After making an oral agreement with Marquis Wu, Tian Yuqiao went to King Jing's residence with Gongsun Yu.

When the young master came back, the whole house was boiling. In particular, Gongsun Yu's two sisters are even more entangled with their brother. As soon as the two little girls heard the communication, they ran to meet them like an enclave.

"Elder brother, you've come back. We all miss you. If you don't come back again, I'll send someone to report to the official that you've been kidnapped."

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't know which goblin came out of the valley. Hum, when he came back last time, he said that the girl was different."

Tian Yuqiao felt that the two little girls had a strong smell of gunpowder before he entered the house. It's true that you can lie down with a gun vertically and horizontally. I didn't expect that the boy pulled so much hatred for himself for no reason.

"Huanhuan, Xiaoxiao, you two girls are not allowed to talk nonsense. Miss qiao'er is a distinguished guest invited back by your brother. You can't neglect others, or your father will blame you and you will be banned." Gongsun Yu poked the two little girls' forehead and said.

Tian Yuqiao was arranged in a separate small yard. The yard was very elegant and unique, and there were everything in it. However, Gongsun Yu never showed up. After all, he hasn't come back for a long time, and his family will be reunited with him.

One day, Tian Yuqiao was also a little tired, so he had a hasty dinner and went into the house to have a rest.

Untie the gold lock on her neck, Tian Yuqiao smiled helplessly. She was afraid that she would not have any intersection with the Wuhou house in the future, so she threw the gold lock into the virtual world hut.

However, at the moment when the golden lock was thrown in, Tian Yuqiao suddenly heard Caicai's voice in his mind: "Hey, it's strange. How does the virtual world suggest that it has suddenly upgraded?"

Tian Yuqiao also hurried into the virtual environment. Her first feeling was that the aura in the whole virtual environment seemed to be a little stronger than before. Also, she usually appears directly in the hut. It seems a little different today.

Stepping out of the house where she was now, she found that the small hut with only one and a half had turned into three big tile roofed houses.

"Wow, is this the virtual environment after the upgrade?" Tian Yuqiao couldn't help exclaiming.

Caicai jumped down from the room and said with a puzzled face: "I don't understand. Where is the master looking after you and paying so much attention to you? According to your alchemy level, it should be a long time before you can upgrade. It's inexplicable to upgrade this time. You'd better go to the backyard and have a look."

Tian Yuqiao was a little helpless. She was despised by Caicai again. With a curious heart, Tian Yuqiao first looked in the front yard and found that the medicine field had expanded two or three times, and there seemed to be a lot more kinds of herbs in it.

It's just that she can't use so many drugs at her current level. She hasn't even used some of the original drugs. Now there are so many more.

"You're so upset? Others have mastered all the herbs here, and it takes a special opportunity to trigger the space upgrade. Now you're good. You don't make progress at ordinary times, but now you've made an exception to upgrade you. Alas, it's really a waste of these good things ~"

Caicai proudly shook his tail and left Tian Yuqiao standing in front of the medicine field with messy hair. But since it's an upgrade, that's a good thing. The small yard she could have used to store things has also become much larger. This time, she doesn't have to worry about not being able to buy things.

I went to the backyard and found that the lotus pond didn't seem to have changed much, but there were many kinds of aquatic herbs growing in it. All kinds of small fish transformed by aura in the lotus pond seem to be a circle larger.

Next to the lotus pond, there is an open space, and a monument stands next to the open space. The inscription was so vague that Tian Yuqiao couldn't see what was written on it.

She vaguely remembered that she seemed to upgrade the virtual environment after she put the golden lock in. So he took out the gold lock from the hut and rubbed it back and forth in his hand.

Accidentally, the Golden Lock fell to the ground, and then the inscription suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

Tian Yuqiao closed his eyes and stepped back. When she opened her eyes again, she found a few more golden characters on the monument, with mirror field written on it.

"What does mirror Tian mean?" Tian Yuqiao asked in the direction of Caicai.

Caicai said proudly, "just put the eggs in and have a look."

There are really no eggs in the virtual environment. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help coming out of the virtual environment and asked Xiaoyu to find an egg.

Xiaoyu is not familiar with this place. Finally, she used ten Wen to get an egg from the little servant girl and gave it to Tian Yuqiao.

"Miss, why do you want this? Do you want soup or chicken cake? I'll make it."

"Go and have a rest. I have other uses."

Tian Yuqiao brought the egg into the virtual environment. According to Cai Cai's instructions, he put the egg in the mirror field. After almost ten breaths, Tian Yuqiao was surprised to find that the eggs had become two!

"Wow, mirror image, is its function to copy?"

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help putting the silver ticket in. As a result, I waited for a long time and didn't see that the silver ticket turned into two.

"Strange, can this mirror field only copy eggs? It's too chicken ribs. It still occupies such a big place, alas!" Tian Yuqiao sighed with a bitter face at the silver ticket on the ground.

He tried with gold Yuanbao and silver Yuanbao again. It didn't work as expected. Tian Yuqiao was about to collapse.

"Caicai, what's going on here? Can only eggs?"

Caicai turned his eyes and said, "who makes you so greedy? This mirror field can only copy living things, including living animals and plants such as medicinal materials."

"Oh, what a pity. If only I could copy gold and silver. Caicai, is my mirror field primary, so it can't copy gold?"

When Caicai heard the speech, he immediately felt ashamed to know Tian Yuqiao, so he ignored her and went to the room to look at the fish.

Tian Yuqiao continued to experiment with the things in the virtual environment. Roast duck and pastry were not good... After she put all the things in it, she really said to Caicai that she could only copy medicinal materials and other crops.

And everything can only be copied once. It doesn't matter if you copy it again.

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