At the end of the whole mountain village, they began to get busy. Even Tian chrysanthemum came to help with her son and daughter-in-law.

But Tian Yuqiao found that his daughter-in-law looked a little more bloated than before. So he asked curiously, "aunt, you seem to be fat?"

The pillar laughed and said, "good thing, great good thing. We haven't had time to tell you. Your aunt has it in her stomach. Hey, why do I tell you this little girl!"

"OK, Zhuzhu, hurry to the town and send the invitations of shopkeeper Yao and shopkeeper Kan. Don't forget to buy more candy and snacks." Tian chrysanthemum shouted from the house.

When the pillar heard the speech, he turned directly and left. Wang quickly stopped him and said, "wait a minute, brother Zhu, send a basket of watermelon to their family and let them have a good taste."

"Oh, well, otherwise it would be a waste for the mule cart to walk in vain." the pillar left with a smile.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to ask my daughter-in-law: "be careful yourself. This is the first child in our family. Don't be tired."

Tian Yuqiao was nearby, smiled and looked up and said, "don't worry, uncle Zhu, we won't let our aunt work."

"Yes, pillar, what are you waiting for? We're going to have a banquet. We have to buy everything outside tonight. Don't talk nonsense. There's a mother here to take care of it. The child in your daughter-in-law's belly can't be wrong." Tian chrysanthemum was a little impatient.

The pillar didn't dare to delay more time. He hurried out and went home.

When Zhuzhu came back, he happened to come back with Gongsun Changyin. Wang Xiuer was still angry with him, so she ignored him.

In contrast, Gongsun Changyin hurriedly held a jewelry box and began to show his love in front of everyone.

"Xiu'er, stop it. I know I was too busy to ignore you some time ago. Don't prepare a gift for you. Don't be angry. Don't disturb other people's happy days. You see so many people watching us."

Gongsun Changyin glanced around, and everyone seemed to rehearse as soon as it was realized. At the same time, he looked elsewhere.

Wang Xiuer finally couldn't stand his soft grind and hard bubble, so she had to choose to forgive him.

"Really, I'll forgive you this time. If I don't go home in the evening, I won't be so easy to coax." Wang Xiuer said with a shy face.

The busy days always passed quickly. The next day, Zhao took his two daughter-in-law and sorted out the dishes that needed oil.

Zhu Rongrong's sisters in law joined the regiment one by one. They are all busy frying meatballs. Fortunately, the place at home is big enough, otherwise they can't be busy at all.

Father Zhu carried his hands on his back, like a general patrolling his territory. One side told the sons, "you're responsible for getting the pig elbow meat, and then pick it up. At that time, Joel said what dish she's going to cook."

"Dad, go back and have a rest when you are old. We all know it here."

Zhao smiled and cut the meat stuffing. He said to father Zhu, "go back and have a rest first. I'm staring at the children. Don't worry, there will be no problem with tomorrow's full moon wine. Besides, the big head has counted the number of people. At best, it's about five tables with our own."

"No, my son-in-law told me that the brothers he brought back this time are all their confidants, and the people over there have to come this time." father Zhu frowned.

Yuanji and Yuantong, two young monks, also came at noon. Their first words were: "Mom, my master and sister Qiao's master said that they would come to congratulate Brother Big head and sister Rong. Let's not forget them. They also said that they haven't eaten meat for many days ~"

Wang smiled and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve. When he saw his two dry sons, Wang was naturally happy.

"Don't worry, let's prepare according to ten tables. Anyway, there is a large amount of pork, and there must be enough meat and vegetables. If you want vegetables, just go to our house and get them. There are still a lot in the greenhouse." Wang said with a smile.

The big head was a little embarrassed and said, "aunt, I'm really sorry. It's so troublesome for you. Hey, it's all my brothers. They can eat so much that they can top three alone..."

Hearing what big boss said, Wang also had a headache. Father Zhu patted his chest and said, "it doesn't matter. I'll kill another pig now. There's enough meat and vegetables."

Everyone began to get busy. Gongsun Changyin and Wang Xiuer also helped.

This time, he also learned from the servants that his wife went back to his mother's house because Zhu Rongrong had a child, so he also prepared a gift for the child.

In the blink of an eye, it was the right day. Early in the morning, two worldly experts on the mountain hurried down the mountain. Even if it's not time to eat, the watermelon of the Tian family and the newly fried small Mahua are also delicious.

When the pillar came back from town this time, Yao Laowu and Kan Dashan knew that they wanted to have a banquet and directly provided a lot of things. Kandashan directly sent 30 jin of good wine. Even Yao Laowu also brought a basket of skin shrimps that others gave him to the pillar.

Now the seafood is being raised by Tian Yuqiao in the virtual lotus pond. It seems more lively than two days ago.

The two shopkeepers in the town came to rely on the mountain village together and brought generous gifts. Most of them are small gifts for two children and many good materials.

Kan Dashan was straightforward, simple and rough, and wrapped up twenty liang of silver.

The boy brought by Gongsun Changyin was responsible for keeping accounts. When he saw such a big piece of silver, his eyes were straight.

After all, this is a small mountain village. The villagers who came to Hexi before were all three melons and two dates. When they came to others, they were directly silver spindles.

"You are a vulgar person." Yao Lao Wu could not help but make complaints about it.

"Practical is OK. You think vulgarity has no vulgarity capital, ha ha ha." kan Dashan retorted.

It's almost time to see, and all the people with heads and faces in the village have arrived. Big head asked the village head to help greet the elders, while he and Fang Wenhao were responsible for greeting the brothers of Hao Tianjun.

Hui Kong and Huang Banxian sat at the village head's table, looking very high.

The banquet soon began. Even those who are used to eating delicacies swallow their saliva when they see the banquet.

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