Tian Yuqiao gave Zhu Rongrong a caesarean section in the virtual environment, and used those poisonous insects to help block the bleeding blood vessels, which didn't make Zhu Rongrong bleed.

Zhu Rongrong's life was recovered by virtue of the full aura in the virtual environment. Tian Yuqiao just ignored that this virtual environment can play a catalytic role to a certain extent, which is nothing for her. But these two newborn children have absorbed too much Reiki. They have no other way to digest it, so they can only grow their heads.

Hurry to get the two children out of the lotus pond. Take a closer look, both children are about to catch up with the child of the full moon.

Looking at the extra large dragon and Phoenix fetus in his arms, Tian Yuqiao felt a little bad. How do you explain to people when you go out? Such a big head, eh~

The two children grabbed Tian Yuqiao's hair on the left and tore Tian Yuqiao's dress belt on the right. His mouth is full of spitting bubbles. Don't mention how fun it is.

After all the adults and children were sent out of the virtual world, the time outside did not last long.

Xiaoyu just waited at the door. Before long, Tian Yuqiao suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Ah, miss, you are so amazing. Did you go to the heaven and earth bag to do that operation for Miss Rong?" Xiaoyu stared curiously at the two children in Tian Yuqiao's arms.

Tian Yuqiao wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Xiaoyu, let's have a rest in the house again, otherwise others will feel very strange."

"Well, OK, miss. Now a quarter of an hour has passed. You've done it. It's really great." Xiaoyu looked adored.

Tian Yuqiao's mind is all about how to explain these two "giant babies" that look like more than ten kilograms. It's really a headache.

There was chaos everywhere outside, while Tian Yuqiao closed his eyes in the house.

He seemed to realize that he was left out in the cold, and the boy immediately burst into tears. With the little girl next to her crying, the voice was definitely a soprano.

The people who were anxious outside heard the cry of the children in the room, and they all felt like beating chicken blood.

Now no one can stop the big head even if the sky falls. He directly broke through layers of obstacles and kicked the door open with one foot. Xiaoyu quickly dodged back.

"Rong Rong, is she all right?" big head came in and just looked at the two children on the Kang and came directly to Zhu Rongrong's side.

Zhao, Wang and Zhu Rongrong's sisters in law all crowded in, as well as the two stable women.

Everyone else was crying with joy, only the two steady women had some chat on their faces. While everyone was circling around Zhu Rongrong and the children, they took the opportunity to surround Tian Yuqiao.

"Little girl, how did you deliver the baby? Can you tell us?"

Tian Yuqiao said casually, "you can't do it. You'd better not learn. I cut her stomach with a knife, then took out the two children, and finally sewed her stomach."

Looking at her understatement, the two stable women's faces are like opening a dyeing workshop. It's called a colorful one.

Make sure that Zhu Rongrong just slept, we can rest assured. Zhao quickly asked someone to take the child to another room so as not to disturb Zhu Rongrong to rest.

There were only Zhao and Wang in the house, and even Zhu Rongrong's sister-in-law was kicked out by Master Zhu.

The two children were packed into two small candles and held in his hands one by one by Master Zhu. He refused to give up anything.

Big head's mouth should be on his ear. He can't get children around his father-in-law~

Several brothers of the Zhu family also came, and they didn't have time to change their greasy clothes. Father Zhu refused to let them near the child, lest the blood on them frighten the child.

"Dad, let me have a look, boy!" big head finally opened his mouth.

"OK, then you see, here!" father Zhu said and loosened the two children in front of the big head, but he still didn't mean to give the children to others.

With a bitter face, big head opened the quilt and looked at it. Although the child is still young and can't see anything now, the look on his big head's face is still very excited.

"Dad, you put the child down and let us all have a look."

"Yes, at least let my brother-in-law, the father, hug his child. What's the matter with your boss?"

Father Zhu stared and shouted, "you bastards, this is my eldest grandson. There are too many grandsons at home. I don't want grandsons, so I want grandsons. Whatever I like."

They were helpless and could only let father Zhu hold the two children.

After the two matchmakers hit a nail in Tian Yuqiao's place, they came to see the children.

One of them had sharp eyes and took the lead in discovering the problems of the child.

"No, why do these two children look older than full-term children?"

The other one came over and looked at it. Then he said, "Oh, it's true. The child still looked at me and smiled. It's reasonable to say that the eyes of the newly born child should not be easy to use."

When the two steady women said this, Master Zhu was stunned. After weighing the two grandchildren in his hand, he found that the weight of the two children was really not light.

"Oh, this is abnormal ~"

Without waiting for the steady woman to finish, Tian Yuqiao directly opened his mouth and said, "if sister Rong's child is not big, how can it be so difficult to have a baby? When people are pregnant, it's nothing to make a fuss when they see heaven's good food."

Several sister-in-law of the Zhu family also gathered around and squeezed out the steady women who were good believers.

Widow Chen quickly took out two hanging coins and gave them to the two stable women. When they left, they cut a big strip of pork with five kilograms.

"You two, don't talk nonsense after you go out. My boss has relatives with the county magistrate. If we know what gossip is outside, you know the consequences." widow Chen whispered and threatened.

"Oh, how do you say that? Our mouths are the tightest. We won't go out and talk nonsense."

"Yes, yes, it's a blessing that the child is big. We are both stable women, not matchmakers. Don't worry, we have a door in our mouth."

After sending away the two stable women, now all the people left in the yard are their own.

Fang has gone back to cook for the village head. Wang Xiuer is taking the two children. She is very rare.

Don't tell me. The two children both fell asleep together. They all cry together when they say they cry. They do everything together.

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