons for the whole court. Because iron making and steelmaking need to burn a lot of wood and charcoal every day, the cost is a little high.

With the increase of costs, naturally some people will gossip, so this tired and thankless thing gives Shangguan a headache.

If the cost of steelmaking can be reduced, does that mean that Wuhou can have no worries?

"Old man, how tired you are to worry about the war in the northwest while you grasp the kiln factory." the old lady is a little distressed about her old man.

"Madam, our ya'er was killed by the Hu people. Now my life and death are uncertain. I must repay this revenge, or I swear not to be a man. There are insiders in the army who have arranged for me. Someone secretly colludes with the Hu people and plans to usurp the throne, so even if I die, I can't hand over the kiln."

"Hou ye, I have a good idea!" Tian Yuqiao suddenly opened his mouth.

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