While the night fell, marquis Wu directly arranged people to transport the emperor crabs to Xianxiang hall in batches. So big, a carriage can only carry four or five at a time. After several twists and turns, the emperor crabs in Tian Yuqiao's yard were transported to Xianxiang hall.

The cooks over there lived directly there, so as soon as the emperor crab arrived, it had been accepted.

"Good guy, such a big head!"

"Fortunately, our Marquis was prepared and asked someone to repair the big pool, otherwise it really can't fit."

"Stop talking nonsense and put them in quickly. If you die, it's not worth money."

The emperor crab is arranged here. Let's not mention it. Honghong has brought Xiaoyu here.

Xiaoyu's face was a little ugly. After all, it was the first time she flew alone in the air. She was afraid that one might fall down again accidentally. Honghong is bad enough. She deliberately makes a sudden brake occasionally, which makes Xiaoyu's legs tremble.

Early the next morning, Tian Yuqiao took Xiaoyu to Xianxiang hall.

On the big notice outside today, there is a huge crab with three big characters of emperor crab on it! Also write today's new products, ten Liang silver a kilo, the quantity is limited, first come, first served!

There are always some people outside Xianxiang restaurant, thinking about how this restaurant makes money, and planning to imitate and open a similar one. Today, there are new varieties. Naturally, they want to come and try.

With all kinds of psychology, everyone poured into the Xianxiang Museum.

In addition, today in the court hall, after the end of the early Dynasty, the emperor personally released the fresh king crab and made a wave of recommendations in front of the ministers.

The ministers met in the court hall. If they want to eat, they naturally have to come to the Xianxiang hall. So this time, they didn't even have time to change their uniforms, so they came to eat fresh ones.

"Ten liang of silver a catty? I'll go. Is it too expensive?"

"It's not why. We really think we're the big heads of injustice!"

"It's killing me! I'm afraid I don't have enough money for one year."

"Hey, you don't have money to eat. Some people want to eat. Really, don't buy. Stay out of the way."

Dignitaries and dignitaries poured into the Xianxiang hall one after another, and today's stage is filled with ten fresh emperor crabs. They were not bound and were crawling along the edge of the stage.

The perimeter of the stage has been fenced, so I don't worry that they will climb out and hurt people.

You can see the dignitaries sitting in the private rooms on the second and third floors. The number is written on the crab's shell.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our newly caught king crab! You can see from their size that they are the king of crabs! So we only sell ten Liang silver a catty, and you can buy the whole one. You can choose what you like. We only sell ten today, and those who are slow will have to wait until tomorrow."

Wu Fang, the newly hired shopkeeper of Xianxiang hall, was shouting at everyone.

His voice was loud enough to be heard on the third floor. After all, the restaurant is hollow, surrounded by private rooms and a stage in the middle.

"I want number ten!"

"I'll have an eight. Yes, that's the one with great strength."

"Give me one, too. I want number six, lucky number six!"

Someone spoke in the third floor box one after another. Wu Fang weighed the emperor crab directly in order, and then pasted the customer's box number on the crab shell to avoid making mistakes.

Ten king crabs, each weighing up to 20 jin, the biggest one was sold for 282 silver! Tian Yuqiao smiled as she watched Wu Fang weigh.

Those ministers who didn't buy it were looking for acquaintances one by one, planning to get along with others.

"I said, Lord Liu, you bought a twenty-eight Jin one. There are only four of you. You can't finish it. Why don't you share half of us later and I'll bring all the silver."

"Lord Zhang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Oh, it's really unfortunate. We're a little late. I heard you seem to have grabbed a fresh one. Can you give us some?"

"Hahaha, it's simple. You promised to marry your daughter to my son. How about I invite you to this meal?"

"Hum, it's a big deal. I'll come back tomorrow."


At the counter, many guests who didn't buy it came to book the next day. However, they were all rejected by Wu Fang. After all, he is only a small shopkeeper, and the owners above are not ordinary people.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. I can't book tomorrow's quota today. I'm sorry."

"I said you shopkeeper, do you know who my father is? My father is a servant of the military department. Just give me face and book one for me?" the young man began to fight for his father.

"Oh, your father is just a servant of the military department. What's to show off? My grandfather or the emperor, I'm not proud." a fat little fat man ran over and said.

Tian Yuqiao helplessly watched a large group of well-dressed guests embarrass Wu Fang. She couldn't come forward to help out. She could only pray that he was competent as the shopkeeper here.

Wu Fang is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. He directly said that he would discuss it when the prince came back, so that everyone could take it easy.

These people are all people with very tight time. Where are they willing to wait? After waiting for a while, they couldn't help ordering other dishes and made do with it first.

When the king crab over there was cooked and brought up, those who didn't buy it all came out of the box and stretched out their necks.

"Wow, what a big one! It's a pity that I didn't get it this time. I knew I wouldn't come out in the palace today. Anyway, my emperor grandfather has one. It's really ~"

"Master, if we don't go back now, maybe we can catch up with a crab leg," the little eunuch next to suggested.

"Hum, I won't go back. It's shameless. And today I made an appointment with them to buy two big ones for them." the little fat man said with a mouth.

Tian Yuqiao threw part of the emperor crab in the virtual environment into the pool without anyone noticing. When the steward in charge of the kitchen over there came, she asked, "my godfather just sent some more. You can count the number. If you can't, you can provide packing and takeout service."

"Excuse me, miss, what is takeout packing?" the steward asked with a frown.

"Oh, the guests can take them home to cook, and they can take them home to eat. It's easy for us. But we can't have more than ten takeout every day, otherwise we can't supply them." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

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