Tian Yuqiao finally returned home from the Imperial City, and at this time their shop and house had changed. The shop was more decent, and the house was cleaned up. The place where the flowers are planted is already full of flowers. Where there should be water, it is also running water at this time.

Tian Yuqiao was dragged by the little guy and felt that his eyes were not enough.

"Elder sister, these are all designed by Dad, and dad has hired a new steward, who is also very good at this." the little guy began to chatter.

Except Tian Yuqiao's Qingfeng garden, almost all other places in the house have changed greatly. Tian Dahe knew Tian Yuqiao's temper, so she didn't let anyone bang her east yard, just cleaned it every day.

With the cover of the heaven and earth bag, Tian Yuqiao can give the gifts he collected from outside to the big guy. Not only their families, everyone has gifts, but also Chen Jiabao and Wang Dafa.

Everyone who signed a deed of sale with Tian Yuqiao or worked in a shop got all kinds of gifts. The dozens of roast ducks are barely enough. Fortunately, the twenty-four people who played the role of guarding the hospital were not included in the quota. Otherwise, there was not enough food.

If there was a wife at home, Tian Yuqiao gave an extra piece of jewelry. If there were children at home, two extra packages of snacks were sent. For those who don't have a family, Tian Yuqiao is more affordable. He directly rewards one or two silver.

Tian Dahe gave all the guys a holiday, and then asked the newly hired supervisor to arrange accommodation for the more than 20 people. Fortunately, before this shop, there was a big shop for the guys, and these people were settled there.

After Tian Yuqiao walked around, the Wang family over there had already prepared the food.

Most of them are local specialties brought back by Tian Yuqiao from outside, including two roast ducks and a roast wild goose.

"Wow, sister, no wonder you like going out so much. So you went out to eat, drink and have fun." the little guy rolled up his sleeves and was ready to start with the roast duck.

"Hey, Wulang, he doesn't have any appetite these days. I just managed to get him something to eat, and he couldn't eat it. Today, when Joe came back, the little guy suddenly had an appetite."

While helping Tian Yuqiao and the little guy with the dishes, Wang didn't forget to pour the wine for Tian Dahe. She didn't move her chopsticks very much. Just watching these people at home eat happily, she was satisfied.

Tian Yuqiao broke the wings of a wild goose for Wang Shi, smiled and said, "Mom, this is what king Jing beat when he went out hunting. He specially gave it to us, saying it was to taste fresh for his parents."

"Yes, your mother likes chicken wings best. Let's give your mother all the wild goose wings this time." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

The little guy tore off the wings of the roast duck again, making his hands oily. Put the duck wings in Wang's bowl and said with a smile, "Mom, I just sucked my fingers. Don't think I'm dirty."

Wang's eyes were wet, but she soon adjusted her mood and began to eat with her head down.

After eating for a while, Wang put down his chopsticks and said, "in fact, I don't want anything else. As long as our family can sit together for dinner every day, I'll be satisfied. Joe, our family doesn't worry about food and clothing now. Can you stop running out all the time?"

When Tian Dahe heard the speech, he frowned and said, "madam, the children are old now. We can't take care of some things too tightly. As long as we don't make big mistakes, let them go."

"But ~" Wang Shi was still a little unhappy.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "Mom, I won't go out if I don't have a big deal in the future. Don't worry."

"Oh, by the way, pinch the day. Rongrong should have a baby there. At the right moment, Joel, you're back. Why don't we go back to the mountain village in two days? My mother plans to go back and serve her for a month."

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "well, it's just that the melon fields and coal over there have to be arranged. I'll give it to my father here. It's just that there are more than 20 people I brought back this time. They used to farm, so my father will arrange it for them."

"Your father, now he wants to be a shopkeeper. Since he hired Nawu to be in charge, your father hasn't been in charge much."

Tian Yuqiao heard the name of Wu steward again, so he planned to take the time to see him and see who he was.

Wang began to pack up the things he wanted to take back, and had arranged for the big bear and the little bear to ride back first to report to Zhao.

Tian Yuqiao entered his own Qingfeng garden. Xiaoduanwei had already run to hang out with Honghong. Wealth and gold are both lazy to come out because of the upgrading of the virtual environment. At this time, Tian Yuqiao is absorbing aura in the virtual environment, so now Tian Yuqiao feels a little quiet.

Fortunately, there are Xiaoyu, yingzi and Jinhua, otherwise she really feels empty.

Xiaoyu lives in a small yard with Tian Yuqiao, while yingzi and Jinhua sleep in the flower house on the second floor. There are some plants and medicinal materials cultivated by Tian Yuqiao, so someone needs to take care of them at any time.

Now Xiaoyu has become Tian Yuqiao's confidant, not only because she has a tight mouth, but also because Xiaoyu doesn't talk much, and she also knows many secrets of Tian Yuqiao.

Many lice don't bite, and Tian Yuqiao doesn't bother to guard against all the people around him.

Night, some silence!

Tian Yuqiao felt a strange movement outside her window. Now without gold around, she felt like she was deaf.

The heart said it shouldn't be Daimei. After all, Daimei doesn't know she's here.

Carrying a stick, Tian Yuqiao quietly went out of the yard. As a result, as soon as she went out, she felt her mouth covered by a hand.

The hands are not very big, but they have some cocoons.

In the moonlight, the bracelet with the poisonous needle on Tian Yuqiao's wrist glittered. As soon as she was about to press the mechanism, she found that her hand had been controlled.

"Joel, it's me."

The voice is so familiar that it seems to have been heard many times in a dream.

Tian Yuqiao gave up the resistance. At the same time, the man also released his hand.

Feeling that he fell into a warm and solid embrace, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but have a sour nose.

"I haven't heard from you for a long time. People thought something had happened to you." Tian Yuqiao flattened his mouth, like a wronged kitten.

"Hey, when you moved here, all the letters sent by Daimei were brought back intact. This time, I asked Jin Huan to bring me back because I was worried. I heard Rong Rong said that you came to Sishui County, and I went to your county uncle and uncle to ask for your home address." Fang Wenhao explained.

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