The day after Tian Yuqiao returned to the mountain village, he was already familiar with the life here. During the day, when she had nothing to do, she went to Zhu Rongrong's house to see her two children and went home early to bed at night.

As for the golden ring and silver ring, they ran to the mountain to hunt. They seldom came back so late.

Tian Yuqiao doesn't care about them. Fortunately, there are no fierce beasts around here. I'm sure they won't be hurt.

Dabai also came back with Fang Wenhao this time. Now it has been domesticated almost. Except for going crazy occasionally, it's usually pretty good.

Fang Wenhao couldn't sleep at night. He wanted to talk to Tian Yuqiao. So he sent Daimei to send a letter to Tian Yuqiao. After he was dressed up, he hid in the room for the first-class news.

Tian Yuqiao fell asleep and heard Daimei pecking at the glass window with her mouth. She was so sleepy that she quickly opened the window and let Dai Mei in.

Daimei and Tian Yuqiao were coquettish and cute. After they got a lot of delicious food, they ran to the nest of gold to have a rest. Tian Yuqiao opened the bamboo tube and found that Fang Wenhao's handwriting was inside.

It says: it's so boring. I want to go out and chat with you.

Tian Yuqiao had no choice but to put on his clothes carefully, and then quietly pushed open the door.

Fang Wenhao has been paying attention to the movement on her side. After hearing some slight noise, he also quietly went out of the door.

Instead of going from the front, they went out through the back door, through the vegetable field and fish pond, and walked towards the foot of the mountain.

"Brother Hao'er, what are you doing if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" Tian Yuqiao asked helplessly.

Fang Wenhao smiled and said, "it's nothing. I just want ~ to find you out for a walk. Look how beautiful the moon is today!"

Tian Yuqiao looked up. NIMA, where is the moon? It's cloudy today. It's really unprofessional to lie.

Fang Wenhao smiled awkwardly and then said, "let's go up the mountain. We can't sleep anyway."

"Ah ~ but people are so sleepy." Tian Yuqiao yawned and said listlessly.

"It's said that my family has planted a melon on the mountain. I'm just going to have a look. Why don't we go there tonight? We're thirsty at the moment."

Tian Yuqiao reluctantly rolled his eyes and said, "well, I'll go with you to have a look at the mountain you earned. Hey, it seems that I can't sleep today."

"Hey, it's hard work. Come with me. It's just a distraction. By the way, what about the coal you told me before?"

"Coal is very useful. I've found a big buyer. Don't worry. I'll certainly do a good job in logistics for you. You must be careful not to be caught. Now your name of Haotian army has been widely spread."

In the twinkling of an eye, he had arrived at Nanshan Temple. Fang Wenhao had planned to see the two brothers Eryuan. But Tian Yuqiao said, "don't bother them so late. They will come back when they are free tomorrow. After all, my mother and I are back, and they will certainly come to help."

"Well, let's go to the melon field. I haven't eaten watermelon for a long time." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

"Let's just test the vigilance of those who watch melons. How about we steal melons together?" Tian Yuqiao suddenly had fun.

Fang Wenhao clapped his hands and said, "OK, let's do it. Jinhuan and Yinhuan won't do much when they see us, and the thunder god who is responsible for watching the melon field knows us. Hey, this method can definitely test whether the people you hire are reliable or not."

After they made up their mind, Tian Yuqiao actually planned to take back the two watermelons and give them to Zhu Rongrong. After all, it's hot now, and Zhu Rongrong can't eat too cold. The watermelon was put at room temperature, and she could barely eat some.

After crossing the two ridges, the two men had seen the mountain. It was completely burned there before. Now it looks bare and dark, which is obviously different from other mountains nearby.

"Nuo, it's the black mountain. Before, they used to burn paper for my father. As a result, a fire burned the mountains." Tian Yuqiao flattened his mouth and said.

Fang Wenhao frowned: "Hey, you're really good enough. If you're in our army, you'll kill your head."

"It seems that the discipline of your army is still very strict. It's good. Develop well, don't forget me who supports you."

"Don't worry, even if I forget my last name, I can't forget sister Qiao's kindness to me." Fang Wenhao's face was complacent.

Seeing that he was at the foot of the mountain, Tian Yuqiao looked at several lights nearby. It must be the place where Gua people live.

"Shh, be careful not to be found. There are lights there. Be careful. It's said that my uncle and they seem to have bought a lot of little wolf pups." Tian Yuqiao said nervously.

"Don't worry. When I was in the west, the dog raised by the Hu people was powerful. I have a way."

"What can you do?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

Fang Wenhao was suddenly stunned. He was a little embarrassed and said, "no, I forgot that the dogs are our own. I used the poisons you gave to hurt the Hu people's dogs."

After rolling his eyes, Tian Yuqiao said, "come with me. I know where the melons are delicious."

It was dark and the road was slippery. Tian Yuqiao was careless and almost fell.


"Joel, be careful."

Fang Wenhao grabbed Tian Yuqiao's arm for the first time and pulled her sliding body up.

"It scared me to death. I didn't expect the grass on the mountain to grow so fast. I just came back not long ago and didn't find so much grass. I was too careless. Don't worry, it won't happen next." Tian Yuqiao explained awkwardly.

"Forget it, I'll go ahead and you'll just follow."

As soon as they reached the hillside, they heard a rustle in the nearby trees.

"Be careful, there seems to be something nearby. We must not be found." Tian Yuqiao whispered.

The next moment Tian Yuqiao saw several pairs of shining triangular eyes and the shining white tusks.

"Joe, why didn't you tell me that there are wild boars on the mountain?" Fang Wenhao frowned.

Tian Yuqiao trembled with fear when he heard that it was a wild boar. She has a complete psychological shadow on the wild boar, and it still lingers.

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