Tian Yuqiao and two big men fooled the drunken old emperor to leave ink treasures.

In fact, the emperor was sober at this time, thinking that if he wrote it down in public, I'm afraid the officials would say he was greedy for money and did it on purpose.

But now it's different. After all, when I'm drunk, I was cheated by Marquis Wu and Prince Jing and wrote a plaque. It's good to let them carry the black pot directly. At that time, I just need to sit and reap the benefits.

An old fox is an old fox. Others think they have used him, but in fact they have been used by him.

Seeing that the emperor had written the plaque in his own handwriting, the princes of Wu were happy. They quickly put the emperor's ink treasures aside to hang. At that time, they will let people directly make a plaque and hang it to see who dares not to join in.

Next, just as the emperor was about to lie down, Tian Yuqiao took another piece of paper and said, "uncle, I'm going to open another shop next to me. My surname is Tian. It's better to call Tian Ji fresh fruit."

"Tian, Tian Ji ~ burp, fresh fruit, isn't it?"

The old emperor is happy today and his face is red. After the meal, he felt much better. So he didn't think much and directly wrote the four characters "Tian Ji fresh fruit". It is also signed and sealed at one go.

After writing these, people have already directly lying on the couch and snoring. Writing to Tian Yuqiao was entirely out of curiosity about the little girl, and he ate such delicious dishes as others.

Now if you don't pretend to sleep, you can't tell him what to write.

"Shh, go to sleep. Let's go out quickly and let the people he brought take care of later." Marquis Wu whispered.

Tian Yuqiao happily took his ink treasure of "Tian Ji fresh fruit" and directly asked people to watch it. Next, find someone to rub a copy and directly make it into a plaque to hang up. It's really great. With the emperor's Royal pen, it's too big a face.

Marquis Wu and Prince Jing also hurriedly asked people to get the plaque. In fact, their plaque has been written and even hung. But now with the emperor's autograph, it must be changed.

They naturally know how much the emperor's face is.

Three days later, the cooks and cooks were all slaves in Wuhou's family, and they were all loyal. Therefore, Tian Yuqiao assured them of his skills and was not afraid that they would leak out.

Firecrackers roared outside the Xianxiang hall, and there were a lion dance team next to it. There were four big lions, blinking at the people around them. From the lion's mouth, copper coins were continuously sprayed out, causing more and more people to watch the excitement around.

It's a bastard not to take advantage. This principle is universal at all times. The spectators did not expect that there was still money to pick up. They were about to fight one by one.

Those princes and nobles naturally recognized the emperor's handwriting. Although the old emperor has been a little late, after all, he is still the leader here. Therefore, the private room on the third floor was soon given down, and even the second floor was wrapped up by officials.

How much face does it have to have to eat in the restaurant in which the emperor takes shares?

It's just that the price of the signature dishes written on the big red notice outside is really painful. The most expensive dish costs one hundred liang of silver a plate, and even the cheapest one costs five liang of silver a plate.

This is nothing for the nobles. However, some officials couldn't accept it, but they had to go into the box on the second floor in order to support the emperor.

Those ordinary people gathered around to have a look. Some literate people read the approximate price to everyone. Suddenly, there was a voice of pumping air.

"Oh, my God, this dish is so expensive!"

"Yes, the cheapest dish is enough for our family to spend a year."

"What do you know? The inscription and signature on the top of the Xianxiang hall were written by the Emperor himself. I can't be wrong. I saw the imperial list when I was taking the scholar's test. I still remember the handwriting of the emperor."

"Oh, yes, I didn't expect that there was such a big backer behind the scenes of Xianxiang hall. Even if we tighten our belts, we should go in and have a taste of fresh food and get a little dragon spirit!"

"Yes, let's do this. After entering, how about giving twenty Liang silver for one person, ordering a dish for one person, and then eating together?" someone suggested.

"Good idea, that's it. I think the location of the first floor is almost the same. We have to hurry up, or we won't have room later."

Several businessmen dressed up went into the first floor in droves. This is the first "AA system" in this era. I didn't expect it to rise because of this.

The cooks and cooks in the back kitchen had all moved, and a row of more than 20 cooking ranges opened fire at the same time. Fortunately, there is an exhaust fan designed by Tian Yuqiao outside, otherwise people can't open their eyes just because of the spicy flavor in the house.

Marquis Wu and Prince Jing were in the box on the third floor. They exchanged greetings with the guests one by one. Then they went back to rest.

Mrs. Wu Hou was accompanied by Huancui to the kitchen. Tian Yuqiao saw her and hurried forward and said, "Mom, why are you here? It's smoky here, Huancui. Please help the old lady to have a rest."

"Joe, you're so busy here. How can my mother stay at home? I just came to have a look. I didn't expect that it was full in less than an hour after the opening. Ha ha."

"Mom, I don't have time to greet you today. Go and have a rest with Huancui. I'll go to accompany you after I finish this wave later." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, and the tip of his nose was full of sweat.

The old lady squatted down and wiped Tian Yuqiao's sweat with her handkerchief. With a distressed face, he said, "girl, aren't there so many servants? You don't have to do everything yourself."

"Mom, the first day our shop opened today, I'm afraid they'll fail. I'll only take them for a while, and then I'll have to go home and get rid of the river crabs. Otherwise, our business is so hot. I'm really worried that we'll be out of stock."

"Well, as long as my daughter is happy, anything will do. Money is not important. Don't be tired."

"I see, mom. You always go and have a rest. There is oil smoke everywhere. It's bad for your skin."

Tian Yuqiao was as busy as a top. She doesn't cook herself, but needs to adjust all aspects.

For example, those who cut vegetables, prepare side dishes and set dishes... These people need to coordinate well. After all, it's the first time to cooperate. It's inevitable that sometimes they don't have a tacit understanding.

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