On the first day of the opening of the Xianxiang Museum, although the emperor did not come in person, the plaque written by him played a great role. Originally, the political enemies of marquis Wu and Prince Jing did not intend to come, but when they saw the words on the plaque, they immediately changed their mind.

In their hearts, they scolded Marquis Wu and Prince Jing as vampires, and couldn't help but want to take out money. I can't help it. The delicious smell from the back kitchen is really tempting.

Even some ordinary people who were not very rich formed teams, but they only ordered the two cheapest dishes.

At the end of the day, Tian Yuqiao checked the accounts. Good fellow, the profit of the first day alone is 3000 Liang silver.

When Lord Wu and Lord Jing met, their eyes blossomed with joy. Although they are well-off, they really can't make so much profit in one day.

Even if it's divided by several people, it's hundreds of Liang per person!

"Qiao Er provided food and cooking skills, and we will be responsible for publicizing and looking for customers in the future. We can't let my daughter lose." Marquis Wu frowned and said.

"That's right. I didn't expect the delicious restaurant to make so much money. It's all Joe's credit. I'll pay for the cook and the waiter in the future. I'll give you the other expenses." Prince Jing said with a smile.

"Now the operation is basically the same, but there is a shortage of goods. Girl, we sold more than 200 kilograms of river crab in one day. If it goes on like this, our inventory is not enough for ten days."

"Godfather, don't worry. I'll find a way tonight. Just wait here for me to come back. You can appropriately raise the price of crab dishes. As for other small dishes, you can adjust them slightly and try to let civilians come in occasionally. It's good for you and Prince Jing's reputation." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Joe, you can leave tomorrow morning." Marquis Wu said with a frown.

"Yes, I'll let Xiaoyu escort you back tomorrow." Prince Jing said.

When Mrs. Wu Hou heard the speech, her eyes were wet again, and she took Tian Yuqiao's hand reluctantly.

"Mom, don't worry. My master is Huang Banxian. He is an expert. He gave me a magic spell and can travel thousands of miles a day. I hurried back at night. In fact, it's safer than walking during the day."

"Oh, I've heard Xiaoyu say that you really have such an expert master. In that case, we'll rest assured."

Several people discussed the business model and the new dishes to be launched next month. They broke up very late. Tian Yuqiao waited for the dead of night, which made Honghong fly into the sky with herself.

A long black shadow passed through the air like a meteor and soon flew back to Tian Yuqiao's home in Sishui county.

Xiaoduanwei came out from a distance to meet Honghong. He played in the air with Honghong, and then Tian Yuqiao fell into his yard.

After returning home, she didn't intend to disturb Tian Dahe, but she was found by the watchdog at home. The Liang big dogs were newly bought by Tian Dahe, so they didn't know Tian Yuqiao, so they began to bark.

Soon the whole Tian family's house was brightly lit, and the guards directly surrounded Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless, but he found that the reaction of these people was quite fast, and he also had a lot of comfort in his heart.

"Yes, miss." when the guards saw that it was Tian Yuqiao, they immediately knelt down on one knee. Someone over there also pulled away the two big dogs and continued to take them on patrol.

"Good, good, you all get up. You are very vigilant. Hehe, let's go and take me to see the crab field." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Tian Dahe frowned and said, "Joel, have you sold out the river crabs over there so soon? Why did you come back so late? Did you use the divine talisman again?"

"Dad, look at you. There are so many problems at first sight. Hey, it's not a big deal. Our river crabs sell very well in the Imperial City, so we have to breed crabs here quickly."

"My dear daughter, dad goes to the rice field every day these days, but we've almost sent you all the river crabs we used to raise. The new ones are small, I'm afraid it's too late." Tian Dahe frowned and said.

"Dad, are there any crab fry?"

"Yes, it's in our backyard. Didn't you say that you can't put too many river crabs in an acre of field? So those seedlings haven't been put in yet."

"Come on, Dad, you all go back and have a rest. I'm going to take those crab seedlings to the imperial city to raise a batch, otherwise it will take too much time to transport them back and forth."

After thinking for a while, Tian Dahe said, "OK, girl, you should have a rest earlier. By the way, you asked Honghong to bring a letter back, and dad has told your mother. Your mother knows that you recognize Mrs. Wuhou as a godmother. She didn't say anything, just that it's not easy for you to treat others well."

"Ha ha, I knew my mother wouldn't be so stingy." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

After everyone dispersed, fortunately, Xiaoyu didn't stay with Wang Xiuer. Hearing the news outside, Xiaoyu ran out for the first time.

Tian Yuqiao was very happy to see her. Without Xiaoyu around, she felt uncomfortable doing anything.

"Xiaoyu, take me to see the crab fry."

Xiaoyu directly led Tian Yuqiao to a separate house, which was built with a large pool full of river crabs.

Tian Yuqiao directly collected those river crab seedlings into the virtual environment and threw them directly into the virtual environment lotus pond. She thought that her head would grow faster here than outside.

After all this, she and Xiaoyu went back to their yard and were ready to rest.

"Miss, will you take me with you this time?"

"Hehe, do you also want to see the prosperity of the imperial city?"

Xiaoyu nodded heavily.

"Well, I'll give you this chance this time. Let's leave early tomorrow morning. First go to my mother's side and see my mother and sister Rong."

After the decision was made, Tian Yuqiao left for Huai'an County after breakfast the next day.

Suddenly, there was a red scream in the virtual environment: "Oh, it's annoying. Don't bite me. Die for me!"

Tian Yuqiao quickly disappeared and almost laughed when he entered the virtual world.

Honghong's body is actually covered with huge crabs, each of which is the size of a washbasin. Is it ~ that the crab fry put in yesterday has become an emperor crab?

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