After Zhu Rongrong gave birth to the baby, he was awake at night. As soon as she woke up, she wanted to see her two children.

"Rong Rong, you can't move now. Your stomach was cut by sister Joel. Now the wound hasn't grown well, so you can't hold the child." big head frowned.

Knowing that Zhu Rongrong woke up, the Zhu family immediately shouted and all of a sudden surrounded him. Fortunately, the big house is big, otherwise so many people would not be able to live.

Tian Yuqiao worried that Zhu Rongrong's wound would go wrong, so he always asked Jin Jin to pay attention to the movement over there.

When she knew Zhu Rongrong was awake, she went to the opposite side with Wang and Zhao.

He took a lot of things for Zhu Rongrong's mother and son. After being polite there, big head led them to see Zhu Rongrong.

"It's a good time for you to come. Rong Rong just woke up. I won't let her move, and she won't listen. She has to sit up and hug the child. It's noisy." the big head was a little helpless.

Tian Yuqiao entered the room and saw that Zhu Rongrong looked good. It didn't look like a person who had just had an operation.

"Joe, thanks to you this time. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know where I am now." Zhu Rongrong said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao quickly vomited and said, "bah, don't talk nonsense. Now you've given birth to two children to brother in one breath. He's probably laughing and cramping."

The big head was massaging his chin with his own hand. When Tian Yuqiao said this, he put his hand down awkwardly.

"Ah ah."

"Cluck ~"

"Oh, these two little guys, when they see Qiao Er coming, they are refreshed now." widow Chen said with a smile.

"Aunt, I'm going to have to work harder for you this time. I'll help take care of the three women. These two children shouldn't worry much?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Widow Chen said bitterly, "Hey, these two little guys are very cute. They are too energetic. Why don't they sleep? I see you coming now. Look at that posture. I want to play with you."

Zhu Rongrong also said, "yes, I also found that the child was very close to her. When others wanted to hold her, they all stood back. At this moment, when I saw Joel, the two children actually stretched out their hands towards her."

Tian Yuqiao naturally knows why. The two children have benefited from the virtual environment. I didn't expect that they were so clever at a young age. I really can't underestimate it.

Wang Xiuer volunteered to help with the children.

"Ah, I don't deserve it. Now you are the wife of the county magistrate. Our two cubs dare not let you bring them." Zhu Rongrong joked.

"Just talk nonsense. I also like children very much. Learn how to take them by the way. I'm still me. It's the same to marry anyone. I can't change that I'm my mother's daughter." Wang Xiuer said with a smile.

Zhao lived directly with Zhu Rongrong. After all, Wang Xiuer didn't bring children. Zhao was afraid that she wouldn't bring them, so she would get them out for good or ill.

After taking everyone else away, Tian Yuqiao helped Zhu Rongrong look at the wound.

"Sister Rong, you can't touch the wound with water, let alone use too much force. You'd better not move these days, otherwise once the wound breaks open, it won't be fun." Tian Yuqiao asked solemnly.

Zhu Rongrong looked at the cotton cloth on his belly and said, "Joe, you are really good. You can even open your mouth to take the child. What makes me feel the most is that I haven't felt much pain. What's more, I can still live ~"

Tian Yuqiao's aversion to cold is just a caesarean section. It's like she saved the whole galaxy. He couldn't help but blurted out: "thanks to the pig killing knife, ah, it's not very easy."

Zhu Rongrong was stunned, stared round and said, "what, you said you opened the chamber for me with a pig killing knife?"

"No, sister Rong, don't say that. It doesn't matter whether it's a black cat or a white cat. It's a good cat if it can catch mice. It doesn't matter whether it's a pig knife or a kitchen knife. It just needs to save people. So we don't care too much about those details, hehe."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I actually want to learn from you. I'm more skilled with a pig killing knife than you. You can save people with a pig killing knife, so I can't just kill pigs?" Zhu Rongrong said with a smile.

"Ouch, my sister Rong, you'd better take good care of yourself. You have a big cut in your stomach. It's not good to get inflamed again."

Zhu Rongrong nodded and agreed. Tian Yuqiao went out again and let Zhao and them in.

After returning home, Wang smiled and said to Tian Yuqiao, "Joe, you are so capable that you dare to operate on someone else's belly."

"Hey, actually, it's not very difficult. It's like killing pigs and sheep. Cut a hole in your belly, take out the child and sew it on your belly. I'm afraid you won't let me do it."

"What you said is simple. It's a living man, not a quilt. If you can't do it well, won't the man be finished?" Wang was afraid.

"Don't worry, mom, I won't do it easily. There's really nothing I can do today, but if there's another way, I can't do it. When I was in the mountain, I thought my master helped Dabai heal his injury. Dabai's stomach was broken at that time, which was similar to today's situation." Tian Yuqiao lied.

Wang heard that Tian Yuqiao's move was actually learned from Huang Banxian, and her heart was put down. Otherwise, the child is so young. How can he open his stomach if he can't move!

After returning home, sister-in-law Wang and her second sister-in-law have helped burn the Kang in the house and some hot water.

After both women had taken a bath, they closed the door and prepared to go to bed.

Ash can see the master coming back, but the little guy didn't come back together. It was quite excited, and now it seemed to be poured cold water.

But he was still very happy. After all, Tian Yuqiao threw him a large piece of meat prescription with aura as soon as he came back.

Fang Wenhao lived with big head at the beginning. Today, Wang and them came back, and Fang Wenhao moved in together.

Tian Yuqiao was too tired today. He didn't bother her, but lay down silently in the room where he lived before.

Now he felt that this sister Joel seemed more and more mysterious. He was special enough. He didn't expect anyone more different than himself.

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