Poor Gongsun Yu had been looking forward to good things for several days, but they were embezzled by the couple of marquis Wu. And in front of him, he couldn't say it.

Finally, Tian Yuqiao could only take out two bigger watermelons from the virtual environment, which was barely able to heal his inner trauma for the time being.

It was not empty handed. Tian Yuqiao saw him get on the carriage and leave, so he went back again.

When she went back again, she found that Wuhou had destroyed another big watermelon. And the mouth also called out to have fun. If it wasn't stopped by his wife, it seems that he might have to eat again.

"OK, it's so comfortable. It's like a fire outside. It's really fun to sit at home and eat a mouthful of sweet and refreshing watermelon around an ice basin."

"I said, master, in front of qiao'er, you can't pay much attention to the image. I took the watermelon from Xiaoyu after I said good or bad. Alas, I don't know if King Jing will directly bring someone to the door to grab it."

"No, mom, don't worry. Qiao'er went out just now. It's estimated that this matter should be almost settled?" Shangguan Qingfeng smiled at Tian Yuqiao and said.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Tian Yuqiao could only nod and say, "yes, I comforted him just now. But it's hard to say how the effect is. He doesn't have anything. I'm afraid his father will be unhappy."

Sure enough, when the family of marquis Wu was sitting together at a banquet, someone on the door reported, "tell me, sir and madam, it's not good! Prince Jing brought a large group of people outside and said he wanted to ask you for an explanation."

Without any fear, marquis Wu took a big step and walked out. Shangguan Qingfeng naturally didn't want to eat, and then he followed him out.

Tian Yuqiao said hello to the old lady and several young masters here, and then quickly followed him out.

As soon as I got to the gate, I saw Gongsun Yu trying to persuade his father with constipation on his face.

"Dad, didn't we get two watermelons? How can you be dissatisfied? Let's wait a few more days and bring them back to you when the coal truck comes. I promise I won't be robbed this time, don't you think?"

"Hum, I blame you for being useless. Even if you didn't take Joel home, even the good things of our family were robbed by the old boy. You're not like me at all. You're really a coward."

Seeing this, marquis Wu laughed and said, "I said, can you be a little promising? It's amazing to blow your beard and stare with the children here. It's just a few watermelons. What's the big deal. Oh, by the way, my wife told me that you can come over at any time. Come on, we're having dinner. If you haven't eaten yet, come in and have dinner together."

"Bah, you're not so funny. If I eat at your house today, you won't have to shout at others another day that I've taken advantage of your house?" Prince Jing still blew his beard and stared.

Tian Yuqiao was a little puzzled. He said that the relationship between the two families was not very good at ordinary times? Why is it like this now because of something to eat?

Shangguan Qingfeng sneaked up to Tian Yuqiao and said in a low voice, "qiao'er, my father and Prince Jing have different political views in the court recently. They are making trouble. Gongsun Yu comes here every time, and he doesn't dare to let his father know. If it weren't for something sent by your mother, his father would have beaten him to death if he knew he came to our house."

At this time, Mrs. Wu Hou also came out with the help of her mother-in-law. After seeing Prince Jing, she first said hello, and then said, "Hey, you say you are both people with status. Why bother? Come in and sit down. Joe has a big business to discuss with us."

"Hum, everyone around saw it. They invited me in. I'm not trying to take advantage of them."

After Prince Jing said that, he took a big step and took Gongsun Yu into Wu Hou's house.

"Alas, what's the matter with your father?" Tian Yuqiao couldn't help asking.

Gongsun Yu said bitterly, "don't mention it. It's all the trouble caused by the two watermelons you brought back to me. My father was angry when he went back today. After eating the watermelons, he immediately felt comfortable. As a result, he didn't eat enough and thought I took back less. As a result, I told the truth, and then he didn't like it. He had to come and ask for an explanation."

After both sides were seated, Shangguan Qingfeng quickly ordered the servants to have another banquet.

Mrs. Wu Hou asked someone to bring an ice basin to cool the two old guys with a strong smell of gunpowder.

A watermelon that had been frozen for a day was also cut. Without saying a word, the two old men began to build it.

Each one stared at the other angrily for fear that the other party would eat more than himself. Soon a large plate of watermelon was robbed by two people, and their stomachs looked like October pregnancy. Nevertheless, they still have some unfinished business.

"Two adults, in fact, I really want to ask you for help this time." Tian Yuqiao hurriedly opened his mouth while they burped.

"Yes, Dad, that's the river crab I mentioned to you before." Shangguan Qingfeng said.

Gongsun Yu also said, "Dad, river crab is a delicious thing, and it hasn't become popular yet. There are great business opportunities."

As soon as the two old men heard this, they immediately put down their personal grievances and even sat at the table together and began to talk about the river crab business.

"That's what I'm going to do. I'll invite you two to join hands and find someone to hold a crab banquet in the house. When those people eat our river crabs and can't stop, we can open a river crab shop in the imperial city." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"What, let me cooperate with him?" Prince Jing was not happy at once.

Marquis Wu said indifferently, "I don't care. If he doesn't like it, Miss Qiao, let's cooperate. I'm sure the food in your family is delicious. We'll have one less dividend winner at that time. That's good."

"Fart! Who says I'm not happy? I'm happy." Prince Jing stood up directly in anger.

"Oh, you're so rude. You really have no quality."

After another quarrel between the two old men, it was finally a temporary ceasefire.

Finally, I sat down and began to seriously study the matter of hosting the banquet. It was just seven days before the birthday of Mrs. Wuhou, so I decided on the place of the banquet and held it in Wuhou mansion.

In the name of giving Mrs. Wuhou's birthday, please come to the hall to eat crabs.

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