Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao didn't sleep in the middle of the night. They ran to the mountain idle and planned to steal their own watermelon and cantaloupe to eat.

This feeling of being a thief makes people feel very interesting and exciting, but I didn't expect to be found by a group of cute little wild boars with fat, meat and cute when they were about to reach their destination.

Tian Yuqiao has forged an indissoluble bond with pigs since he crossed this era.

Because the pig lives, because the pig dies, fight with the pig for a lifetime!

This sentence could not be more appropriate to describe her feelings at this time. Subconsciously, he felt the pig knife that had just finished the caesarean section for Zhu Rongrong from the virtual environment. Tian Yuqiao felt that his palms were sweating.

Fortunately, after the little wild boars found them, they didn't siege them at the first time, but looked at each other so quietly. They also kept making "hum" sounds, like communicating

"Brother pig, it seems that two people have been found ahead."

"Yes, it's ghostly. It doesn't look like a good thing."

"Zhengjie, shall we tell Baba the fat family and let Baba bite them to death?"

Er ~ this is the inner communication of wild boar, which was made up by Tian Yuqiao.

"Brother Hao'er, you've been wandering outside for so long. What do you think now?" Tian Yuqiao turned his head and asked.

Fang Wenhao said calmly, "there's an extra meal tonight!"

Tian Yuqiao reluctantly turned his eyes and gave it to him. Then he said, "the wild boar is still so small. It's almost the same to take it back to sister Rong. She still has an empty pigsty there anyway. It's a pity to eat."

Two people here are talking about the ownership of the wild boars, and there are little wild boars on the other side who have slipped away quietly.

Tian Yuqiao's side is still in line with the battle strategy of keeping the enemy and me still and watching it change. There are many bright spots on the other side, slowly pouring over here. When Fang Wenhao finds the problem, he and Tian Yuqiao have been made dumplings.

I heard someone shouting at them, "Hey, people inside, listen. For the sake of our fellow villagers, we can not investigate you for stealing melons this time. You are limited to come out immediately. I can count to three. If you don't come out again, don't blame us for releasing wild boars."

When the man finished shouting, he heard a rustle in the nearby trees. Fang Wenhao looked around alertly. Sure enough, there were many strong wild boars staring at them.

There was a trace of ferocity and anger in their eyes, as if their children had been bullied by the two men.

Tian Yuqiao had heard the noise of the shouting man. Then he slowly turned out from behind the tree and shouted, "brother tiger, it's me."

The people raised the torch and looked closer. It was either Zha or Tian Yuqiao. There is a teenager next to her. Isn't that Fang Wenhao!

"Joe, why are you here in middle of the night?" big tiger asked with the a frown after he was stunned.

Tian Yuqiao smiled sweetly, revealing a mouthful of Xiaobei teeth and said, "brother tiger, your vigilance is really high. I didn't expect wild boars to help you see the melon field."

Dahu turned back and said to the people who came to see the melon field: "it's a misunderstanding. Our boss came to check our work. Let's go back and do whatever we should do."

After answering, they quickly returned to their respective places.

After they all left, Dahu took Tian Yuqiao to his temporary wooden shed.

After pouring hot water for the two people, Dahu continued to ask, "Why are you here? Fortunately, you weren't hurt by those animals, otherwise I'm so sorry for aunt."

"Hehe, in fact, I don't hide it from you. We are idle and bored. It suddenly occurred to us to come and steal melons while the moon is dark and the wind is high tonight." Tian Yuqiao was outspoken.

As soon as the big tiger heard this, he was confused and asked, "the whole mountain is yours. If you want to eat melons, just let me know. Why do you have to go up the mountain to steal it in the middle of the night? It's so troublesome, you really are."

"Don't you understand? I haven't heard that a wife is better than a concubine, and a concubine is better than stealing ~ Er ~"

As soon as Tian Yuqiao finished, he saw Fang Wenhao staring at himself with that damn look. She realized that she seemed to know a little too much, which made Fang Wenhao and them feel a little overwhelmed.

"Ah, bah, bah, I don't mean that. I just think it's fun. By the way, I'll test the vigilance of those people you attract, hehe." Tian Yuqiao smiled awkwardly.

Fang Wenhao refused to let her go. He grabbed her arm, leaned against Tian Yuqiao and said, "Joe, tell me clearly. Who taught you those words just now?"

Looking at his cold eyes, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help shivering again. He flattened his mouth and said, "Hey, what sentence did you say? I seem to have lost my memory?"

"Don't be careless with me. That's what I said. I'd rather steal it." Fang Wenhao continued to ask.

The heart said it was bad and attracted the attention of little Zhengtai. How can I explain it to him?

"Listen to people on the street. It's normal for men to have that kind of mind."

Fang Wenhao's face was still as black as the bottom of the pot and shouted, "I don't think what I said is right. Those who say that bastard words are not good men. A real good man wants to be one to the woman he loves. How can he think about going out and stealing all day?"

Tian Yuqiao touched his nose and said, "hehe, it's your man's business. I don't understand it. Alas, he's still so young and needs more sleep to grow tall. He's so sleepy. Take two watermelons and let's go down the mountain quickly. It's time to toss for a while. If my mother finds out, it's great. After all, men and women don't kiss each other ~"

She said hello to the tiger, then raised her feet and walked out.

"Oh, Joe, wait a minute. I'll take you down the mountain. I'll pick two watermelons for you later. There are just two big ones." big tiger followed and went out of the shed together.

Two big watermelons weighing 20 jin were selected. Fang Wenhao and Dahu went down the mountain with one in their arms.

Not to mention, just two watermelons, held by them, look like Zhu Rongrong a few days ago.

Tian Yuqiao's mouth rose slightly, imagining what a man would look like if he could have children.

At this time, the two people who didn't know Tian Yuqiao had such evil ideas were carefully crossing the mountains with watermelon in their arms.

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