Fang Wenhao arranged 500 men and horses to ambush in a small road at the northwest border. Tian Yuqiao and Datou take Dabai to prepare at the other end and let Dabai get a lot of stumps.

The gold came in handy at this time, lying directly on the back of the gold ring and looking into the distance. Just after ambushing there for less than two days, I noticed a team of soldiers sneaking towards this side.

After the golden ring circled, it had flown out for hundreds of meters and soon came to Tian Yuqiao with gold.

"Zhizhi! There are about 300 people coming over there. It is estimated that they will be there in two hours."

Tian Yuqiao frowned, sat directly on Yinhuan and asked Yinhuan to take her to Fang Wenhao.

"Joel, how's your side?"

"I've found the enemy over there. It should be the eldest prince. Their people are coming. It's estimated that they can almost come to you in two hours. Ambush quickly."

When Fang Wenhao and big head together, big head led 500 people to hide next to the narrow path, and all of them quickly ambushed. Even the footprints they stepped on were cleaned up by special people.

This is the experience of fighting in the snow all year round, which has always been retained. In this way, the enemy can not find his whereabouts, which is very suitable for ambush.

After getting ready, the two little things, gold and gold ring, continued to monitor the situation over there.

Within a certain range, gold can directly communicate to Tian Yuqiao.

The three hundred people sent by the eldest prince over there are all dressed lightly in order to make a quick move.

Now after an hour or so, the group had almost reached the place where they were ambushed.

Fang Wenhao was sent to a tall tree by Jinhuan. At this time, he was looking down at the situation in the distance.

Fang Wenhao played a signal bomb here, and then a drum like sound came from both sides below.

The wooden rolling made temporarily by the side played a role. The core of the trunk was hollowed out, and there was burning coal in it. Roll down from the side. Even if you don't hit the dead, you can burn a large area.

Then there were hot stones rolling down from the side.

These three hundred people were all elite soldiers and strong generals selected by the great prince. However, without any precaution, they stumbled and suffered a great loss.

This round of rolling logs and boulders alone has lost nearly 100 of these 300 people.

With the sound of a whistle, all the 500 Hao heavenly armies that had been ambushed around poured out from both sides and directly wrapped up the rest of the people.

We can imagine the outcome of the 500 Hao Tianjun who are ready to go and the 200 injured and disabled generals who are like frightened birds.

In less than half an hour, the 200 disabled soldiers were subdued.

In addition to those who died, there were seventy or eighty who survived. And these 70 or 80 people were tied up one by one by Hao Tianjun. Now they are waiting for Fang Wenhao's fate.

"Either surrender or die. There are only two ways. Choose one for yourself." Fang Wenhao said coldly.

The leading leader recognized Fang Wenhao at a glance and said with gnashing teeth: "well, you little wolf, the great prince was kind to you at the beginning. I didn't expect you to be the king of the mountain here. What's more, Haotian army? Bah, a bunch of despicable villains who can only use the following indiscriminate means to ambush others."

Fang Wenhao's eyes were cold and said in a cold voice, "you followed the great prince and secretly colluded with the Hu people. At the beginning, the great prince was cruel to his own brother. When it comes to ambush, didn't you intend to ambush us first?"

Big head put a knife directly on the man's neck and threatened, "grandma, if you didn't collude with foreign ghosts, I'm accompanying my wife and children at home now. Now I have to come all the way to clean you up. Say, either surrender or die. How do you choose?"

The leader was still tough, and Du qiao'er came over with a smile and said, "give them this pill, and then let them choose."

This is the Wanyi heart eating pill just refined by Tian Yuqiao. Once people eat this poison, they will itch all over. It feels like being bitten by 10000 ants. If you don't take the antidote in a quarter of an hour, your bones will itch

Originally, the effect of this poison is to make people itch from the heart to the outside, bone marrow, flesh and blood, skin, from the inside to the outside. And Tian Yuqiao this is because the fire is not at home. Although it is stirred up, the effect is very general.

This time, just let those people be a white mouse. Let's experiment on them.

Those people are naturally unwilling to eat. At first glance, the pill doesn't look like a good thing.

At that moment, more than a dozen people directly chose to surrender, while the other 60 still took a tough attitude. It's a great honor that they became the first to try Tian Yuqiao's new works.

Soon, they scratched their flesh and skin, especially in summer, and wore less. In addition, those soldiers usually don't pay much attention to personal hygiene, and their fingernails are black and long.

All of a sudden, let alone ordinary skin and meat, even the clothes they were wearing were caught one by one.

Fang Wenhao couldn't bear to let Tian Yuqiao see such a bloody scene. He directly took her head with one arm and let her face lean against his chest.

"Joel, this situation is still not suitable for girls. I'll ask you to look back later."

"Well, I don't see it. How can such a kind little girl bear to see others suffer so much? Or just do it. Just give them a sword alone. As a result, they forget it and save them suffering." Tian Yuqiao put forward a saint's general suggestion.

The leader roared, "you poisonous woman, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

"Oh, he dares to swear, big head. Give him all the good things we have. Give him some soft bone pills and rotten bone pills." Fang Wenhao frowned.

As a result, just after he forcibly fed the rotten bone pill to the man, not long after, he couldn't help but bite his tongue and commit suicide.

"Your leaders have committed suicide. Do you want to fight in a desperate corner?" the big head was carrying a knife, and the tip of the knife was still dripping blood.

"We all submit. In fact, we don't see what the Grand Prince has done, but our families are there. If we rebel, our families will suffer."

"Yes, if you can help us pick up our family, we will die without regret."

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