The first time Tian Dahu left school, he fell into crisis. Tian Yuqiao has seen what it means to die before graduation.

For his own safety, Tian Yuqiao was standing on a towering old tree not far from the battlefield. He kept looking down and occasionally commanded the gold ring and silver ring to launch an attack.

Fang Wenhao and big head had a good time this time. As usual, the two small eagles of gold ring and silver ring didn't let them sit on their backs at all. This time, the situation was special, and they finally didn't have to be carried by the carving claws.

This feeling of flying at high altitude, don't mention how refreshing and enjoyable. The most important thing is to be cool, especially when the Hu people see themselves, they look like ghosts, which makes them feel that they are killing the gods of war on the battlefield.

With enough arrows on his body, he almost knocked down one with one arrow. As many as half of the Hu people below were burned and smashed.

Tian Dahu used his own poisonous insects to escape the attack of stones and wooden stakes. But his robe was burned by the fire on the stump, revealing the white bones inside.

Tian Yuqiao's heart was shocked. The heart said that NIMA was playing the live version of Bai Gujing?

The bottom was soon scorched. What Tian Dahu never expected was that he brought the fire oil intended to attack Hao Tianjun. At this time, it was used on their own.

Hu people around were burning and yelling, yelling in Hu dialect.

At Fang Wenhao's command, the Hao heavenly armies on both sides no longer threw things down, but directly rushed down.

This also includes Wang Wu and his people under the great prince. This time, everyone is brave and takes the lead. With such a good performance opportunity, they all want to perform well in front of their new master.

At the thought that his family, especially his home address, had been handed over to others, his fate had been completely linked with Hao Tianjun.

Now the number of people on both sides is almost the same, but the Hu people were frightened first, and then some people were injured. So to some extent, they are at a disadvantage.

In addition, there are gold rings and silver rings in the sky constantly harassing the battlefield, which leads to the balance of victory and defeat quickly tilting towards the Haotian army.

With a beating, Tian Dahu suddenly tore off his robe and revealed his dilapidated body. There are big holes in some parts of this body, which makes people around it shocking.

Even those Hu people who were used to the methods of great wizards were frightened when they saw the appearance of Tian Dahu one by one.

The "flesh" originally attached to Tian Dahu turned into insects, and those insects immediately flew away. When you see people, you drill into your nostrils, and then you enter people's bodies and begin to destroy them wantonly.

Those poisonous insects worked according to Tian Dahu's command. In a moment, the team of Hao heavenly army fell to the disadvantage from the posture of victory.

Tian Yuqiao quickly released xiaoruan and asked her to let her son and mother poison them to rescue them as soon as possible.

Originally, in terms of grade, xiaoruan can't beat the poisonous insects on Tian Dahu. After all, the poisonous insects in tiandahu are the most vicious and poisonous.

However, the child and mother Gu and their descendants have been in the virtual environment for a long time, and have more or less some aura. Therefore, it makes up for the essential gap and deficiency between the two sides, and the two sides are even deadlocked for a moment.

I pity those Haotian troops. They are fought by two different kinds of insects.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't make those Hu people comfortable. She directly asked Xiao Ruan to take another part of Gu insects, each with a million ant heart eating pill, and directly into the body of Hu soldiers.

The pill was broken down by poisonous insects, so it's hard to see. However, because it is directly brought into the blood, although it is small, it is also very effective.

The Hu people who were still there proudly watching the tragedy of Hao Tianjun couldn't be happy the next moment. One by one began to scratch his ears and cheeks, which was no worse than the monkey king.

After they met Wang Wu, they said proudly, "great, let these guys taste that taste."

"Don't gloat and kill them as soon as possible." the big head scolded seriously.

"But our bodies are also very uncomfortable. We don't know what it is." the soldiers looked sad.

The soldiers of both sides were caught in the situation of fighting against the insects, and the Hao Tianjun side, because the insects occupied a certain degree of advantage in quantity, their bodies soon became less uncomfortable.

It's just that the meridians in the body are damaged due to the war of poisonous insects. It still needs a period of health care.

Fang Wenhao and big head were not affected by Tian Dahu Gu insects because they were in the middle of the air.

When Hao Tianjun moved, he directly picked up the weapon in his hand and killed the Hu people.

Second, click, it's like harvesting crops. On the battlefield, there were many broken limbs and legs soon. Tian Yuqiao could smell the bloody smell.

The smell of blood here soon provoked many carnivores. Bai didn't care about them. He just asked them to clean up the bodies of Hu people.

Tian Yuqiao is more or less kind to the people under the great prince. And these Hu people, she doesn't care. It's just time to give a tooth sacrifice to the beasts. It's not worth sacrificing so many beasts as bait just now. It's like giving back to nature. Tian Yuqiao still thinks he's great.

Now, only Tian Dahu is still jumping under. Fang Wenhao and big head have fallen to the ground and are ready to fight at any time.

Tian Yuqiao jumped directly onto the back of Jinhuan and came to the sky over Tian Dahu with a bucket of fire oil.

Xin said he didn't kill you last time. I'll kill you again this time!

A bucket of fire oil fell from the sky and poured directly on Tian Dahu. Then Tian Yuqiao took out a burning coal from the stove pit in the virtual environment and threw it directly.

Well, the next moment, Tian Dahu was cremated in front of everyone.

Even so, he still stared ferociously at Tian Yuqiao in the sky.

"Tian Yuqiao, you dead girl, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost. Don't think this will kill me. To tell you the truth, I'm just a part of me this time."

As soon as the voice fell, Tian Dahu's body turned into a ball of powder. With a gust of wind, the powder dissipated in the surrounding air and penetrated into the soil.

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