Although Tian Yuqiao has a strong heart, she still can't stand this bloody scene. After all, it was a bloody scene. It is estimated that it may take a few days to go back.

Jinhuan and Yinhuan took Tian Yuqiao and Datou together and went back to the mountain village directly. Fang Wenhao stayed and commanded Hao's heavenly army to clean up the battlefield.

"Everybody, now our Haotian army has just developed, so we are still short of materials. When cleaning the battlefield, we must pay attention to not leaving anything that can be taken away. The blood on the ground should also be cleaned up. And you, Dabai, it's almost all right. Don't tear the Hu people there." Fang Wenhao ordered.

After Da Bai shouted a few times, he threw an arm he had just torn off to a little white tiger next to him.

Fang Wenhao frowned. When he was sure that it was indeed a white tiger, he began to take it away.

He threw Dabai into his arm and kicked him directly. Then he asked for some dried meat and dry food from Hao Tianjun.

The little white tiger is not very old. His teeth are not even. Some people were dissatisfied with these human beings in front of them, but after being yelled by Da Bai, he obediently began to eat dried meat.

"Qiao'er will like such a lovely little tiger. Bai, why don't you take it back to qiao'er? I'm sure she can make the little white tiger surrender." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

After a long roar, Dabai directly took the little white tiger's tail, directly carried it on his shoulder, and then ran quickly towards the mountain village.

The speed of this flight was really different from that of running on land. After only two hours, Tian Yuqiao and big head returned to the mountain village.

The big head was not so lucky this time. He was directly held by the silver ring with his claws on his wrist and carried all the way.

When Tian Yuqiao got home, Wang said anxiously, "my mother just received a letter. It was your little uncle who sent the Yamen to deliver it. Please have a look."

Tian Yuqiao frowned and opened the envelope. It was actually a letter written by Shangguan Qingfeng to her.

The content of the letter probably said that he was embarrassed to speak, but he had nothing to do. It was said that Marquis Wu's wife was ill. During her coma, the old lady kept talking about Tian Yuqiao's name.

That's why Marquis Wu's residence made such an unkind request to let Tian Yuqiao go to the imperial city again. I hope she can be kind

The dignified little Marquis Wu wrote in a very sincere tone. He couldn't see any official airs.

"Joe, what's the matter with you?" Wang asked with a worried face.

"Niang, do you remember the lady of marquis Wu I mentioned to you before? If she was ill this life, she said she wanted to see me. Now I hope I can go there again. I'm embarrassed about it." Tian Yuqiao frowned and said.

After hearing this, Wang was also a little surprised. Then he sat down on the soft couch. After a long time, he said, "Hey, you have just come back a few days, but you have to go again. My mother's heart is really reluctant, but I heard you say that the old lady is still very good to you, so people have so little wishes. You should go there."

"Mom, since you say so, well, I'll go and have a look. Hey, I'm afraid it won't take long to go home this time. Don't worry."

"Don't worry. I'll go back there after I finish my month here with Rong Rong. When you come back, just go there. By the way, if it's convenient, do you think our fruit can bring some to the old lady?"

Tian Yuqiao looked at Wang, smiled and said, "Mom, I didn't expect you to care about the old lady more than I do."

"Hey, you're walking around the Imperial City alone. I don't feel at ease. This Marquis Wu residence should be a senior official? You should have a good relationship with the people there. If something happens, you can ask someone to help you. Don't you? And the old lady is really kind to you. We can't be ungrateful."

"Joe, just listen to your mother, or take the big watermelon to the old lady to try some fresh." Zhao said with a smile.

The Yamen serviceman had gone back after delivering the letter, so Tian Yuqiao now wanted to ask about the specific condition of the old lady, so he couldn't ask.

She decided to leave in two days.

On the next night, Yuanji and Yuantong suddenly went down the mountain to find Tian Yuqiao.

"Sister qiao'er, master asked you to go up the mountain. Da Bai came back, as if he had brought you back a big white cat." Yuanji said with a smile.

Yuantong also smiled and took Tian Yuqiao's hand: "sister qiao'er, that big cat is so cute, but it's a little fierce. And brother Hao'er brought you a letter. Go up the mountain and have a look."

The three men went up the mountain again immediately. Tian Yuqiao really saw that Dabai was dueling with the little monks. Next to Da Bai, there is a white ~ er, it seems to be a little white tiger?

After receiving the letter from huikong, Tian Yuqiao realized that the little white tiger was given to her by Fang Wenhao as a pet.

"This guy, it's really wonderful to send a tiger directly as a gift to a girl."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and received the letter into the virtual realm. Then he took out some raw meat directly from the virtual realm and threw it to the little white tiger.

The little guy's nose flapped a few times and suddenly ran in the direction of Tian Yuqiao.

It communicates with Dabai and knows that Tian Yuqiao is his future little master, so he doesn't dare to show his teeth to Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao carefully touched the head of the little white tiger. When she saw that it had eaten the meat she gave, she smiled and said, "well, eat other people's soft mouth. Now you have eaten so many delicious things from me, that's my man. Oh, no, it's my tiger. You'll call Xiaobai later. How about it?"

Hearing the speech, Xiaobai immediately shook his big hairy head and rubbed it at Tian Yuqiao's feet.

"Ha ha, it turned out that it was a little tiger and had such a good relationship with Joel's sister." Yuanji said happily.

"Shh, you can't say it's a tiger in the future, otherwise it's easy to cause panic among the villagers. It's like white. You can't go down the mountain, so it's troublesome. I'll try to change the pattern on its forehead and keep it as a big cat. Don't leak it to me." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile as he rolled the tiger.

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