At night, Fang Wenhao suddenly appeared in Tian Yuqiao's yard. I don't know how he did not disturb Xiaoyu and they came in. But Tian Yuqiao felt that this guy really had the potential to be a thief.

After feeding Jin Huan some pork that had been put in the virtual environment for some days, Jin Huan flew into the night sky and found a place to rest.

"By the way, did you come back by yourself this time? My mother and I are going to go back to the mountain village in one or two days. Sister Rong is going to have a baby. My mother doesn't trust me. She plans to go back and take care of her after she is born."

Tian Yuqiao frowned. In fact, she didn't like to go back. I'm free here. I don't have to worry about the difficulties in the old house. However, Zhu Rongrong's eyes were about to give birth, and big head was not around. It was normal for Wang to want to go back.

"Joe, don't worry. Big head is back, too. Now he is with Rong Rong. Gold ring takes me and silver ring takes him. We came back secretly."

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "you should come back this time to let sister Rong have a baby? Brother Big head really values love and righteousness. He specially came back from such a far place."

"What's the matter? Men will do this as long as they love their daughter-in-law. If I were you, I would be reluctant to leave." Fang Wenhao said.

"Hehe, don't tease me. I can't even grow a beard. I'm talking about adults. That's me. If someone else changes, I don't know how to laugh at you." Tian Yuqiao glanced at him and said.

Fang Wenhao whispered indifferently, "cut, I can't say that if someone else."

"Ah, I didn't catch what you just said."

Fang Wenhao said awkwardly, "qiao'er, Jinhuan's flying skills are still not home. I'm so tired to be carried here by it. Anyway, I'm here today, but I don't want to disturb godmother and Godfather. Otherwise, I'll make do with the night in your house. I'll let Jinhuan take me back first in the morning."

"No, men and women don't give and receive. It's dishonest. I can't learn well at such a young age."

Fang Wenhao said bitterly, "if I leave your room now, the little girl next door will find me. Where else do you think I can go? If the godmother knows I'm back, she will ask questions. What if I don't pay attention and tell you that you were caught by a big wizard?"

Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes, pointed to the carved step-by-step bed opposite and said, "well, go there and sleep, but don't snore at night."

"But I'm not used to that kind of bed. I still like to sleep on Kang."

"Well, I'll go to bed and you can sleep on the Kang." Tian Yuqiao was helpless.

"But I've been in the same room with them for so many years. I'm not used to sleeping alone. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep. Hey, what can I do? I've worked hard all the way from the northwest, and then came here at night. Jin Huan grabbed me and flew in the air. It's cold ~"

Fang Wenhao deliberately made a very tired, sad and injured look, so he almost didn't jump to hug and hold high.

Tian Yuqiao was a little speechless. He said in his heart, do you dare to be more shameless? I really want to kick this boy out. When he was on the battlefield, he didn't blink at killing people. Now he said he would be afraid to sleep alone. Bah, flickering ghosts.

"Hey, in that case, you might as well go back. Anyway, the temple here is small and can't accommodate your giant Buddha."

Before Tian Yuqiao could go on, Fang Wenhao skillfully took out a set of bedding in the Kang cabinet. He also smelled intoxicated, then closed his eyes and said, "well, this set of bedding is really fragrant. I'll use it."

Tian Yuqiao looked at the goods and occupied his walking bed. He immediately said, "that's, I'm, I'm!"

Fang Wenhao did not care so much. He skillfully spread the mattress on the Babu bed, and then lay down in his clothes. Make complaints about Tian Yuqiao's Tucao completely. After a while, even breathing sounds came out.

Staring at the back of his head, Tian Yuqiao could only reluctantly take out another set of bedding from the Kang cabinet.

The child slept in the same room with men other than Tian Yutang for the first time. She was still not used to it.

Although she doesn't think it has anything in her heart, after all, she is a transgressor and her mind is still relatively open. But this heart always feels like a thief. If it is known, especially Wang. It doesn't matter if she loses face. It's estimated that it's hard to clean her ears.

I can't call Caicai that guy. She can only bully xiaoruan.

"Xiao Ruan, you let your little friends guard my yard and never let anyone in. You can't let anyone in my room."

Little soft shook his tentacles and nodded the small head on the side of his stomach.

"Don't worry, master. I won't let anyone in. Let them block the door locks. Hehe."

Tian Yuqiao nodded a little soft head, and then she was ready to rest. However, there is a man in her room. No matter how open she is, she is embarrassed to change her pajamas. So he had to lie down with his clothes and stare at the back of Fang Wenhao's head for fear that the goods would suddenly turn to see himself.

Tian Yuqiao soon fell asleep, while Fang Wenhao turned over naturally. From his perspective, he could just see Tian Yuqiao sleeping.

After fighting in the snow for a long time, Fang Wenhao's night vision ability is much better than ordinary people. He could see Tian Yuqiao sleeping clearly, and he was fascinated.

Xiaoruan seems to be aware of Fang Wenhao's eyes. As the boss of Gu insects, it naturally pays more attention to Tian Yuqiao's account.

Shaking his tentacles and twisting his body, Xiao Ruan directly let those poisonous insects build a barrier on the edge of the Kang, blocking Fang Wenhao's eyes outside.

Fang Wenhao was so angry that he wanted to take Xiaoruo as a sea cucumber and put it directly into the porridge to cook!

There's nothing to see. I can only sleep honestly. However, Tian Yuqiao's Pink sleeping face seems to be printed in his head, which can't be removed.

When Tian Yuqiao woke up the next day, he found that the bed was empty. Even the previous set of bedding didn't know when it was put into the Kang cabinet. She folded it neatly. If she hadn't seen the curtain composed of insects in front of her, she would have thought she was dreaming.

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