Tian Yuqiao was shocked to find that the crab seedlings he threw into the virtual lotus pond had mutated into the shape of emperor crab, and one by one dared to challenge Honghong's majesty.

But when I turned around, it was really great. If I took it back to Xianxiang Museum, would it be the price~

"Xiaoyu, tell my mother by yourself. If there's nothing wrong, let her and her father go to the southwest to take over the shop as soon as possible. I have to go back to the imperial city first. Don't worry. I'll let Honghong pick you up in the evening."

"Miss, do you want me to fly alone in the sky?" Xiaoyu said with some worry.

"Hehe, you haven't sat before. Don't worry, Honghong is very stable." Tian Yuqiao patted Xiaoyu on the shoulder and said.

Tian Yuqiao got off on the way. It's not good in broad daylight. He directly let Honghong fly with him. Hey ~ but there's no way. She directly found a remote place, let Honghong change, and then directly let it fly high into the air.

At such a high position, I'm sure it won't be found by the people below. It's just that you have to find a place where there is no one when you land.

Soon he came to a desolate bald mountain near the imperial city. Tian Yuqiao directly let Honghong land, then pasted a divine talisman on his leg and ran into Wu Hou's house.

The bodyguards in charge of guarding at the door felt a gust of wind blowing in. Before they could figure out what was going on, Tian Yuqiao had already appeared in her own small yard.

Mrs. Wuhou said that the yard would be kept for her later. Whether she is as like as two peas or not, the yard is to be restored, so she can come back any time, and it will be exactly the same as she always did. This moved Tian Yuqiao. At the same time, he also felt that he had to do his duty to others.

He released a part of the river crabs in the virtual environment, which were all in the dense yard. Fortunately, there was no one else in the yard, otherwise he would be frightened. Xiaobai stepped on one king crab and jumped on another king crab. He had a lot of fun.

Tian Yuqiao is worried now. What can I do with so many king crabs? During the day, they can't be transported to Xianxiang hall. They can only wait until night.

She went back to make up her sleep and let Honghong look at the emperor crabs. Honghong can be regarded as an opportunity for revenge. When an emperor crab wants to climb out, it directly sweeps the dragon's tail and draws back the emperor crab the size of a washbasin.

Xiaobai doesn't show weakness. She uses her tiger tail and claws to help look at the emperor crabs.

In the evening, someone came in to clean. Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao went out and opened the door, so no one came in.

After meeting Marquis Wu, Tian Yuqiao asked him to take people with him to his yard with ropes.

When Mrs. Wu Hou saw Tian Yuqiao coming back so soon, she was naturally very happy. However, seeing a lot of bodyguards going to Tian Yuqiao's yard with ropes and swords, the old man immediately became worried.

"Girl, what's the matter? Isn't there some villain in your yard?"

"Mom, it's no big deal. Someone caught some extra large crabs this time. I named them emperor crabs. They are directly in my yard. I can't get them." Tian Yuqiao said bitterly.

"Oh, that Niang has to follow me to see what's scaring my good girl."

Tian Yuqiao had no choice but to let the old lady go with him.

When he was close to the door, Tian Yuqiao gave Honghong a voice in his heart, turned Honghong into a snake, and then looked for a chance to fly away to pick up Xiaoyu. Xiaobai will be fine. Everyone knows it.

When I opened the yard door, even the Marquis Wu stepped back two steps, and the old lady stumbled and almost didn't fall.

"Mother, be careful!" Tian Yuqiao and Shangguan Qingfeng helped him at the same time.

"No ~ Niang, it's all right. Yo, the crab is so big. Is it people eating it or does it want to eat people?" the old lady still has lingering palpitations.

"Flying Tigers, you are the king's personal guards. Now these guys are handed over to you. Remember, you can't hurt them. It's all silver." Marquis Wu ordered the guards around.

The poor Flying Tigers have bitter faces. The heart said that this is to let them deal with monsters. If it's OK to kill, it's really difficult to catch them alive.

A large group of people went to get baskets and fishing nets. Only one can be released, one can be tied.

Fortunately, with Xiaobai's help, Xiaobai slapped the emperor crab near the door with her claws. When they turn their bellies upward, their combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced, at least they can't move.

The guards took the opportunity to tie their big pliers with a rope, and then the eight claws were tied tightly.

As soon as one was tied here, Xiaobai took another one over there. Such a continuous cycle makes Marquis Wu and the old lady look straight.

"Girl, your big cat is really powerful. It has so much strength." the old lady said in surprise.

"Hehe, mom, you can't treat it as a kitten. It's powerful." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Shangguan Qingfeng secretly told the old lady, "Mom, don't get close to Xiaobai when you're free. It's actually a mutated little tiger. It's just a little white. It's very rare."

Although the old lady was a little surprised, she didn't feel afraid. Xiaobai's cute appearance and the word "ugly" on his forehead make it difficult to associate it with the king of beasts.

Tian Yuqiao only released 108, and the rest of the river crabs were stunned by Caicai's herbs, and then stacked in the virtual environment.

She didn't dare to let them stay in the virtual lotus pond, otherwise she wasn't sure whether those guys would become as huge as monsters.

There are children and mother poisonous insects. Those river crabs sleep well in the virtual environment. They don't dare to make trouble.

That night, marquis Wu went directly into the palace and personally sent a fresh king crab to the emperor.

"This is the first time to try fresh food for you. After we got it, we didn't dare to enjoy it."

"Hahaha, OK, OK. I suddenly feel that I often go to Xianxiang restaurant for dinner recently, and I feel much better. Good, good, since you have such good things again. It seems that our Xianxiang restaurant will make a lot of money again. Hehe, it seems that I really took a big advantage this time."

"How dare you? If you hadn't written the plaque yourself, it's estimated that our business wouldn't be so good."

"OK, I'll enjoy it with my concubines. But how do you make it?"

"It's easy, Joe said. Just steam in a big pot." Wuhou said with a smile.

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