"This is leader Hu, isn't it? We've really had bad luck. We were going to ambush others, but we actually met a large group of wild animals. Anyway, the enemies over there haven't arrived yet, and we still have a lot of time. Besides, brother, I've prepared all the things we need to bury Haotian army with my men. Please help us revenge now, There should be no problem? "

The leader of the Hu people said, "yes, it's just some wild animals in the mountains. Our leader hasn't made any contribution since he entered the door of the great wizard. This time, he beat some wild animals and brought back their fur to him. I think my master will be very happy."

"Oh, that's hard for you, Mr. Hu. We'll prepare a bonfire now. After you take someone and avenge us, let's drink and chat together."

"In your position, you don't deserve to sit with Hu Datian and drink and have a good time. However, your injuries are still of some use. You should prepare the things we need this time. Oh, by the way, I also brought a lot of fire oil, which will be poured down at that time to make them into roast bacon." Hu Datian's face is a little ferocious.

Tian Yuqiao murmured, "Hu Datian, Tian Dahu, ha ha, I didn't expect this old thing to change its name."

"Yes, he actually worshipped the great wizard. Unexpectedly, the great wizard didn't die. Didn't the mother of the golden rings explode? It's really difficult to kill the old goblin." Fang Wenhao frowned.

The people over there had divided their troops in two directions. Wang Wu pointed out the direction to the Hu people, and then they disappeared on both sides of the valley.

Tian Dahu, who was reborn, was turning his mouth and felt the pride of the moment for the first time.

He had no doubt about what people said about beasts. Because he thought he had learned a lot from the great wizard, this time was a good time for him to make contributions.

With a thousand Hu soldiers, he walked in the direction pointed out by Wang Wu. In fact, Wang Wu deliberately pointed out to them the place where he had decided to ambush Hao Tianjun, but they didn't know Tian Dahu.

In order to cooperate with Wang Wu and them, Tian Yuqiao now let Dabai drive a group of poor beasts here in the mountain.

"Leader, there's something moving ahead. We know it's the roar of wild animals. It must be the group of wild animals ambushing the prince's men. What shall we do next?" a hu man knelt down on one knee and said to Tian Dahu.

"Come on, let's go and have a look now, and let the prince's people see our means and abilities." Tian Dahu said with narrowed eyes.

Wang Wu and his family have already moved the oil brought by Tian Dahu to the mountain. They plan to use this move to deal with them later.

After all, his brother was killed by the Hu people. In fact, this hatred has been buried in his heart for a long time. It's just that the person in charge doesn't speak. He doesn't have a chance to kill Hu people to avenge his brother.

Fang Wenhao decided that Wang Wu and his people were sincere, so he didn't treat them as outsiders. Directly let them join the team of ambushing the Hu people, but he was reluctant to use the fire oil. After all, this thing is expensive and will be of great use at that time.

Besides, Dabai chased a lot of bison and leopards and rushed directly towards the team of 1000 Hu people brought by Tian Dahu.

There was smoke everywhere, grass and trees flew everywhere, and the number of wild animals could not be seen far away.

"It's a shame that such a dozen wild animals can destroy hundreds of them. The people under their hands are not so good as the big prince." Tian Dahu said contemptuously.

"Chief, what should we do next? Or let my subordinates take a team to destroy them."

Tian Dahu waved his hand and said, "no, this time I'm going to personally take a small team of people over. Just watch the war for me in the back."

Tian Dahu plans to show himself in front of these people, although he is now nominally a disciple of the great wizard. But now the great wizard is seriously injured, and his position in the hearts of Hu people is not so stable.

Now there is another wizard, who has a hidden position to replace the original great wizard. As his latest disciple, Tian Dahu hasn't enjoyed enough such blessings. He feels that although he was seriously injured this time, it's worthwhile to have today's honor and favor.

Tian Dahu has a strong hatred for Tian Yuqiao and everyone in the old house of the Tian family.

With a hundred men and horses walking ahead, under the hand of a hundred Hu people, those wild animals were soon broken into pieces. Only Dabai was still standing there yelling at them.

Tian Dahu chased them hard, and Dabai ran quickly to the place where they wanted to ambush them. The large group of people behind Tian Dahu naturally could not be too far away from the leader, and they all followed.

Soon, the 1000 people had come to the place where Tian Yuqiao had laid an ambush in advance. After a few jumps, Dabai climbed up a tall tree next to him.

When Tian Dahu and his team were chasing him here, they were surrounded by a group of people, studying whether to cut down the tree or not. I heard the sound of rumbling around, and the next moment I saw the hateful giant ape picking his eyelids at himself.

"Provocation is definitely provocation. Leader, my subordinates can climb trees. Let me go up to deal with it."

Tian Dahu frowned and said, "it's not right. There seems to be a sound on both sides."

When they found out something was wrong, Fang Wenhao's more than 500 people over there had thrown down the rolling logs and thunder stones they had prepared before.

Moreover, the outside of the tree stump was painted with a layer of fire oil, and it rolled down when it burned.

At this time, Tian Dahu and his party were in a low-lying place, and their retreat was blocked by Fang Wenhao's people.

He realized that he should have been cheated. After scolding, he was in no mood to scold again.

Because at this time, there are also two huge dark shadows above the sky, carrying a lot of gravel and throwing it here.

Fang Wenhao and big head sat on the back of gold ring and silver ring. With a bow and an arrow in his hand, he is falling on the Hu people trying to escape.

Dabai also joined the battle. He threw what he caught from the mountain. Fortunately, I don't have anyone of my own. It's easy to fight.

Golden ring and silver ring occasionally fly at a low altitude, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack on the enemy.

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