Tian Yuqiao's virtual environment has suddenly evolved. This time, not only the space has expanded, the thatched house has become a tile roofed house, but also the space inside has become several times larger. What made her most excited and somewhat disappointed was that the mirror field could only be used to double animals and plants, and gold and silver could not be used~

Although some small losses, but this is also a very good choice. I looked down at the tattoo on my finger. It was originally a pattern of four leaf grass, but now it has turned into five leaf grass.

Throw those things that won't be copied back into the yard. Tian Yuqiao tries to throw all the seeds he got from foreigners into the mirror field.

Then those seeds had no time to double, but they had sprouted! After rubbing his eyes, Tian Yuqiao determined that he was right. Those seeds did germinate quickly. While she was so stunned, the seed had grown two centimeters tall.

This is unbelievable. It's said to double. Er ~ it seems that after the seeds grow, more seeds can be produced. This is more than doubling, it is more than tens of times.

"Since the virtual world is so blessed for me, I can't go too far. Hey, forget it, just make up for it here."

Tian Yuqiao said to himself and began to refine pills with her popcorn pot.

While trying to refine new poison, she was also distracted. I don't know if the supreme old gentleman in the sky had such a popcorn pot, would he be able to refine more and better pills?

She admired her imagination. Others were worried about the ancients, and she was worried about the gods in the sky at this time.

As a result, some waste residue jumped out of the pot. Fortunately, there is an inexhaustible supply of herbs in the medicine field for her to practice. Otherwise, ordinary people can't afford to cultivate such a loser like her.

The poison Tian Yuqiao will refine next is called Tiao Tiao pill, but Tian Yuqiao thinks the name seems a little rustic. According to the effect of the poison, she renamed it zombie Dan, which she thought was more appropriate.

She went to the medicine field again and picked up herbs enough to harm her ten times. Only then did she concentrate on preparing to start alchemy.

The next three pots didn't succeed again, but they were better and better again. At least it doesn't look like a residue now. There is a rudiment of pill.

The virtual environment after the upgrade is really good. Tian Yuqiao tossed for a long time and felt that he was still full of energy. Continue to insist that practice makes perfect, and she soon mastered the heat.

With a dull bang, Tian Yuqiao's Popcorn pot finally jumped out of a shaped pill under Caicai's disdainful eyes.

"Well, Caicai, come and help me taste it. How does it taste!" Tian Yuqiao said excitedly.

Caicai jumped down and gathered around Tian Yuqiao. After smelling it with his nose, he swallowed the pill with disdain.

"Wow, it tastes good. Although you're a little unreliable, master, I have to admit that you did a great job this time. It's the first time I've seen someone refine the pill into an oval shape, and it hasn't cracked the pill yet."

Caicai ate up a pot of zombie pills in one breath. In his opinion, it was like a candy bean as a snack.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help glancing and said, "Hey, are you praising me or hurting me? You think it's easy to refine pills by hand? If you can't master them well, the shape of pills is not so round and normal."

"It tastes good, but you still need to keep working hard. The speed of your own development has been abandoned by the virtual environment for several streets. Usually, the virtual environment will upgrade only when the master's ability of the virtual environment has been improved to a certain extent. On the contrary, I don't know. But I feel that you are still a little weak compared with your previous master."

Tian Yuqiao helplessly lowered his head and squeezed out three words from between his teeth: "I see! ~"

After Tian Yuqiao felt that she had been tossing about for a long time, she planned to go out. It must be almost dawn now.

Taking a look at the mirror field in the backyard, Tian Yuqiao found that a piece of golden rice had grown there.

She leaned over and looked carefully. She found that the rice seeds left by her family and the rice seeds obtained from the foreigner were mixed together. It may be that the mirror field can't figure out the difference between the two, but it directly mixed them together and inexplicably copied the seeds of hybrid rice!

"God, this is the result of Professor Yuan's research for many years. I didn't expect it to be realized by mirror Tian so easily?" Tian Yuqiao was a little unbelievable.

But looking at the full ears of rice, she couldn't help feeling a burst of joy. She felt that her eyes had become the shape of gold.

This time, since I intend to help Gongsun Yu, there are too many fields in their family. If they want to use the virtual lotus pond water, it is estimated that they will need a lot. It's better to just send him some such seeds. This is a huge profit without too much follow-up.

After making up his mind, Tian Yuqiao directly cut some ears of rice and took them out. Although it only looks like a big bundle, since there is time, the rice bred by these seeds in the next year must have time to leave a lot of food before the emperor and merchants compete.

After leaving the virtual world, the sky is not bright. Now the time ratio between the virtual world and the real world seems to be increasing.

He slept on Luohan's bed for a while. When Xiaoyu came to call her at dawn, Tian Yuqiao got up.

"Wow, miss, you are really good. Yesterday you asked for an egg, but today there is an extra bundle of rice in the house. But miss, do we want to grind the rice into rice and then cook by ourselves?" Xiaoyu was a little nervous.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "Hey, no wonder you can't accept it. It's no wonder. OK, I'm going to give these to Gongsun Yu and keep them as seeds."

When Gongsun Yu came to find Tian Yuqiao for breakfast, Tian Yuqiao gave him the bundle of rice directly.

"If I'm right, you can find a place in your house and try planting it now."

"Now? But now it's past integrity." Gongsun Yu frowned at the fresh rice seeds.

"Just don't believe me. By the way, I'll give you the seeds. The water in the well and the small courtyard where I live can be used. Keep the water for yourself. Don't take it to water the food, otherwise I don't care if it runs out."

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