The full moon wine made by Zhu Rongrong's family for their children is very luxurious. Even Kan Dashan is full of praise for it. He also threatened to invite some women in charge of cooking today to be his chef.

Everyone laughed and it was over.

The wine was drunk for a long time, and because there were too many meat and vegetables on each table, Wang also asked people to bring iced watermelon for everyone.

Just as everyone was eating and drinking in full swing, the flowers and ashes who came to eat and drink together shouted at the same time. Listen to the voice. The people who come are definitely not popular.

Twelve tables of banquet were placed in the front yard. Most of the people were relatives of the Zhu family and the Tian family, and there were the brothers brought back by Fang Wenhao and big head.

When they heard the dog barking, they all stopped talking and looked at the door.

Li Shi, who was forcibly pulled by Gao Shi, seemed a little submissive. He looked unwilling, but due to Gao's obscenity, he had to follow him.

Gao's arm tightly hung Li's arm for fear that she would run away. Behind Gao's back, he followed Tian Dajiang and old man Tian, and then there were Dalang and his wife, as well as other children of Da Fang.

Both Dalang and Chen's faces wore a bitter color, especially Dalang's eyebrows were always frowned.

"Well, you're eating alone here. You really don't take us as relatives. The second son died early, and the Wang family often helps his mother's family. Now it's good that he doesn't even tell us about such a big thing. Tut tut tut."

Gao's spittle flew everywhere, and her eyes stared greedily at the wine and vegetables on the table. The sound of swallowing saliva can be heard from a distance.

Tian Dajiang is even more so. He is idle on weekdays. The silver in the hands of master Tian and Li has long been corrupted by him.

Now there are people doing things in the village. He's waiting to eat and drink.

"I said to my second daughter-in-law, if this banquet is your remarriage wedding banquet, I'll take someone away without saying a word. If not, why don't you mean not to let us sit at the banquet? We have to sit at the banquet anyway?" Tian Dajiang said aggressively.

The village head took the lead, and his tolerance for Tian Dajiang has reached the limit.

"Well, Tian Dajiang, you are now the number one unfilial son in our village. You bully your mother and your sister on weekdays? What kind of madness are you smoking today? You're running wild here!"

Tian Dajiang suddenly narrowed his door and hid behind Gao.

When Gao saw that her man counseled her, she stood up and said, "I said, village head, you can't talk like that. Which eye did you see that we are not filial to our parents? Also, Osmanthus fragrans is going to be the age of marriage. She is used to doing nothing by her mother. What can I do? I can't look at her as a sister-in-law. If no one else?"

Tian Guihua listened to her sister-in-law. Although she was very unconvinced, she didn't dare to say more in front of the villagers. She just subconsciously lifted her sleeve up, revealing the bruise on her arm hit by the cane.

Tian Yuqiao saw the problem at a glance, but what she thought at this time was not how to save Tian Guihua. After all, she did it herself. Who let her bully her family by relying on Li's favor?

On the contrary, it was the Wang family who couldn't help but move her compassion.

He smiled and said, "since both parents are here, please take a seat quickly. This time it's not our family's business, it's the full moon for the children."

"Oh, it's not your family's wedding. You're still very happy with it. I don't know. I thought his father had an affair with you. I haven't paid less attention these days. You run here every day."

Gao Shi said that, he found a bench at the gate of the yard and sat down. Then he said, "Oh, look at you. After coming back for a few days, I've sent some watermelons to my family. The water is croaking and not full at all. Now I think the carp should belong to your family? Tut Tut, it's really willing."

Gao's words became more and more outrageous, making Wang's face blue and white.

The Zhu family's father doesn't have such a good temper. After all, if Li Shi wants to speak, he still has a grudge against his family.

At the beginning, the scholar Lang wanted to marry Zhu Rongrong. As a result, another bride came out. This matter, like a thorn in father Zhu's heart, is difficult to pull out.

Now it's his daughter's wedding. He's not used to Gao.

Stand up and tidy up your clothes. Father Zhu strode to the gate and blocked Gao's eyes from the banquet.

"Who should I be? The beggar dog also knows that if he wants people to stutter, he has to shake his tail twice. Whose dog chain is not fastened, and the old mother dog runs to our door to bite people? Take it back quickly, otherwise the pig killing knife in my hand is not vegetarian."

After saying that, father Zhu pulled out the pig killing knife that had followed him for many years from his waist. The handle of the knife was soaked with pig blood, showing a trembling and chilling purple black.

Gao was so frightened that she quickly hid herself aside. However, she forgot that she was alone on the bench, and she still sat on the side.

Now she ran to the side again, and the other end of the stool turned up because of imbalance. Gao sat on the ground and happened to sit on the pig leg stick bone that ash had chewed half and had not finished!

The pain made her show her teeth, and the expression on her face was particularly ferocious.

Li Shi thought things were bad, so he took the opportunity to secretly pull Tian Guihua to leave.

At this time, Gongsun Changyin suddenly said, "aunt Tian, don't hurry. Since I caught up with you today, I'll take care of it to the end. The law of our Dynasty stipulates that anyone who treats his parents badly should be punished by less than 20 boards. In addition, he should also be fined two liang of silver to see the effect."

"What, you have to pay silver? That's not good. The county magistrate, we are poor and can't eat dry food. Now we all start to eat watermelon to fill our belly." Tian Dajiang said bitterly.

"It's funny to say that the watermelon is not affordable for ordinary people. The price is more expensive than pork. You can all afford that expensive watermelon. You must be fined some silver?" the village head echoed.

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