With the help of Tian Yuqiao and those animal partners, Fang Wenhao and big head directly annihilated the group of subordinates of the great prince. In addition to those who were killed by tree stumps and stones in the beginning, there are those who were burned. Almost all the others had surrendered. Only the leader could not bear the pain and chose to die in his job.

Dabai played its powerful role, directly restored Here, and then buried those charred bodies and dead ones.

After all, they were innocent, so Fang Wenhao ordered the more than 70 people who had just joined the Haotian army to dig a pit and bury their bodies.

Fang Wenhao's move immediately won the favor of those soldiers who had just joined the Haotian army. They are not so formal at first. Now they just want Fang Wenhao to help save their families.

After all, most of the Haotian Army today are refugees from all over the world. They are all separated from their families. To put it bluntly, they are single. These people are different. They are all old and young.

After thinking about it, Fang Wenhao said, "now write a letter to each of you, and then I'll send someone to deliver a letter to each of you. At that time, I'll also bring them a sum of silver, and then let them settle down in the southwest. It's not the influence of the great prince, so you can be at ease."

Everyone knelt down and said in unison, "if our family can be safe, we are willing to go through fire and water for Haotian army."

"Well, then I'll give you a chance. Let's cooperate inside and outside." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

The front battlefield has been almost cleaned up, and it has basically been perfectly restored, but the smell of blood around it is still very heavy. Many carnivorous beasts were attracted, but they were deterred by White's obscenity.

"The Hu people will come and meet you later, and you will lead them here. Remember, you will say to open the way for them in front, and they will certainly agree. Then take them to the valley where you were supposed to pit our Haotian army according to the previous agreement."

Big head, with a map in his hand, told the dozens of people.

"Commander, we are all a family now. Don't say anything. You are still us."

"Yes, now we are all Haotian army. We shouldn't be so clear."

The big head said awkwardly, "OK, I'll pay attention when I talk in the future. Now the antidote is for you, but don't forget that we have all your family's addresses. This time, it's a test of your loyalty. I hope you can understand."

"Yes, we can understand."

"Just look at us. To tell you the truth, my eldest brother died in Hu's hands. I can take revenge this time. I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"That's right. The Hu people and we have one day, two places and three rivers and four seas."

Although they spoke well, Fang Wenhao still couldn't believe them. Tian Yuqiao directly asked Jin Jin to secretly follow behind them and always send back the news he heard.

The Hu people were already close to the valley at noon, and they were directly caught by the seventy people on the way. Both sides have a secret code, and the connection will be completed soon.

The temporarily selected little head said to the Hu leader, "we came to cooperate with you, but just on the way, we suddenly met a large group of wild animals. Our brothers and more than 200 people were injured, so they can't help this task. Please forgive me."

The leader, Jin Jin, was so frightened that he blew his hair and hurried to deliver a message to Tian Yuqiao.

"Zhizhi, it's your third uncle who died before. Why did he live again?"

Tian Yuqiao was also shocked when he heard the speech.

When Fang Wenhao saw him, he couldn't help asking, "Joe, what's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong with your body?"

"Gold has sent us news. The man with Hu as the head seems to be my third uncle ~" Tian Yuqiao said with a frown.

"Isn't your third uncle dead?" Fang Wenhao also wondered.

"No, I have to be sure. If it's him, the great wizard who can't keep the Hu people may also be resurrected. Otherwise, who else can make the dead live in this world? Unless he knows magic." Tian Yuqiao said seriously.

Looking at Tian Yuqiao's face, this time the silver ring made Fang Wenhao sit on his body. The two were led by the gold ring and the silver ring to fly high into the sky and looked down from a commanding position.

The two eagles fluttered their wings and flew high. After a few moments, they could already see the dark shadows under their heads.

Dive down from high altitude and slowly approach the target.

Tian Yuqiao can now be said to have heard and seen, and recognized the leader at a glance.

"God, it's really my third uncle. But it seems that he's a little wrong."

"Joe, don't be found by them. Let's go back first." Fang Wenhao said while gesturing to Fang Wenhao.

Gold ring and silver ring flew back to their original place, and their faces were heavy.

"Do you remember when my master and I took more than a dozen puppets at the beginning? How do I feel that my third uncle looks like a puppet now?" Tian Yuqiao suddenly had an idea.

"If you don't say I haven't remembered it yet, I really remember it when you remind me. Yes, that's the feeling. No wonder I saw that your third uncle walking a little stiff. Maybe he didn't die at that time, but was made into a puppet by someone who knew magic." Fang Wenhao continued.

Big head hates these things most. Now he is angry when he hears Fang Wenhao and Tian Yuqiao's analysis.

Waving a big knife directly, he roared, "whether he is a living man or a dead ghost, as long as he is the running dog of the Hu people, let's kill him directly again."

"Oh, forget it. Last time he fell off the cliff, it was clear that he was dead. It can live. I'm afraid we'll kill him a few more times. I'm afraid it's also an effect." Tian Yuqiao said helplessly.

"Burn it if you can't kill it. I'll see what kind of demon he can be without his body." big head said fiercely.

Now he is angry with the Hu people who disturb his reunion with his wife and children.

The gold side was responsible for monitoring the movements of those soldiers, and didn't hear any bad news.

Soon the gang had been led to the neighborhood, and Fang Wenhao quickly took people to hide from both sides. After all, nearly 1000 Hu people came this time. The 400 or so of them, plus the 70 or so, are only half the number of each other.

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