After coming to Zhu Rongrong's house to make a scene, Gao was scolded by the village head, and then frightened by the county magistrate. Now Gao's legs are soft.

Gao's forehead jumped suddenly when he heard that he would be fined two liang of silver and that Tian Dajiang would be beaten.

"My Lord, unfilial people have been controlled by us, waiting for your honor." Gongsun Changyin's entourage said respectfully.

At this time, Tian Dajiang and Gao both knelt at the gate of the yard. Mr. Tian and Li sat on the bench that Gao had turned over before. Tian Guihua stood behind the second old man, staring at Gao with her eyes full of resentment.

"You two, your eldest son is not filial to you. Today I am here to decide for you. Don't be afraid, just say it." Gongsun Changyin said flatly.

"Mom, you can't talk nonsense. You and my father will have to rely on me, the only son, to support you." Tian Dajiang quickly begged.

Old man Tian looked up at the sky. Two muddy tears didn't hold back along the corners of his eyes and slid down directly. It fell on the bluestone floor and hit a dark mark.

In fact, Gongsun Changyin didn't intend to meddle in the Tian family's business at first, but he couldn't watch Xiuer's sister be accused like this, could he? He didn't like Gao from the beginning, so he planned to take this opportunity to clean up the couple.

Mr. Tian shook his head and said helplessly, "nothing, nothing. If you have something to eat, you won't die if you're hungry, and you didn't beat or scold us."

Li Shi wanted to say something, but he was stopped by grandpa Tian with his eyes.

Tian Guihua didn't care so much. He just stepped forward and knelt next to Gao.

He rolled up his sleeve and showed the blue and purple on his arm. There were new wounds and old ones, but anyone with a clear eye could see that she was smoked by broom bumps and willow slivers.

"County magistrate, you are the great master of Qingtian. You have to make decisions for me. Look at my injuries ~" Tian Guihua said, kneeling and climbing forward for a few steps, directly pulled Gongsun Changyin's robe and let him see his arm.

Wang Xiuer on one side was so angry that the man and woman didn't give and receive. She said in her heart what was the field of Osmanthus going to do?

Gongsun Changyin seemed to notice a cool breath coming from his side. Then he looked straight and said, "step back and have someone in the Yamen examine you."

Tian Guihua retreated again, and Gongsun Changyin patted Wang Xiuer's hand in embarrassment.

"My Lord, I've seen the injury. I was beaten."

Tian Guihua immediately burst into tears, as if she wanted to cry out all the grievances she had suffered from Gao's abuse during this period.

"My Lord, since my fourth brother went to the county, my third brother was sent to the northwest by you, and my second brother died again. My eldest brother and sister-in-law bullied me all day. Even my parents had to eat their eye food every day. They opened a small stove in the house to eat dry food, but gave my parents clean soup and little water."

Osmanthus continued to Tucao, "I still have injuries. My sister-in-law saw me make complaints about her. She was beaten by me. I was beaten by my sister-in-law. And on my leg, my brother had kicked a big purple."

As she spoke, she wanted to lift her rag skirt.

Gongsun Changyin didn't dare to let Tian Guihua continue fooling around, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "OK, I already know this. You don't need to say much, and execute it now. Come on, hit the top 20 boards of Tian Dajiang first, and then the top 10 boards of Gao. Execute it immediately without error."

Without waiting for Tian Dajiang to retort, their mouths were blocked by the Yamen with a bundle of straw next to them.

The eldest brother of the Zhu family came to help and brought me two long benches. Don't say, put these two people on the top, the length is just right.

There was no ready-made board, so the two boys who came with Gongsun Changyin went to the side and chose two poles for carrying pigs.

It was thick enough to be as thick as his arm. Tian Dajiang immediately stared round his eyes and his whole face turned red.

Seeing this, old man Tian quickly knelt down and begged, "Sir, there is only one who can work in the field. If he is beaten, our crops will be over."

"Sir, how can I hear that uncle eats, drinks and plays with people outside all day, and seems to have used up all the land left by his fourth uncle? In that case, the land at home is planted by brother Dalang, and he should be no less than uncle." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Looking at her harmless appearance, Tian Dajiang was angry at this time. His eyes were full of red blood, and his face was red. He almost didn't spit fire and smoke directly from his ears.

He shook his head desperately and struggled, but Zhu Rongrong's third and fourth brothers were held down, while Gao's side was pressed there by Zhu's sister-in-law and second sister-in-law.

The second sister-in-law of the Zhu family also said, "I used to help you press the pig. I didn't expect us to press the person this time."

"That's not why. Although Gao is big and thick, he still doesn't have the strength of the old sow. I said, you'd better not move around, otherwise when you hit the board later, people will be cruel."

As soon as Gongsun Changyin raised his hand, the two boys beat the board.

Nearby, the village head counted: "one, two, three..."

Tian Dajiang finished, and Gao stopped at the same time. Gao's teeth were grinning with pain, his head was sweating, and he fainted directly. Tian Dajiang is still awake, but he can only hum.

After the straw in his mouth was pulled out, the young man said to Gongsun Changyin with some worry: "my Lord, I just forgot this woman on a whim. You only sentenced me to ten boards. What can I do?"

Gongsun Changyin frowned and didn't expect how to deal with it.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "my Lord, just now, the eldest brother should be thinking that Gao is usually unfilial to his mother-in-law and often bullies his sister-in-law, so he was indignant. As a result, he beat a few more times. I think so. I'll pay the two liang silver fine for them. Let's just play ten more boards."

Gongsun Changyin found a step down, so he asked old man Tian, "do you think it's ok?"

Old man Tian looked at his eldest son and daughter-in-law being beaten into that shape. He was not afraid that it was false. When the county magistrate asked himself, he said, "yes, yes."

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