Tian Yuqiao stayed in Wuhou mansion for three days, during which Gongsun Yu also came twice. However, most of them came for a purpose, that is, to ask whether the goods over there have arrived.

After all, this time it was the coachman of Wuhou mansion. If it arrived, it must be sent here.

What the old lady likes most is that there are children at home to see her. Gongsun Yu also likes it very much.

"I said Xiaoyu, you've been running for three days. Why don't you come to see me so often?"

Before Gongsun Yu spoke, Shangguan Qingfeng took the lead in saying, "Mom, it's just a day or two before our carriage will arrive. He's worried that we'll miss his ham sausage and big watermelon. This boy, he really goes to the three treasures hall without anything."

He was directly and ruthlessly exposed by others, and Gongsun Yu didn't feel embarrassed. After all, he thought so. In fact, he had no way. His father urged him badly.

Since Tian Yuqiao went to live with them last time, Prince Jing also liked Tian Yuqiao's craft. He also planned to directly let Gongsun Yu "rob" people back, but because the force value of marquis Wu was too high, he died.

Gongsun Yu just sat down and didn't drink a bowl of tea. Someone outside came in and reported that the dispatched carriage had returned and asked the childe where to put all the things.

"Well, just as the young master Gongsun was there, he directly asked people to carry all the things. Let's divide all the things here." Shangguan Qingfeng said with a smile.

When people brought in the baskets of ham sausage and watermelon, the old lady's eyes were straight.

She has eaten watermelon naturally, but she hasn't seen such a big one yet.

"Joe, am I dazzled? Is this a watermelon?" the old lady asked, touching the top melon.

"Yes, these are all big watermelons. We grow them ourselves. They seem to be bigger than those sold in the market. Why don't you open one and try it?" Tian Yuqiao tilted his head and said with a smile.

"Well, well, just as Xiaoyu is there, please entertain him." the old lady said with a smile.

Cut a big watermelon and put it in a huge gold tray with a lot of ice.

"Mom, you'd better not eat iced watermelon. It's too cold. I'm afraid it's bad for your health." Shangguan Qingfeng frowned.

"You smelly boy, my body and bones are much stronger than you. I think you'd better eat ordinary ones. Don't think I don't know your nickname in the imperial city until I go out. It's true."

When the old lady finished, she couldn't help but bite the cool watermelon.

After this bite, she felt the cold and sweet watermelon meat enter her stomach along her esophagus, and suddenly felt comfortable.

She gave a very enjoyable "um", and then she said, "Xiaoyu, aunt, I beg you something?"

Gongsun Yu just ate two mouthfuls of watermelon. At this time, he was able to eat. After listening to the old lady talking to him, he quickly wiped his mouth and said, "old lady, you say."

"Look, you ran to our house when you were free and didn't eat less of our watermelon? Why don't you stay here, so you can come and have dinner every day. By the way, I can see Miss Qiao. I'll be in a good mood when I look at so many of your descendants."

Gongsun Yu's face was like eating balsam pear and twisted together all at once.

Shangguan Qingfeng hurriedly advised: "Mom, don't be too overbearing. Prince Jing already knows that qiao'er gave them something, which is directly detained by us. I'm afraid Prince Jing will be angry."

"How can you be angry? Your father is the Marquis of Wu, and he hasn't been afraid of anyone in a fight. He can't even protect some food. He shouldn't be the Marquis of Wu, but just change to a female monkey." the old lady said with a straight face.

Gongsun Yu was going to say something, but he saw Tian Yuqiao winking at him.

So he changed his mouth and said, "well, madam, but since you have taken such a big advantage, you shouldn't mind my father coming to eat at that time?"

The old lady smiled, nodded and said, "that's natural. You can come and eat at any time."

Wuhou came in from the outside with a smile. The bright laughter shook the house.

"Hahaha, what good things are you smelly boys that can make your mother care so much?"

"See Lord."

"I've seen the marquis."

"Feng'er pays a visit to his father."

"Come on, you all get up. Yo, what's good to eat? Is this ~ watermelon?" Marquis Wu took a piece of watermelon and took a bite directly.

I didn't expect it to be so juicy. With his big mouth, the watermelon juice burst out directly, flowed down his beard to his chest, and soiled his official clothes that hadn't been changed in time.

"Dad, please eat slowly." Shangguan Qingfeng reminded him awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. In front of the guests, ha ha. But it's really delicious. What's its name compared with the one given by the emperor last time?" Marquis Wu looked at his wife.

"It's called Kirin watermelon. It's said that it was shipped from a foreign country. It doesn't taste as good as this. By the way, sir, Joe's mother gave it to us."

"OK, OK. Thank you, girl Joel. If you hadn't come here, my wife would still sit here and grab food with your children? She'd be sick in bed. I'm very sad."

Wu Hou ate up all the remaining watermelons. Shangguan Qingfeng wanted to get the last piece, but he slapped him directly.

"Smelly boy, dare to grab melons from your father. Mine, these are mine!" Marquis Wu stared round.

It made everyone laugh. Gongsun Yu was bitter, and his heart was finished. Now it was over. Wuhou can eat more than half a watermelon in one breath. It is estimated that these two baskets are not enough for him to eat in two days.

At the thought that his father was also eyeing, Gongsun Yu was in a mood to cry.

Tian Yuqiao sneaked up to him and whispered to him, "don't worry, we have plenty of watermelon. If you like it, I'll just open a shop in the imperial city. You can buy it at that time."

"Well, it's just that how can I go home and explain to my father now?"

After Tian Yuqiao said hello to Marquis Wu and the old lady, he took Gongsun Yu out.

She secretly took out two big watermelons from the virtual world and said with a bitter face, "there's no way. There are only two watermelons in the heaven and earth bag. You can make do with it and take them back to work."

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